Monday, January 31, 2011

مصر التي في خاطري للرائعة سعدية مفرح
مقالة رائعة للكاتبة والشاعرة الرائعة سعدية مفرح
مصر أولا .. مصر أخيرا .. مصر دائما
صحيح ان ما يحدث الان في مصر يبدو كأنه صدى لما حدث في

تونس قبل أسابيع قليلة، خاصة ان الشباب المصري الثائر لم يجد

غضاضة في استعارة بعض شعارات الشباب التونسي ليرددها

حرفيا أحيانا أو بتعديلات تناسب الحالة المصرية أحيانا أخرى، لكن

الصحيح ايضا ان مصر اولا، وقبل تونس، ليس في ثورتها الشبابية

وحسب بل أيضا في حجم ما يمكن ان تتركه هذه الثورة على محيطها

العربي ..تحديدا.

مصر التي ثارت (أخيرا ثارت) لم تكن بحاجة إلى بوعزيزي مصري

يحرق نفسه فتشتعل الارض من تحت اقدامه، فمعظم شباب مصر

ينتمون إلى قبيلة البوعزيزي، وهم يحترقون يوميا، ومنذ سنوات

طويلة، وهم يغذون حرائق ارواحهم بالكثير من الصبر والعمل (أي

عمل) والضحك.. ولكنه ضحك كالبكاء.

بعيدة مصر جغرافياً، لكنها قريبة من القلب حتى لتكاد تحتله

بأكمله، أعني القلب العربي كله. القلب الذي يتشظى في الرخاء والفرح

ومباريات كرة القدم، ويعود ليصير قلبا واحدا نابضا بالحماسة

والألم والحزن في الشدائد.

وهكذا توحد القلب العربي مرة أخرى، وفجأة وجد الجميع نفسه

معنيا بما يحدث في مصر، لا كما انشغل سابقا بما يحدث في تونس

بل كما هو منشغل دائما بما يحدث في وطنه. مصر هي الوطن الخاص

الآخر لكل منا، ولذلك دارت دائرة قوس قزح الملونة باختياراتها المتعددة

لتصير لونا واحدا هو اللون الابيض.. كما قلب مصر وأهلها تماما.

لكن ما الذي يحدث؟

مصريون في شوارع القاهرة والاسكندرية والسويس وغيرها

من المدن المصرية الكبرى والصغرى والقرى والنجوع والعشوائيات

أيضا يرفعون صوتهم عاليا، يسمون الاشخاص بأسمائهم، يتكلمون

بكلمات صريحة جدا، يرددون شعارات قاسية جدا ولكنها تعبر

بدقة عما يريدون، يطالبون بالتغيير.. التغيير.. التغيير ولا شيء غير

التغيير، التغيير الكبير الذي يبدأ من فوق، أي من أعلى قمة سياسية

في بلادهم.. من الرئيس. ومع انهم لا يعرفون تماما الى أي حد يمكن

أن يصل هذا التغيير بهم وبوطنهم، الا انهم على الاقل يدركون، ربما

بالفطرة، انه لن يصل بهم الى ما هو أسوأ، فليس هناك ما هو أسوأ،

وقد يئسوا من الاصلاح الذاتي للنظام بعد أن تورم هذا النظام وتعالى

كثيرا على مطالبهم البسيطة والمقدور على تأمينها بمصادر مصر

الاقتصادية والسياسية وحدها، بعيدا عن تلك المعونات التي يلوح بها

الاخرون كلما ارتفع الصوت مهددين بايقافها.

المشهد المصري الذي احتل الشاشات التلفزيونية في العالم كله،

وفاض عنها ليحتل شاشات الحواسيب بإمكاناتها الجديدة المتعددة،

رغم المنع الرسمي في مصر لكل وسائل الاتصال تقريبا، مشهد نادر

جدا في القاهرة المسالمة والمتسامحة دائما. لكن السيل هذه المرة، كما

يبدو بلغ أعالي جبل المقطم، بعد ان أغرق العشوائيات الرابضة على

سفحه دليلا على ما يحدث في بر مصر.

الغريب ان النظام المصري، المشهود له بالذكاء الاستخباراتي والخبرة

الأمنية، لجأ الى أغبى حيلة سياسية يمكن ان يلجأ اليها دكتاتور قديم

أو حديث. حيلة المنع، فقطع جميع شبكات الهاتف المحمول، واغلق

معظم مكاتب الفضائيات، العربية تحديدا، ومنع مغردي التويتر من

التغريد بعد أن أغلق صفحات الفيسبوك. تمترس خلف بابه المغلق،

وجلس يسجل خطابه الاعلامي، وفقا لتوقيت واشنطن، ليكون مادته

الاعلامية الوحيدة في تلفزيونه المنعزل عن شعبه. دكتاتور كامل

.«؟ على مين » الاوصاف.. وبعلامات مصرية فارقة. لكن

قالها المتنبي وهو يائس من اي تحرك مصري ضد من يحكمه

نامت نواطير مصر عن ثعالبها * فقد » : من العبيد ذات بيت خالد

وربما آن الاوان لنقول للمتنبي: اسمح لنا ..« بشمن وما تفنى العناقيد

يا شاعر.. ليس بعد الان. فقد استيقظت نواطير مصر.. وخرجت الى

الشوارع.. وقودها الناس.. والامل.

سعدية مفرح


Saud Al-Dugaishem , Al Watan Daily Thursday,27 January 2011

Beware in resting assured of your conditions: Al-Nafisi

Unity of the Gulf conference tackles obstacles towards unification

 KUWAIT: The Unity of the Gulf and Arab Peninsula Countries conference held on Tuesday included experts from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states and Yemen to conduct seminars and workshops on assessing the experience of the GCC and unity among the countries of the region.

