Friday, August 16, 2013

جامعة_الدول_العبرية والفوضى

جامعة الدول العبرية اجتمعت لإطلاق الشرارة الأولى للخريف العربي والآن هي مطالبة بالإجتماع لإنهاء هذه المهزلة فإما العربان أغبياء أم عملاء. خلصنا من عمرو موسى يلي كان عاملها بيزنس خاص في أجنا العربي! 


Sunday, August 11, 2013

النهار:سبب الهجرة تحسين المستوى المعيشي أولاً... وغياب الأمن ثانياً 43% من المهاجرين جامعيون و 54% منهم لا يفكّرون في العودة

كتب رياض طبارة:
إنّ السبب الرئيس لهجرة اللبنانيين، كما ظهر من الدراسات الميدانية، هو السعي وراء "العمل اللائق" كما حددته منظمة العمل الدولية (ركائزه الثلاث هي الأجر العادل والديمومة والحماية من الاستغلال) وتحسين مستوى المعيشة في شكل عام. وتحصل بعض الاستثناءات النسبية أحياناً عندما تتأزم الحال الأمنية، كما حصل في شكل خاص بعد حرب تموز 2006.

مطعم النارنج ... أطيب أكل وأسوء خدمة

زيارتي لمطعم النارنج - يوم السبت 10-8-  2013
المطعم بجوه وديكوره يأخذنا إلى حارات دمشق القديمة وأصالة أهلها
اشيش طاووق من ناحية الطعم ممتاز جدا
حمص  -على الرغم من انه عيانات ١.٤٠٠ دينار ممتاز
لوحظ بعد عدة زيارة للمطعم بعد بداية الاحداث في سوريا ان الخدمة ساءت  وذلك بحسب مصادر بأن فريق ادارة الجودة التابع للمطعم لا يستطيع زيارة المطعم كما في السابق.
حمامات: لا يوجد كلينيكس
الطاولات: تحتاج وقت كبير للتنظيف
إدارة الصالة: لوحظ غياب التنسيق بين أعضاء الفريق العامل في الصالة
الأرجيلية: نزلتلي لوزي مع العلم ( ربما لان السبع طويل أو هناك زيادة في امعدل المياه)
ملاحظة: بنيت هذه الملاحظات بعد ثلاث زيارات   ابتدت من رأس السنة إلى يوم السبت
#مطعم#النارنج#تقييم#الكويت#سوريا#مطاعم#هاتف # kuwait #syria #narnj Naranj

Thursday, July 25, 2013

علشان كده الرئيس السابق مرسي فاقد للشرعية...... #egypt#egypt#syira#lebanon#governance

يعني امضيت سنتين أثناء دراستي أحلل الأوضاع في الوطن العربي ولسوء حظي طلب مني ورقة حول التعديلات الدستورية في بعض دول الربيع العربي ووجدت التالي:  أن المادة «153»  تنص المادة سالفة الذكر على: «منصب رئيس الجمهورية يخلو للاستقالة أو الوفاة أو العجز الدائم عن العمل أو لأي سبب آخر» وهذا ينفي حدوث  انقلاب عسكري جرى في الشرعية الدستورية. أما لمرددي سيمفونية الإنقلاب على الأخوان لأسبابهم عن غير دراية فإن رئيس الجمهورية حاول الانقلاب العسكري على الشرعية الدستورية، في خطابه قبل الأخير، حينما طالب بمحاكمة منتقديه أمام القضاء العسكري، خلافًا للمادة «198» من الدستور والتي  تنص على عدم جواز محاكمة المدنيين أمام القضاء العسكري إلا في الجرائم التي تضر بالجيش. ويقولون بأن مرسي شرعي وظل يردد شرعية حوالي 38 مرة (تقريبا) مقارنة 4 لمبارك ولكن مرسي نسي أنه  أنه لم يؤدِّ اليمين الدستورية احترامًا لدستور 2012 وبما أن المادة الأولى من الدستور المصري تنص على أن الشعب مصدر السلطات يؤسسها وتستمد منه شرعيتها وتخضع لإرادته فإن الشرعية غير مقرونة بالإنتخابات والصناديق

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

AMERICAN NGOS UNDER ATTACK IN MORSI’S EGYPT #egypt #journalism #usa #icfj

This is what I received from the ICFJ


Chairman Ros-Lehtinen and Members of the Committee, thank you for inviting me to testify about the terrible verdict in Egypt.
The International Center for Journalists’ work in Egypt and around the world is aimed at raising professional standards. We offer practical, hands-on programs using the latest digital tools. We help today’s journalists produce responsible, ethical coverage.

