Sunday, March 6, 2011

Arab Summit's postponement not confirmed, says Al Jarallah

Sunday,06 March 2011

By : Jameel W. Karaki

KUWAIT: The Undersecretary of the Foreign Ministry Khaled Al-Jarallah said that there haven't been any confirmed reports on whether or not the Arab Summit which is due to be held in May will be postponed.

"I can't give a confirmed comment as I don't have an official confirmation," said Al-Jarallah in a statament to the reporters during a recepection on the occasion of the Bulgarian National Day.

As to the Libyan protests, Al-Jarallah noted that the international community moved quickly to provide assistance to the stranded people on the Libyran borders, adding that Kuwaiti embassy's staff was evacuated.

On the occasion of the Bulgarian celebration, Al-Jarallah described the relationship beween the two countrires as historic and distinct.

He pointed out that there is keenness to develop the ties of friendship between the two countries, praising the position of Bulgaria during the Iraqi invasion to Kuwait.

On his part the the Bulgarian Ambassador to Kuwait Ilko Shivachev asserted on the friendly relations as he recalled the visit of Bulgarian Prime Minister to Kuwait last March.

Shivachev added, "we are waiting for the upcoming visit of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad to Bulgaria soon" where during the visit a number of important memorandums in the areas of economy, agricultural, tourism and healthcare will be signed.

Regarding the military cooperation between the two countries, Shivachev said that there is a particular cooperation in the military medical field. He further said that Bulgaria is waiting for Kuwait's approval to invest in a military medical facility in Bulgaria to qualify officers in this area from both countries.

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