On its second day, the conference discussed the legal and factual evidence of the unity. Dr. Hakim Al-Mutairi from Kuwait talked about the justification of legitimacy, he said, "We live in an area experiencing a legitimacy crisis since the British imperialism. We had unity between Gulf and Arab countries during the Ottoman Empire's days. However, the legitimate crisis existed back then. The ironic thing is we were not aware of this; the only people that were aware of this crisis were the Westerns. Hence the crisis has risen in 1922 when the Middle East was divided. According to history, back in the days of ignorance, the only thing that has united the Arab world was the Islamic religion based on the Quranic verses and Hadiths."

Dr. Adel Al-Hassan from Bahrain replied to Dr. Al-Mutairi with two key points. "My first point is in order to have a united GCC; we must have legitimacy. The second point is our nations need to become united against the infidel enemies."

The next speaker, Dr. Khalid Al Qasimi from the UAE, started off by saying, "Psycho-social challenges are the most important factors in unity. When we see Sudan, Lebanon and a couple of other Arab countries having their unity broken into bits and pieces by international factors, it makes it hard to achieve unity. Being extreme in tribalism and extreme in religion is not the solution for unity."

On his part, Dr. Mohammad Taher from Oman in an exclusive statement to Al Watan Daily said, "To be honest, this conference is one of the goals of the communities of this area that we seek. This conference is a tributary for the Gulf cooperation path. What happened in the Gulf Cooperation Council does not meet the needs and requirements of the Gulf society because there are bottlenecks and we have to invoke and activate Article No. 4 in order to reach unity and this is the popular GCC peoples demand." One of the most important items Dr. Taher stated was, "How come our GCC schools teach American and European history and leave out our Gulf's history."

Dr. Ali Al-Kawari from Qatar along with Dr. Rija Al-Marzouqi from Saudi Arabia both discussed the economic challenges related to the GCC. Al-Kawari said, "We need to forget about the oil's profit and start working on investing our money without having to spend the profit we make out of oil. It (oil revenues) should be kept safe and untouched for the future generations." He threw Norway as an example and discussed that since they discovered they had oil, they never used its revenues. Dr. Al-Marzouqi said the benefits of having a unified GCC currency are "Price stability, stability of the monetary authority, cancellation of costs when converting them to another currency, increase of investments, increase in trade exchange, the oil will be invested with the same currency hence there will be economic growth that all comes with a united currency."

Dr. Abdullah Al-Nafisi a former MP and a well known political activist showed the attendees and the GCC activists that spoke in the conference the political challenges of having a GCC unity. He started off presenting a diagram that he drew. "This diagram that has the US and Europe in the center, showing that it controls the periphery countries through four means which are, monopolizing arms, monopolizing resources such as oil and wheat, monopolizing international legitimacy such as the UN and the last point is globalism in terms of trade and culture." He criticized the UAE by saying, "How come the UAE sends their military to fight in Afghanistan based on a decision made by the NATO, while some of their land is occupied by Iran, why don't they use their military to bring their lands back? Hence international legitimacy is controlling us. In terms of globalization about two years ago Liz Cheney, daughter of Dick Cheney, visited us to tell the GCC countries that their 'education curriculums needs reconsideration, particularly Religious curriculums. The Quranic verses that you teach to your children about the Jews create hatred between the peoples and we according to law prevent that across the world, hence I address to you in the name of the United States to re-look at the religious education system that you teach to children in schools.' Sadly, the GCC states agreed with her and changed their religious curriculum."

Dr. Al-Nafisi further stated, "I would like to quote former CIA member Katzman who said, "I imagine the only countries that will be left in the gulf region would only be The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The Sultanate of Oman and Yemen, the rest of the countries because of foreign threats will not be stable, unless they volunteer to join another country, or they would join the neighboring country by force." Hence beware in resting assured of your conditions."

He further said, "All of us thought that the GCC would solve our problems, and make us feel confident, safe and united, but this never happened. The origin of the creation of the GCC with the purpose of unity has failed."

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A republic or a domestic farmhouse?

Monday,31 January 2011

By : Jameel W. Karaki

There is a magnificent piece of glorious heaven, down on earth - right here in the Mediterranean that has settled firmly on terra firma atop lush green meadows called Lebanon. This once-famed and resplendent republic which has now been relegated to a lowly farmhouse was indeed (during its prime

) a fantasy wonderland of sorts. A wonderland that captured the attention of residents and visitors alike, while holding them spellbound through the wonders and intricacies of the humble nature and culture of its people combined with the natural splendor of its natural surroundings.

It is no closed-door secret that in Lebanon, as is everywhere else in the world, citizens are charged for electricity consumption. And since that is a common feature and requirement, why is it so that whenever the Lebanese people light their oil drenched lamps or switch on their electric bulbs (despite paying the said bills) get down on their knees, pray and praise the Lord God Almighty for showering His divine blessings on them? That is because despite paying their bills, they're unsure whether the lights will light up when electrical switches are switched on the following day!

This is so, because through years of internal conflict most of the people cannot even afford to buy generators in efforts to have their own limited supply of electricity. Why? I say this simply because the government, since generations, has yet to come up with affordable and feasible solutions to counter this problem, while an underprivileged people are left with little or no options at all.

The Lebanese people's patriotism, sense of duty and brotherhood can, never be held under doubt nor can it ever be debated. On the one hand, we have those selfless patriotic citizens who fought with their lives against hordes of enemies to liberate their beloved country Lebanon. It is only befitting to mention here that those people lost their properties, a person or persons that they held most dear to their hearts while some even had their entire families wiped out -- while liberating their country from fiends and foes.

Sadly and unfortunately, on the other hand, there are those evil and cursed people who corroborated with the enemy, raped and killed their own people in gluttonous efforts to amass fortunes. Yet, the only sentences that they were handed down by the judiciary were miserably negligible month-old sentences in jails across the country. What a justice! It would have been far better if sentences like those were not handed down at all. It is an atrocious mockery of the legal system and that is all that I have to say in this regard.

