Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Economic harmony or political hara-kiri?

Governments should ensure that their citizens are afforded better living conditions and ably guided through economical, social and constitutional guidelines.

Wednesday,02 March 2011

By : Jameel W. Karaki

The Arab world, which has blissfully enjoyed a relative period of peace and calm in the recent past, suddenly seems to have been jolted out of its senses; going by the furious spate of demonstrations, upheavals and uprisings that are being organized in various countries across the region. In fact, it looks like the events simply "erupted" in the form of a wakeup call - bringing to the fore; the various shortcomings of governments in those countries coupled with a host of atrocities heaped upon citizens by their rulers.

In this day and age of Internet technology and freedom of expression worldwide, we cannot expect peoples around the world to succumb to oppression, suppression, deplorable living conditions and degradation of their basic human rights. A number of dictatorial regimes across the Arab world have collapsed, others are treading the same path; while in the underlying process, citizens in those unfortunate countries are becoming more and more aware of their demands, their rights and their privileges that their leaders are expected to provide them by law.

It goes without saying that even the most corrupt and dictatorial regimes will eventually be compelled to bow down to the righteous demands of their disgruntled citizens. More often than not, it is only when desperate and disgruntled citizens voice their grievances in one loud cacophony of voices on the streets, that their voices are eventually heard.

Horrifying scenes were witnessed when agitated demonstrators gave vent to their feelings and sentiments. Supporters as well as those opposed to the ruling regimes were seen protesting and voicing their demands for positive changes. Unfortunately, demonstrations of such magnitude do take their toll in terms of lives and property. Hundreds of innocent people lost their lives, personal and private properties ravaged, healthy economies disrupted - ultimately bringing a much-awaited end to the horrendous rule of dictatorial regimes.

The absolute need of the hour is to envisage a feasible vision combined with a concrete plan to work thoroughly on the recommendations and revaluations undertaken on the strength of a national consensus to draw out a reformative plan for the future. Governments should ensure that their citizens are afforded better living conditions ably supported by effective economical, social, political and constitutional guidelines. If such a consensus cannot be reached, we will only find ourselves repeating history over and over again, much to the other dictators, lurking in the shadows, will step in and repeat those atrocities.

It is also sickening indeed to hear or read stories of those so-called intellectuals or journalists who discourage overthrowing such oppressive regimes based on some moldy theories which suggest that usurping corrupt leaders will only result in reducing a country to ashes - as if the people aren't already burning in the fires of hell that are ignited by those leaders.

In my humble, modest and simple opinion, all those who aspire to bring about positive change, progressive revolutions, or even a combination of social-minded generation of peoples and media alike (God Bless America for its innovative tools) should draw out effective plans to be applied on short and long-term bases to conceptualize and realize their achievements.

I also believe that we are in a dire need of something very similar to the Marshal Plan which was a large scale economic program that was implemented in the United States between 1947 and 1951. The Plan was created to help in rebuilding and creating a stronger and broad-based economic foundation for countries across Europe.

On one hand, we need to rely on ourselves solely when it comes being equipped with an overall knowledge with regards to key production values while following effective strategies of wealth management to ensure a better future for future generations. On the other hand, if we fail to achieve economic harmony or reforms, we will certainly be reduced to being fragmented states within the next 20 years or so.

Furthermore, we should focus on national unity and economic progression and not depend on similar backgrounds of caste, creed, religion or even our shared histories because those attributes have never led us anywhere while reducing us to being backward and ignorant peoples of nations. This time around, all Arab leaders as well as their peoples should get together to discuss, draw out and implement plans that will promise a glorious future for the entire region.

Finally, any assistance in the form of overwhelming support coming from the US, the European Union, or even from creatures from outer space will surely be welcomed wholeheartedly since "we" are our "own" enemies -- not the Americans, not the Europeans; not even the terrorist State of Israel.

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