Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lebanon , a Farm or Republic

Jameel W. Karaki

Jameel W. karaki

There is a piece of heaven on the Mediterranean, settled on a green meadow Called Lebanon. This Farm or the republic is a wonderland whereas it captures your attention due to its nature as well as the culture of its illogic.

In Lebanon, citizens are charged for electricity and when ever their lamps and lights are on they celebrate praising god for this bless as if they didn't buy a generator to have their own supply of electricity since the government since ages is not able to solve this problem. one hand, A lot of people decided to liberate Lebanon and fought Israel, some used properties, a person he loved, or even his whole family for the sake of free Lebanon. On the other hand, other people cooperated with Israel, raped, killed and gained money and yet the only sentence they get its a one month sentence at jail, What a justice.

It is not a republic, it is a kingdom, we don't choose our own politicians, since there are some families who inherit leadership to their kids and the future generations of the family although they are not qualified enough, thanks for the ignorant citizen who support a leader for his sect, for receiving money, and schooling for his kid from this politician ignoring the fact that this politician robed this money from the public treasury since the his great grandfather.

In Lebanon, the infant before he leaves his moms womb is in debt for the international donors around 15000$ because of our wise balanced economic development policies and strategies.

You can be a killer, or a terrorist or a spy and become a leader in Lebanon as long you receive the international support. in addition, its possible for you to find a whore preaches a holy nun, a thief who is being called smart and an honest being called stupid because he didn't steal from the cabinet.

The loyalty of the Lebanese is for his sect not for his country that's why we won't be ever a republic.

Recently a lot of people we in rage in the Lebanese streets against the appointment of billionaire Mr Najib Meqati as a prime minster as if this poistion were only designed for his Excellency Saad Al Harriri and for those people I would like to say " Saad is not Rafiq" and the international tribune is fabricated to serve the interest of Israel since it has many false witnesses with the involvement of some Lebanese parties and politicians.

In addition, Lebanese politicians agreed not agree therefore,Congratulations for the new prime minster Mr Najib Meqati, wishing Mr.Saad Al Harriri to follow the path of his father by supporting the Lebanese resistance, and wishing the Lebanese people a happy Lebanon.

It seems to me that Lebanon is a farm owned by landlords and the herds of sheep's are the citizens but these landlords have kings governing them outside the farm

Why should we wait for Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria, Iran, USA, and other countries to solve our problems? Can't we solve it as Lebanese here? Do the leader of these countries knows about our feelings? Do they know what is the best of us or its just the interest of our leaders?.

Finally, whoever occupies a governmental position in Lebanon is only a servant for the citizen people not only for his sect, as a result for those who says that Saad Al Harriri is the only one who deserves it i say, holding the responsibility of a prime minster is a national mission not a sectarian one. The Same applies for the presidency and the Parliament

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