It is not a free republic, I would say. It is a kingdom dominated by centuries-old monarchs. We are not even entitled to elect our own leaders of choice since there are some hierarchical families who engage in handing down the reins of leadership to their own offspring and future generations of their families despite the undisputed fact that they are not qualified enough; if not at all!

And thanks to all those ignorant and lowly citizens who support their leaders of choice from their respective sects in exchange for money, free education and all sorts of favors while blissfully overlooking the fact that they are those very politicians who have been depleting massive funds from the public treasury -- just like their great grandfathers did.

It goes without saying that we Lebanese, as a people, pledge their loyalties in favor of their own sects - instead of pledging our allegiance to our country first. This is the main reason why we will never ever succeed in transforming our country into a republic.

It was only recently that scores of enraged and incensed people took to the streets - vociferously expressing their outrage against the appointment of billionaire candidate Najib Meqati as prime minister. It is indeed ironical that they staged protests against his appointment; while making it look like the post of the prime minister has been strictly reserved for His Excellency Saad Al-Hariri.

And to all those who are under the impression that the prime minister's post is the royal prerogative of Saad Al-Hariri, I would like to point out the fact that "Saad, under any circumstances; is no Rafiq." Not to mention the fact that the International Tribune is fabricating and distorting facts to serve the best interests of Israel. I say this in light of the fact that the truth is being withheld by a handful of false witnesses with the pathetic involvement of some Lebanese parties and politicians.

It is indeed deplorable that Lebanese politicians always like to agree to disagree; and in this context, I'd like to offer my heartiest congratulations to the new Prime Minister Najib Meqati, while encouraging Saad Al-Harriri to earnestly follow in the footsteps of his late father by supporting the Lebanese resistance, while wishing the Lebanese people peace and prosperity.

Judging by all the events and manipulations mentioned above, it only goes without saying that Lebanon is a farmhouse that is surreptitiously owned and managed by farm lords while the herds of sheep that are locked up in pens are the lowly citizens. What these farm lords do not realize is the bare fact that there are mighty kings who are actually scrutinizing their actions and directing their moves from outside the shady confines of their farms.

What I cannot comprehend is: Why should we have to wait for other countries to solve our own domestic problems? Why can't we sit down together and solve them by ourselves amicably? Can the leaders of those countries (who we look up to), gauge our feelings? Can they ever surmise what's best of us or are they only interested in the best interests of our so-called leaders?

Finally, all those that are entrusted in key government positions in Lebanon are mere government employees that are expected to look after the best interests of all Lebanese citizens - and not restrict their care and attention to particular sects.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

أخبار وأسرار لبنانية

الياس المر ومروان حمادة يلقيان فيلتمان: غادر النائب مروان حماده والوزير الياس المر على متن طائرة خاصة الى باريس. وتردد ان لقاء سيجمعهما مع مساعد وزير الخارجية الأميركية جيفري فيلتمان الموجود هناك للبحث مع المسؤولين الفرنسيين في الملف اللبناني.

خلاف ميقاتي والحريري لن يطول: اكد رئيس المجلس الوطني للإعلام ابراهيم عوض ان الفراق الذي حصل بين سعد الحريري ونجيب ميقاتي حول مسألة التكليف في تشكيل الحكومة لن يطول، اولا لان طبيعة الرئيس ميقاتي معتدلة، اضافة الى ان للرئيس سعد الحريري حسابات شعبية وطائفية تمنعه من ان يكون على خصام مع الرئيس ميقاتي.

ولفت الى ان احد عوامل رأب الصدع بين الرجلين الاساسية اشتراكهما في علاقة طيبة جدا مع السعودية التي سيكون لها دور في هذه المسألة، والتعجيل باعادة وصل ما انقطع بينهما. واضاف ان حالة الغضب التي شهدها الشارع الطرابلسي كانت مقتصرة على يوم واحد، وقد شكلت تعبيرا عن غضب وتثبيت لموقع الحريري، والآن عادت الامور الى نطاقها السياسي الطبيعي.

تغير في الخارطة الدرزية: يرى محللون سياسيون ان الملابسات التي أحاطت بالتغيير الحكومي الراهن والتداعيات السياسية الناتجة عنه، أعادت خلط أوراق التحالفات والخارطة السياسية، وسيكون لها أبلغ الأثر على الانتخابات النيابية المقبلة للعام 2013‍. والتغيير الأبرز والأول هو على الساحة الدرزية حيث من المتوقع:

- حلول مروان حمادة مكان غازي العريضي على لائحة المستقبل في بيروت.

- نقل وائل أبو فاعور ترشيحه من البقاع الغربي الى حاصبيا.

- حلول وئام وهاب محل مروان حمادة على المقعد الدرزي الثاني في الشوف.

تقديراً لموقف الصفدي: تسود أوساط الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي أجواء تقدير وامتنان للوزير محمد الصفدي على موقفه في الاستشارات النيابية وتسميته ميقاتي، برغم الضغوط الكبيرة التي مورست عليه، ما يرسخ «تحالف الرجلين معا في المرحلة المقبلة» حسب قولهم. ونقل عن الرئيس ميقاتي قوله ان ما قام به الوزير محمد الصفدي وما تحمله نتيجة موقفه أمر يقدر عليه بالكامل، »ربما لم أكن لأقف إلى جانبه كما وقف هو إلى جانبي تحت كل الضغط الذي تعرض له». ويرى مقربون من الصفدي ان تحالفه مع ميقاتي سيعطي الرجلين قوة دفع كبيرة.

قطر وميقاتي: أول دولة عربية رحبت باختيار الرئيس ميقاتي كانت قطر التي شاركت الى جانب تركيا وسورية بالمشاورات الماراتونية ليل الأحد الاثنين. وكان أمير قطر اتصل بالرئيس الأسد مرات عدة خلال تلك الفترة، علما انه بقي في دمشق يومين متتالين يتابع المستجدات.