When we first learned of the startling charges against five ICFJ employees, we worked with excellent lawyers to present overwhelming evidence that the allegations were false. Up until the verdict, our lawyers were convinced of an acquittal. The decision to convict all of the NGO workers is a politically motivated move.  It does not reflect the work of ICFJ in Egypt. 

But this decision has ruined lives. What do you say to a distinguished journalist like Yehia Ghanem, whom we hired to lead our new program, which hadn’t even begun, and to finish the registration process? He got a two-year sentence and cannot return home to his wife and three children – and the country he loves – without going to prison. 

What do we say to his children, who cry daily because they miss their father? One of his kids had both arms broken in school for defending his dad’s honor. Our other Egyptian employee, Islam Shafiq, is separated from his pregnant young wife. Though his one-year term was suspended, is it really safe for him to return? Both are here today.

The court labeled the three U.S.-based defendants – Patrick Butler, Natasha Tynes and Michelle Betz – as fugitives, though they were not based in Egypt and were not there when the charges were filed. They got five-year terms. These people’s livelihoods depend on travel. Labeled as convicts, will they be arrested and sent to Cairo by a nation that has an extradition treaty with Egypt? 

Then there's the societal impact. Egyptian court officials say they will pursue anyone who helped the NGOs—and they want to investigate other civil society groups. The draft of a new NGO law, by many accounts, including the State Department’s, is onerously restrictive. 

There is a chilling effect that has frozen the hopes of an Arab Spring. 

For ICFJ, this politically motivated decision is particularly painful. We are not a political organization. We do not take political positions or offer political advice. 
ICFJ has been working in Egypt since 2005, with the complete knowledge of the government. We applied for registration from the start—and shortly before our offices were raided, we gave the government full details about all of our programs. 

We always have formal contracts with prestigious universities or news organizations, which are registered to carry out our programs. In 2011, our lawyer recommended that we open an office, a legal requirement for registration. We had conducted no activities in this office while we waited for final approval. 

At the heart of this matter is a dispute between the U.S. and Egyptian governments over funding for NGO activity.  The Egyptian Minister of International Cooperation was angered that the U.S. gave funds to NGOs instead of to her ministry. ICFJ and its employees were not aware of this dispute. 

The verdict is full of loaded language. The court claims that NGOs may appear to support human rights and democracy, but that the underlying goal is to “undermine Egypt’s national security and lay out a sectarian map that serves U.S. and Israeli interests.” The judges described NGO work as a new form of “soft imperialism practiced by donors to destabilize, weaken and dismantle” Egypt. 

How do we even relate to any of these charges? The ICFJ defendants did nothing wrong by training journalists. We are discussing with our lawyers how to appeal this verdict. But how can we be confident in the appeal process when judges simply ignore the facts? Our employees also risk getting thrown in jail if they return home for an appeal. And those tried in absentia have no legal recourse. 

Egypt’s news media have made groundless attacks on our defendants. These distortions show that the media need ICFJ’s services more than ever. The real victims are the Egyptian people, who will likely see further backsliding in democracy and freedom of expression. 

Members of Congress who visited Egypt during the trial assured our staff there that they had nothing to worry about. The U.S. government would protect those working on programs it funded, they said. We urge Congress now to hold fast to that promise. Please use all means possible to get these unjust verdicts overturned.

We need a pardon so that good, decent people like Yehia Ghanem and Islam Shafiq can recapture their lives. It would be a shame if Egyptian citizens now fear that working to build democratic institutions will only land them in jail.

العنصرية اللبنانية....

تتعرض عرسال للقصف من قبل القوات النظامية السورية فلا يكترث الآخر لأن عرسال داعمة لما يسمى بالثورة السورية.
تتعرض الهرمل لقصف من مجموعات ما يسمى بالجيش الحر ولا يكترث الآخر لشو الله لا يردوا.