وتردد ان القطريين الذين دخلوا على الخط بقوة هم الذي أبلغوا الرئيس الفرنسي نيكولا ساركوزي باسم نجيب ميقاتي كمرشح بديل عن الحريري، فأبدى ساركوزي رضاه وقبوله.

خطاب مضبوط: لوحظ انكفاء حزب الله عن الواجهة الإعلامية في الأيام الماضية، وهذا ما يحصل عادة بتعميم على النواب والمسؤولين في الحزب. وباستثناء بعض الاصوات «المتحمسة جدا» التي تذهب بعيدا وأكثر مما يريده الحزب، فإن الخطاب الإعلامي للمعارضة والمحسوبين عليها، كان مضبوطا الى حد بعيد.

بورصة وزراء المعارضة

نقلا عن الأنباء الكويتية

الرئيس المكلف ينهي مشاوراته اليوم.. والمستقبل يطالبه بتحديد موقفه من المحكمة.. والحريري عن مشاركته
بالحكومة: «لشو»؟
عواصم - هدى العبود والوكالات:

بدأ رئيس الحكومة اللبناني المكلف نجيب ميقاتي أمس مشاورات مع نواب البرلمان تهدف إلى تأليف حكومة جديدة، حيث التقى ظهرا رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، ورئيس حكومة تصريف الأعمال سعد الحريري، والزعيم المسيحي ميشال عون، ورئيس الحكومة السابق فؤاد السنيورة ونائب رئيس مجلس النواب فريد مكاري.

واجتمع بعد ذلك بالكتل النيابية الواحدة تلو الأخرى، ثم بالنواب المستقلين، على أن تستمر هذه الاستشارات النيابية حتى ظهر اليوم، يليها لقاء مع رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان لاستشراف شكل الحكومة الجديدة.

وفيما تساءلت أوساط سياسية عن الموقف النهائي لتيار المستقبل، وان كان سيتجه للمشاركة المشروطة أو عدم المشاركة نهائيا، قطع الحريري الشك باليقين مؤكدا بعد لقاء لخمس دقائق مع ميقاتي وردا على سؤال حول مشاركته بالقول «لشو؟».

بدوره، أكد رئيس الحكومة الأسبق فؤاد السنيورة أننا «تمنينا على ميقاتي توضيح وتحديد موقفه والتزامه العلني في المسائل التالية وإدراجها صراحة في البيان الوزاري: أولا هل تلتزم بعدم الموافقة على طلب فك التزام لبنان بالمحكمة وطلب وقف تمويلها وسحب القضاة اللبنانيين وإلغاء مذكرات التفاهم التي وقعها لبنان مع الأمم المتحدة، وهل تلتزم بعدم إدراج أي من هذه المواضيع على جدول أعمال مجلس الوزراء وعدم الموافقة على أي مشروع قانون يصب في هذا الإطار.

ثانيا، هل تلتزم بوضع خطة زمنية لجمع السلاح الموجه إلى صدور الناس من كل الأراضي اللبنانية باستثناء السلاح الموجه إلى إسرائيل الذي يجب أن يكون ضمن استراتيجية دفاعية لاسيما بعدما خرق حزب الله اتفاق الدوحة.

ثالثا، هل تلتزم بتنفيذ مقررات طاولة الحوار وفقا لجدول زمني محدد وخصوصا لجهة نزع السلاح خارج المخيمات من المعسكرات المنتشرة ومعالجة السلاح في المخيمات».

في غضون ذلك برزت أمس زيارة السفيرة الاميركية في لبنان مورا كونيلي للرئيس المكلف نجيب ميقاتي الذي أكد «أهمية العلاقات الثنائية» بين لبنان والولايات المتحدة.

وذكر بيان صادر عن المكتب الاعلامي لميقاتي ان الرئيس المكلف «استقبل السفيرة الاميركية في لبنان مورا كونيلي يرافقها القائم بأعمال السفارة توماس دوتن».

وأكد ميقاتي خلال اللقاء «أهمية العلاقات الثنائية بين لبنان والولايات المتحدة، وعرض رؤيته لتطورات الاوضاع في لبنان وظروف ترشحه لرئاسة الحكومة وتكليفه من قبل النواب».

واستوضحت السفيرة الاميركية من جهتها «ميقاتي عن تصوره لمسار الاوضاع في لبنان لاسيما بعد تكليفه».

وأشار البيان الى ان كونيلي «وعدت بنقل وجهة نظره (ميقاتي) الى الادارة الاميركية في خلال زيارتها المرتقبة خلال ايام الى واشنطن».

زيارة كونيلي اللافتة كانت محط أنظار جميع المراقبين، وبخاصة ان موقف واشنطن من الرئيس المكلف كان مبهما وغير واضح، إلا أن مصادر واسعة الاطلاع أكدت لـ «الأنباء» أن واشنطن أعطت بتلك الزيارة الضوء الأخضر لميقاتي، اما التريث في التصريح والمواقف الواضحة فهو من سمة السياسة الأميركية. من جهة اخرى أكد وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلم أمس أن بلاده لا مطالب لها في لبنان، داعيا الآخرين إلى احترام سيادة واستقرار هذا البلد واصفا العلاقات بين دمشق والرياض بأنها «طيبة وجيدة» في حين شدد نظيره البريطاني وليام هيغ على ضرورة التزام الحكومة اللبنانية بالقانون الدولي ودعمها للمحكمة الدولية ووضع حد «لإفلات مرتكبي الجرائم».

وقال إن «ما جرى في لبنان كان عملية تتفق مع الأجواء الدستورية اللبنانية ونحن نحترم خيارات الشعب اللبناني ونأمل لرئيس الوزراء المكلف نجيب ميقاتي أن يتمكن من تشكيل حكومة وحدة وطنية.. ونحث كل الأطراف على المشاركة فيها».

افتتاح البورصة الحكومية

الوزراء السنة: محمد الصفدي (مالية) ليلى الصلح (شؤون اجتماعية) فيصل كرامي (بيئة).. فؤاد مخزومي. ويقول مراقبون ان توزير الصفدي في «المال» ستكون ضربة معلم للمعارضة، اذ تبقى الوزارة مع شخصية سنية محبوبة من المعارضة وغير مرفوضة في طائفته.

الوزراء الشيعة: غازي الوزني هو خبير اقتصادي وشخصية شيعية مقربة من قوى 8 آذار وكان له اطلالات عديدة للتحدث عن مشاريع الموازنات والهدر العام والدين وشؤون لبنان الاقتصادية.

ومن المنتظر ان يعود الوزير عدنان السيد حسين او ما عرف بالوزير الملك نظرا لموقفه الذي امّن الثلث زائد واحد لاسقاط الحكومة.

الوزراء الكاثوليك: تطرح المعارضة اسم القاضي سليم جريصاتي عضو المجلس الدستوري السابق واحد القانونيين المقربين من المعارضة والنائب ميشال عون لوزارة العدل، كما يطرح اسم النائب نعمة طعمة وهو احد ابرز الاسماء التي شكلت صدمة اثناء الاستشارات لوقوفه الى جانب المعارضة بعكس ما كان متوقعا.

الوزراء دروز: يبدو ان المعارضة ستطرح اسم النائب طلال ارسلان للوزارة في الحكومة الجديدة المرتقبة او مروان ابوالخير احد ابرز المقربين منه وذلك للمواقف الكبيرة التي لطالما اتخذها ارسلان بجانب المقاومة وسورية.، بالاضافة إلى طرح اسم النائب السابق فيصل الصايغ

الوزراء الموارنة: «جان عبيد، ناجي البستاني، شربل نحاس» وتقول اوساط معارضة ان الوزير جان عبيد محبوب في طرابلس، اذ حاز على اكثر من 30 الف صوت بوجه لائحة الحريري عام 2009.

Lebanon , a Farm or Republic

Jameel W. Karaki

Jameel W. karaki

There is a piece of heaven on the Mediterranean, settled on a green meadow Called Lebanon. This Farm or the republic is a wonderland whereas it captures your attention due to its nature as well as the culture of its illogic.

In Lebanon, citizens are charged for electricity and when ever their lamps and lights are on they celebrate praising god for this bless as if they didn't buy a generator to have their own supply of electricity since the government since ages is not able to solve this problem. one hand, A lot of people decided to liberate Lebanon and fought Israel, some used properties, a person he loved, or even his whole family for the sake of free Lebanon. On the other hand, other people cooperated with Israel, raped, killed and gained money and yet the only sentence they get its a one month sentence at jail, What a justice.

It is not a republic, it is a kingdom, we don't choose our own politicians, since there are some families who inherit leadership to their kids and the future generations of the family although they are not qualified enough, thanks for the ignorant citizen who support a leader for his sect, for receiving money, and schooling for his kid from this politician ignoring the fact that this politician robed this money from the public treasury since the his great grandfather.

In Lebanon, the infant before he leaves his moms womb is in debt for the international donors around 15000$ because of our wise balanced economic development policies and strategies.

You can be a killer, or a terrorist or a spy and become a leader in Lebanon as long you receive the international support. in addition, its possible for you to find a whore preaches a holy nun, a thief who is being called smart and an honest being called stupid because he didn't steal from the cabinet.

The loyalty of the Lebanese is for his sect not for his country that's why we won't be ever a republic.

Recently a lot of people we in rage in the Lebanese streets against the appointment of billionaire Mr Najib Meqati as a prime minster as if this poistion were only designed for his Excellency Saad Al Harriri and for those people I would like to say " Saad is not Rafiq" and the international tribune is fabricated to serve the interest of Israel since it has many false witnesses with the involvement of some Lebanese parties and politicians.

In addition, Lebanese politicians agreed not agree therefore,Congratulations for the new prime minster Mr Najib Meqati, wishing Mr.Saad Al Harriri to follow the path of his father by supporting the Lebanese resistance, and wishing the Lebanese people a happy Lebanon.

It seems to me that Lebanon is a farm owned by landlords and the herds of sheep's are the citizens but these landlords have kings governing them outside the farm

Why should we wait for Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria, Iran, USA, and other countries to solve our problems? Can't we solve it as Lebanese here? Do the leader of these countries knows about our feelings? Do they know what is the best of us or its just the interest of our leaders?.

Finally, whoever occupies a governmental position in Lebanon is only a servant for the citizen people not only for his sect, as a result for those who says that Saad Al Harriri is the only one who deserves it i say, holding the responsibility of a prime minster is a national mission not a sectarian one. The Same applies for the presidency and the Parliament

Viva Lebanon, Viva Donkey citzen

Jameel W. Karaki

since long time and I describe Lebanon as a farm governed by many sects representing a unique diversity which supposed to be a bless not an Indignation where politicians are using region to provoke people against each other in terms that politicians and their followers " the sheep" become loyal to their sect rather to their country. Back then to 2005,Since the assassination of martyr Rafic Al- Hariri ( the former prime minister) who represented whole Lebanese not only his sect but Lebanon is on the brink of abyss because he was a key player in the regional politics and a businessman.

Directly, after the assassination all fingers pointed at Syria as a first a major suspect since Syria was ruling Lebanon with an iron fist. As a result, some Lebanese parties including Mr. Saad- Al Harriri with a regional and international Agenda invested this assassination to in uniting the Lebanese but to divide them and ignoring the heavy debt, and deficit that resulted by the unbalanced economic growth policies, Israeli attacks on Lebanon ,the system of corruption among Lebanese and Syrian politicians which forced the martyr to compromise in order to pass some files.