أن لبنان لم يكن يوم دولة مستقلة بل كيان والآن يتعرض هذا الكيان لخطر الزوال أو التقسيم بسبب أنو كل جزء بلبنان يحسب نفسه أمة وكلمة الله على الأرض

عدم العيش في بيئة واحدة وعدم قراءة كتب معينة أو السماع لما يتوقع سمعه ويحبه الشخص


لبنان مزرعة سائبة تسوق عبر إعلام عاهر.

kuwait #bahrain#lebanon#syria #human #rights#un#undp #lebanon #islam #jo

Sunday, May 26, 2013

its time to #raise #up in #lebanon #civil #diaobedience #governance #عصيان_مدني #لبنان

Dear lebanese its time to raise up, , think and learn from our past experience. We all know that we are not a Republic but an entity that is governed by others, we all know that we are a sectarian nation and we all believe that we have no social services. Our politicians didn't provide us with our basic needs. A civil war would only cost them a ticket to fly but for us? It will cost us our lives, money and future. Its time to decide whether you wanna be a slave for capitalism or a man, don't you think its time for civil obedience? These losers( gangsters) were unable to agree on an electoral law, do they deserve your support? Don't tell me im not politics and if u do so u are just a piece of nothing. A civil obedience is a must. العصيان المدني في لبنان اصبح حاجة ملحة.

#lebanon #peace #raise

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Arab spring or a social Hari-Kiri in Syria? #syria #lebanon #arab #kuwait #bahrain #ksa #islam #peace #undp #un#unhcr

Arab spring or a social Hari-Kiri in Syria?

Jameel W. Karaki

A lot factors led to the current instabilities in the Arab word such as, Social injustice, high rate of unemployment, lack of freedoms, ignorance and external interventions by international key players who played a vital role in stabilizing some of the regimes collapsed recently in Libya, Egypt ,Yemen, and Syria is no exception.

Yes, a lot of dictatorial regimes collapsed in the Arab World, and others might be following the same path, where some citizens in the Arab world started to get aware of their basic human rights and they are no longer followers, but participators in the state governance. When most revolutions happened, revolutionist fought injustice, oppression, and torturing practiced by their regimes tools and means. However, once a regime is collapsed, rebels act like mad bulls and become a symbol of oppression against those who oppose their policies and political behavior.

Now, we are witnessing horrifying scenes when agitated armed rebels gave vent to their feelings and sentiments. In the most part of the Syrian land, rebels are taking control where a lot of private properties are being occupied by them, killing based on the sect become a normal act of Jihad, imposing Jizya on Christians in Homos and not to mention the emerging of terrorists who came from every part of the world under the name of Jihad to fight against the infidel and impure regime. As a result, Hizbullah fighters were drugged there to protect Shitte Areas which are under attack by these terrorist forces according to the party statement or to protect the regime according to the Syrian rebels.

On other hand, the regime which governed Syria with an iron fest for four decades, occupied Lebanon under an international green land, practiced oppression, suppression, and national slogan were the placebo which drugged the brains of Syrians for many years. This regime now is hallucinating about its ability to govern Syria through media outlets and hopes that the international community would restore the current regime role in the political equation.

In the light of the sterile debate between the regime and opposition, hundreds of innocent people lost their lives, personal and private properties ravaged, healthy economies disrupted, Syrian girls refuges sold into forced marriages according to the telegraph, and lot of businessmen lost their funds, ultimately bringing a much-awaited end to the horrendous rule of the dictatorial regime and to the fake opposition which seems only care about public speaking speeches.

It is absurd to hear voices that call to maintain the current regime or discourage making some anti-regime accountable before the Syrian nation based on some rotten theories, which suggest that usurping corrupt leaders will only result in reducing a country to ashes, as if t people aren’t already burning in the fires of hell that are ignited by those leaders.
Nevertheless, the current opposition is not the ideal alternative for Syria which is lost in the international and regional orbits without giving or suggesting a solid solution for vision to the Syrian cause or a clear re-building plan.

I believe that Syria is in a dire need of something very similar to the Marshal Plan which was a large scale economic program that was implemented in the United States between 1947 and 1951. The Plan was created to help in rebuilding and creating a stronger and broad-based economic foundation for countries across Europe.

On one hand, the coming regime should consider the diversified Syrian social fabric of the Syrian. On the other hand, if the coming regime restore social unity, Syria will certainly be fragmented states within the next few years.

The main focus should be on how to seize fire among the conflict parties, eliminating any foreign forces from the Syrian lands, organize a safe transformation for power, and hold elections under the supervision of neutral countries, aiming to build a modern state that makes every leader accountable for his actions.
 Moreover assistance in the form of overwhelming support coming from the US, Petro Dollars countries, the European Union, or even from creatures from outer space will surely be welcomed wholeheartedly without unless they are conditional. Finally, Jihad should be inside the occupied Palestine and not Syria, the Muslim is not the Christian’s enemy, the Sunni is not the Shitte’ enemy, the real enemy is the Zionism, and yet we are the enemies of ourselves.
 #syria #lebanon #arab #kuwait #bahrain #ksa #islam #peace #undp #un#unhcr

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

أمة السنة والشيعة....

لا أدري لماذا عندما يسلم عابد لبقرة أو ملحد أو لأي شيئ، يمطرنا البعض بالتكبير والتهليل وكأن أمة محمد رجعت لأمجادها، ولكن هؤلاء الذي يجادلون بغير علم ومنطق وحتى إطلاع على الدين، يمطرون من يؤمنون بالله وبمحمد وبالقرآن (مثلهم) والذين يتبعون مدرسة فقهية مختلفة ( الجعفرية) والتي هي أصل المذاهب الأربعة،
 يصفونهم بالمجوسية والكفر. نعم هناك فرق بين سنة وشيعة حيث السنة لفظ أطلق على علماء الحديث وأيضاً كل فعل وتقرير أو قول صدر عن خير البشر محمد صلى الله عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم)، أما الشيعة فهي بللغة أتباع فلان. فرقة تستنبط السنة النبوية الشريفة من الصحابة ومن أهل البيت وفرقة تسنتبط السنة الشريفة من أهل البيت والصحابة. يقولون عنك مجوسي ، وهل من يتبع الأمام البخاري أو سنن ابن ماجه أصبح مجوسيا؟ وهل يوجد فرق بين عربي وأعجمي إلا بالعمل الصالح والتقوى؟
طيب رافضي؟ نعم كلنا روافض للظلم وللبغاء والهمجية التي نهى عن الأسلام؟ أنا رافضي وأنت ناصبي؟ لا تقلق فأنا ناصبي أيضاً فأنا أكره كل من كره محمد وآل بيته وصحبه وأكثر من ذلك أكره هؤلاء الحمير الذين يحملون أسفار ويجادلون من غير علم ويتعمقون بجهلم بإسم الدين! الخلاف فقهي لا عقائدي وخلافي مع نفسي أنني أتحدث الآن إلى نفسي التي ارتضت ان تخاطب بعضاً من أصحاب الجهل المركب والحقد الدفين!
#الشيعة #السنة # إسلام #فكر #حوار #نقاش #مصر

Monday, February 4, 2013

Q&A with the Kuwait Progressive Movement

Jameel W. Karaki
Last updated: February 4, 2013
To shed light on socialism in Kuwait, Your Middle East interviewed Dhari Al-Rajeeb, head of a leftist force attempting to establish a “modern democracy.”

 #kuwait #progressive #usa #movement

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

#Jasmine Call #syria #lebanon #kuwait #jo #ksa #iraq #aid #un

The Women's Cultural and Social Society, is organizing ”Jasmine Call” – two fund-raising events, under the patronage of the Minister of  Information Sheikh Salman 

AlHumood AlSabah, with the aim of providing relief aid to some four million displaced people in Syria. This will contribute to rescuing them from hunger and cold and to 

provide them with such basic needs as food, milk-powder medical and health care supplies, and clothing needs.

The first event:

A concert, performed by the global composer and pianist Malek Jandali, and an art exhibition displaying the fine works of artist Kevork  Mourad. (CVs attached).

26th Jan.2013 (Saturday) at 7.30 p.m., at the theatre of The Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST), Mishref.

The second event:

A concert, performed by the renowned musician and oud player Naseer Shamma and an art exhibition displaying the fine works of artist Kevork  Mourad. (CVs attached).
27th Jan.2013 (Saturday) at 7.30 p.m., at the theatre of The Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST), Mishref.

We do hope to have your support for this humanitarian undertaking through your participation as a sponsor for which you can choose any of the following categories:

1-                Platinum Sponsor:  KD 10,000.
The sponsor will receive the following benefits:
-      The company's name, as a platinum sponsor, will appear large sized in the press release that will be published in the local dailies.
-      The company's logo will appear in large size on all advertisements, leaflets and brochures of the event.
-      The company will have one full page to advertise itself in the booklet of the event.
-      Four complimentary tickets for both events.
-      The sponsor can install a poster and a roll-up of the company at the entrance of the reception hall.  