Four years later, Syria was innocent so a lot of Lebanese politicians headed to Syria to fix the broken relationship between the two countries after a large number of Lebanese were killed in the streets because of the clash between what is called 8 and 14 march groups followers and at the end, leaders from both sides were smiling for cameras forgetting those who died because of their provocative speeches.

During the era of Rafiq Al - Harriri the future movement members and followers were classy and educated people but during Saad Al Harriri era according to what we saw on the TV this movement hosted many mercenaries from clergies, politicians and ignorant people which applies for all Lebanese parties.

now political powers changed, because some Lebanese parties insists in keeping the support of the international tribune believing that it will find the right killer of al Harrii and they are either stupid or involved in an organized game. The indictment of this court and a large part of the investigation were based on false testimonials by fabricated witnesses which was proven to the public through a sound leak broadcasted on NEW TV shows that Saad was speaking to Mohamad zohier al Sadeeq. In addition 4 top security officials were arrested in jail with n charges and after they were released Mr. saad AL Harriri didn't bother to apologize for them nor for the public.

if we bring a kid from the kinder garden and ask him to play the role of an investigator he would consider Israel, Syria and other parties to be suspects however, after the videos broadcasted, spying cells and the fabrication of the witnesses he would wonder, if this a tribunal to discover the truth or a politicized tribunal to create disorder in Lebanon just to ensure the safety of Israel by withdrawing the weapons of Hezbollah?

Recently 8 march group named Najib Mikati r as a prime minster as a result some mercenaries and corrupted clergies and politicians refused that as if the position of the prime minster was designed only to his Excellency Mr. Saad Al Harriri because there is no qualified Sunni leaders in Lebanon who surpass him.!

The martyr was a professional diplomat, Seasoned and intelligent who knew how to maintain a good relationship with the American, Saudi( Unlike his son), Syria and all countries. he was an Arab progressive who believed in the Lebanese resistance may his soul rest in peace.

Now what would happen? the future movement used the street and blocked many ways in different Lebanese areas, the same thing happened during the fall of Karmi's government in 1990s and the same method followed by Hezbollah and its allies.

what is next? The Government will be led by a new majority now which is Hebzollah and allies while Saad al Harriri and 14 march group are the new minority.

The truth, that Mr. Saad Al Harriri is immature in politics and non experienced, during his era Lebanon suffered a lot because of lack of wisdom he enjoys and now he is teaching Lebanese practicing democracy through institution is represented by blocking roads by the future movement mercenaries but not followers ,attacking TV reports from NEW TV and Al Jazeera and promote sectarian strives as if Beirut and Tripoli is not a part of Lebanon but a corporate.

I do believe, whoever occupies a governmental position in Lebanon is only a servant for the citizen people not only for his sect, as a result for those who says that Saad Al Harriri is the only one who deserves it i say, holding the responsibility of a prime minster is a national mission not a sectarian one.

The people that we see at TV saying " Viva saad al Harriri" are the same deprived people from poor areas which was ignored during the economic development plan since 1992 as a result some of these people were in need of crumb s given by this team.

since late 1992, the same team created by Al Harrii is controlling the public treasury since late 1992, Practiced corruption by enormous influence, thus the richest become richer and the poorest got poorer. Because of this financial violations, even Lebanese infants are carrying responsibilities of these past, present and future practices, burdening Lebanon in the of very stressful fictional debt represents today around$ 70 billion.

To be fair enough I am not against him as a person because I have never met him but against his political behavior ,Saad al Harriri has a lot of followers but not because of his charismatic character but for the achievements of his father, sectarian speeches of employed clergies at Al Harriri Corporate and the sectarian speech of the future movement after al Harrir the father was assassinated.

Congratulations for the new prime minster Mr Najib Meqati, wishing Mr.Saad Al Harriri to follow the path of his father by supporting the Lebanese resistance, and wishing the Lebanese people a happy Lebanon.

Now, Lebanon is controlled by a group of pimps from both sides ( 8 and 14 March)who don't consider something called national interest but personal one. As a result, I will pray more to win a green card to the united states or immigrate to Quebec.

Finally, all the drama happens between Lebanese leaders is planned. Viva Lebanon, viva the donkey Lebanese citzen.

Egyptian expats in Kuwait attribute protests to decline in living standards, increase in corruption

Sheeba Madaan
Jameel W. Karaki
KUWAIT: Egyptian Ambassador to Kuwait Taher Farahat described the current protests in Egypt as "normal." He told Al Watan Daily on Wednesday on the sidelines of an Indian Embassy Republic day celebration that "this is a normal expression of opinion. This is something that happens every once in a while as in any other country." Asked about the three Egyptians that were arrested on Monday for passing out flyers asking Egyptians to participate in Jan. 25 protests, he said "they were released and hence there is no story about it."

Yet, Egypt witnessed the largest demonstration since President Mubarak took office in 1981. The protests, which started peacefully on Tuesday afternoon, turned violent several hours later. Al Watan Daily spoke to Egyptians living in Kuwait and Egyptian journalists in order to get their reactions to the "Days of Wrath" as the online opposition groups called it.

Mirette Ibrahim, a journalist at the Egyptian opposition newspaper Al-Youm Al-Sabie described the demonstrations as the "biggest ever" held in Egypt since people protested against the war on Iraq.

"These demonstrations deliver the voice of the ordinary citizens who are fed up with the recent situation in Egypt; there is no political party or movement behind it. The people are the leaders of this rise. Even when some political movements tried to be under the spot lights by presenting some political demands, people refused the political party. The magic words behind these demonstrations are the economic and social situation in Egypt," she said.

When asked about the similarities between Tunisia and Egypt she pointed out, "I don't think that the Tunisian scenario will happen in Egypt . We will have our own changes, in our own way. I think the Egyptians will keep on demonstrating until they feel that they are well heard by the regime, and that there are significant changes in their lives."

She also asserted that the security forces are dealing with protesters in a very aggressive way, and getting more violent.