2-    Golden Sponsor: KD 5,000
The sponsor will receive the following benefits:
-      The company's name, as a golden sponsor, will appear medium-sized in the press release that will be published in the local dailies.
-      The company's logo will appear in medium size on all advertisements, leaflets and brochures of the event.
-      The company will have half a page to advertise itself in the booklet of the event.
-      Three complimentary tickets for both events.
-      The sponsor can install a roll-up of the company at the entrance of the reception hall. 

3-    Silver Sponsor: KD 3,000
The sponsor will receive the following benefits:
-      The company's name, as a golden sponsor, will figure out small-sized in the press release that will be published in the local dailies.
-      The company's logo will appear in small size on all advertisements, leaflets and brochures of the event.
-      The company's logo will appear in the booklet of the event.
-      Two complimentary tickets for both events.

We will be looking forward to having your favorable response and please accept our highest consideration and best regards.

Secretary General
Lulua Saleh  Al-Mulla.

-CVs of Malek Jandali, Kevork Mourad, Nasseer Shamma
-Profile of the Women's Cultural and Social Society.

Musician Malek Jandali:

-         Internationally renowned pianist and composer.

-    First Syrian and only Arab musician to arrange music based on the oldest music notation in the world which was discovered in the Bronze Age city of Ugarit, Syria dating back to the 4th. Century B.C. He added to it rhythm and harmony and played it on the piano with globally renowned orchestras. His famous album "Echos from Ugarit" was an outcome of his attempst to mix Arabic modes in an academic way with the classical western harmony.

-         He learned music at the age of 4, and played his first concert at 8. He joined the Arab Conservatory of Music then the Higher Institute of Music in Damscus, where he was tutored by world renowned pianists. He performed in top theatres in the Middle East, Europe, USA, and Syria.

-  Currently works in the State of Georgia, USA, and is studying for a Ph.D. Degree in music.

-         Winner of many music global awards.

Musician Naseer Shamma:

-      One of the most famous Arab musicians who efficiently stands out in solo musical composition.

-      First Arab eight-string Oud player, following the manuscript of the 9th. Century music theorist Al-Farabi. His innovations included the new method of playing the Oud with one hand which allowed handicapped people to play this instrument.

-      He composed the music of many Arab theatrical plays, movies and documentaries.

-      He worked on the attempt to portray formative art through music, and studied the effect of music on formative artists.

-      Founded Beit Al-Oud Al-Arabi in Cairo in 1999, and is currently a professor of Oud in the Cairo Opera House.  He founded "Uyun" group for Arabic music in Cairo, "Sudasi Al-Anamel Al-Thahabiya" band, "Al-Bayareq" musical Band, and "Orchestra Al-Sharq".

Artist Kevork Mourad:

-      Formative Artist who studied in Syria and continued his higher studies in The Institute of Fine Arts in Yerevan, Armenia.

-      Held numerous galleries in Arab countries and USA.

-      Mastered the technique of spontaneous painting at an early stage of his professional life, in which he shares the stage with musicians.

-      Any painting by Kevork is related to the musical colorful rhythm heard through the eyes.

-      One of few artists who worked on merging the formative visual language with the rhythms of musical tunes.

-      Kevork depends in his paintings on the rhythms of musical tunes according to two major trends: spontaneous and rational; The first emphasizes the psychological effect of the color, movement, and the special formative rhythm; while the rational appears through abidance by temporal rhythm, which gives the audience a glimpse on the scale of awareness of the encaustic between rationalization and emotion.

Society in Brief

The Women’s Cultural & Social Society (WCSS),  the first women’s society to be established in Kuwait, was founded on February 3, 1963 by the first batch of female Kuwaiti university graduates.
The main objectives of the Society are:
1-          Developing the educational status of women in all fields.
2-          Ensuring that women take part in the various activities of the community.
3-Increasing women's awareness of their responsibilities and rights, in additional to all the issues of concern to the community.
4-   Encouraging women to take part in the various activities of the community.
 A seven-member board of directors, elected every two years by the general assembly, manages the Society.
The Board of Directors carries out its tasks according to an established statute, whereby Board members chair the operating committees, and the other WCSS members share the voluntary responsibility of practicing cultural, social, health, media and sports activities through various committees.

#syira #music #kuwait #art #wcss