Meanwhile, Aisha Algaiar an Egyptian journalist living in Kuwait is spending more hours nowadays to stay updated with the current events in Egypt. She, like other expatriate Egyptians, wished she was home in order to take part in the demonstrations.

Algaiar said, "Freedom is coming. It's the right of Egyptians to enjoy a free election and authority deliberation. Take a look at the rates of corruption in Egypt. It is obscene and terrible, and the citizens can't handle it anymore."

Echoing Algaiar's sentiments, Fatama Hassan an Egyptian housewife residing in Kuwait said that the current events are a result of feeling hopeless and fed up with the inadequate living and economic conditions they are facing in their daily life noting that the government didn't keep its promises regarding the minimum wage.

She pointed out to the "corruption, torture and beatings by the police officers caused the death of Khalid Saeed and Sayed Belal."

Hassan further noted that "Sayed Belal was arrested when the bombing of the church happened. He was beaten to death and the police later called his family to receive his body from the Morgue."

Hassan believes that the previous events and factors are behind the current demonstration and scuffles with the security forces in addition to the existence of policemen as guards for your universities and the fabrication of elections results."Why were there policemen at universities? How many ballot boxes were burnt during the elections?" Hassan wondered alound.

Answering a question about the relationship between the current uprising in Tunisia and Egypt, Alaa Hussein, an administration officer at a private company said he believes that the Egyptian citizens suffered from psychological instability, high rates of unemployment, and inflation. However, in Egypt President Mubarak has full support from the military, because he himself was a military officer. "I don't think the government would take an action, it might give citizens a placebo," said Hussein.

On her part, Dalal Mahmoud see no changes happening except chaos, believing that the current regime won't step down unless the army supports citizens. She said that the Egyptian government knows how to deal with such events, particularly as there are those who believe that President's Mubarak polices are good.

Angry Egyptian protestors shout anti-government slogans during a protest in Suez, Egypt, Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011. Egyptian activists protested for a third day as social networking sites called for a mass rally in the capital Cairo after Friday prayers, keeping up the momentum of the country's largest anti-government protests in years. (Source:AFP)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Kuwait to open more embassies in Americas, says official

Kuwait to open more embassies in Americas, says official

Australians proud to share national day with their Kuwaiti friends: Ambassador

Tuesday,25 January 2011

By : Jameel W. Karaki agencies

KUWAIT: Kuwait has ambitions to establish more embassies in the American continents, a senior official at the Ministry of Interior told Al Watan Daily on Sunday.

Head of the Americas Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Sheikh Ali Al-Abdullah, said, "There are plans to open more embassies in the American continents in addition to the new recently opened embassies, in Cuba, Chile, Mexico, during the tour of the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad."

Sheikh Ali Al-Abdullah told reporters on the sidelines during his participation in the national celebration of the "Australia Day"; observed Jan. 26", which was held at a ball marking the event at Radison Blu SAS-Kuwait.

Regarding the bilateral relationships between the two countries he praised these relations and described them as "Very good", explaining that despite the fact that Kuwaiti opened its embassy in Australia in 2002, that trade relations between the two sides are old with imports representing millions of dollars and include different kinds of commodities, particularly sheep."

Meanwhile, Australian Ambassador to the State of Kuwait Glenn Miles said that Australian expatriates in Kuwait are proud to celebrate their country's National Day and share it with their Kuwaiti friends.

"The celebration is a sign of strong and long-lasting relationships between Kuwait and Australia and it is an opportunity to showcase such relations," Ambassador Miles noted.

The reception, which was celebrated with traditional Australian beats and sounds led by the 'didgeridoo', saw the attendance of a large number of representatives of diplomatic missions in the country, as well as senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and dignitaries.

"Since its opening in 2005, the Australian embassy in Kuwait had been celebrating its national events, as well as taking part in Kuwait's national occasions, but this time, it is a special one due to the fact that it fits well with Kuwait celebrating its 50th Independence Day, its 20th Liberation Day and the fifth anniversary for His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah's accession to power," the ambassador noted.

Australia's population is currently estimated at more than 21 million and it is the only nation to govern an entire continent. It is the planet's biggest island and the sixth-largest country in the world in land area.

Australia is one of the world's oldest landmasses and has been populated by human beings for an estimated 60,000 years. Before the arrival of European settlers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples inhabited most areas of the continent. Australia's contemporary history is relatively short, with the first European settlement established by Great Britain on Jan. 26. 1788.

Head of the Americas Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Sheikh Ali Al-Abdullah (center) and Australian Ambassador to the State of Kuwait Glenn Miles (right) cut on Sunday, Jan. 23, 2010 the celebratory cake marking Australia's national celebrations. (Source:Al Watan)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

IOM organizes human rights workshop for police officers

Monday,24 January 2011

By : Jameel W. Karaki

KUWAIT: The International Organization for Migration ( IOM) in Cooperation with the Ministry of Interior inaugurated on Sunday the a training workshop for "Police Officers on Human Rights and Contractual Labors" under the Patronage of the Interior Assistant Under Secretary for Education and Training Affairs Major General Shiekh Ahmad Nawaf Al- Ahmad Al- Sabah at the UN House in Mishref.

Iman Ereiqat, Head of IOM Kuwait said that" the patronage of this workshop by Shiekh Ahmad proves that the government is keen on keeping up with international standards as well as developing the capabilities of the governmental cadres and human capital by seeking the help of international expertise and benefiting from the global experience for the sake of Kuwait."

She clarified that 26 officers and employees from the Ministry of Interior will be receiving training for five days from four international experts and two national experts.

On his part Major General Hameed Al-Samak General Manager of the General Department for Training said that the training course is the third and is considered as one of contractual courses between the IOM and Training Department at the Ministry of Interior.

He asserted that the Ministry of Interior was keen to enroll many of the policemen and civil employees believing and respecting in the public's freedom and human rights.

Ali Al-Baghali, Chairman of Kuwait Human Rights Society said, "In Kuwait Human Rights Society we are interested in developing the living conditions of expatiate labor according to laws that are harmonious with international standards, the universal declaration of human rights and the Kuwaiti Constitution"

He added," Human rights violation can happen in the public and private sectors, but what prints in the people's minds are the governmental violations. By that I refer to the "local police" whom interact with the people daily." He noted that the police are one of the key stakeholders in being aware of human rights.

"Regarding the political fuss that happened because of the death of a Kuwaiti citizen due as a result of torture by some officers and members of the police body, I say that If they had the basic human rights awareness about how to maintain human dignity, and not subject anyone to torture which is supported by our laws, Constitution and International agreements, they wouldn't have done it. Therefore, it is important to hold such workshops." He expressed his hope that police academies adopt in teaching basic human rights courses.

Al-Baghali noted that law No. 6 of the year 2010 concerning the Labor Law in the Private sector represents an important development in supporting the right of both national and foreign laborers. He hoped that a law would soon be law issued concerning domestic labor in order to protect them from violations and deprivations from the rights. Al-Baghali called for a law that determines the contractual rights between the lord of the house and the domestic worker such as minimum wage, holidays, and working hours.

He highlighted the fact that the society received many complaints from laborers such as not receiving their wages, non renewal of Visa, low wages, and inadequate living conditions and lack of health care.

UN Resident Coordinator Representative Dr. Tarek El-Shiekh said that protecting human rights became part of the organization's priority ever since the adoption of the universal human rights declaration. He said that former UN Secretary General Kofi Anan mentioned during the 50th anniversary of this declaration that "human rights don't represent any country as an alien phenomenon, but a rooted issue in all countries because without human rights there is no global prosperity or peace."

Major General Fahad Al-Sharkawi General Manager of Saad Al-Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences said that that the Ministry of Interior will continue organizing such training sessions.

Answering a question about the claims that Kuwait has no laws to protect laborers he said "I am not bias, but we develop our laws and human capital and we admit that when we do mistakes."

Concerning the incident of Al-Mutairi, he said "All officials in the Ministry of Interior don't accept such actions since it not a part of our tradition, customs and not a part of our training."

He added, "Compare Kuwait to other countries. If anyone in the Ministry of Interior commits a grave error he is punished. If this crime happened at another country no one would dare to discuss it public or write about it in the press."

Al Watan Daily asked Major General whether or not he supports enlisting a Human rights course at the Academy he said" the information of Mr. Ali was not accurate. We teach this course and now we are trying to intensify these types of courses."

front page story

24 stowaways caught in UK were Bedoun: British Embassy

Monday,24 January 2011

By : Jameel W. Karaki

KUWAIT: A spokesperson from the British embassy in Kuwait said, "The UK Border Agency caught twenty-four stowaways, claiming to be stateless 'Bedouns', hiding in the back of a lorry." The official added, "When officers opened the doors of the trailer they found them hiding amongst the mixed load of goods."

This statement was given to Al Watan Daily when asked about news published by a Kuwaiti daily paper regarding the arrest of 24 males said to be Kuwaiti a number of weeks ago.

The Spokesperson clarified that the officers were doing visual searches of freight and vehicles, by using carbon dioxide probes, heartbeat detectors and sniffing dogs to detect the presence of people hiding in these vehicles.

The Spokesperson clarified that the Kuwaiti Embassy was not informed "because they were not Kuwaitis."

He concluded his statement by asserting, "The UK Border Agency works hard to combat illegal immigration and will take action to remove anyone found to have no legal right to be in the country."

Earlier this month, the UK reported that twenty four Kuwaiti nationals have been caught by the UK Border Agency at the Port of Harwich attempting to sneak into the country in the back of a lorry.

The stowaways, 23 men and one 17-year-old boy, were caught in the early hours of the morning when they arrived on a ferry from the Hook of Holland.

Brian Hill, UK Border Agency assistant director at Harwich, said:"When officers opened the doors of the trailer they found the stowaways hiding inside in amongst the mixed load of goods.

"This is the biggest single detection of clandestine at Harwich that I can recall.

"As well as carrying out visual searches of freight and vehicles, our officers use carbon dioxide probes, heartbeat detectors and sniffer dogs to detect the presence of people hiding in lorries.

The driver of the vehicle has been arrested on suspicion of facilitating illegal immigration and is currently being questioned by the UK Border Agency.

The 23 men were due to be transferred to Campsfield House Immigration Removal Centre for their cases to be dealt with. The 17-year-old will be passed into the care of Essex Social Services.

24 «بدون» حاولوا دخول بريطانيا

كتب جميل كركي:

قال متحدث في السفارة البريطانية في الكويت تعليقا على خبر نشرته احدى الصحف بشأن اعتقال السلطات البريطانية لمواطنين كويتيين ان الأشخاص الذين اعتقلوا وعددهم 24 شخصا ادعوا أنهم من فئة «البدون» وكانوا يحاولون دخول بريطانيا بصورة غير مشروعة باختبائهم في سيارة شحن، الا ان وكالة الحدود البريطانية اكتشفت أمرهم وألقت القبض عليهم بعد عملية بحث بصرية للشاحنات باستخدام ثاني أوكسيد الكربون وكشافات النبض، والكلاب البوليسية

Thursday, January 20, 2011

France is a prime investment destination, says Boscher

Friday,21 January 2011

By : Jameel W. Karaki

PARIS: "France has good investment opportunities due to many factors. It is ranked the second in Europe for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) for creating jobs and is also ranked third for FDI after USA and China, and is also ranked as first for industrial Investments." said Serge Boscher, Managing Director of Invest in France Agency in an exclusive interview with Al Watan Daily, the only Kuwaiti media outlet who was invited by Invest in France Agency.

Boscher said, "France is a unique investment opportunity due to many factors such as the demographic expansion since France has a population of 64 million with a large demographic growth rate."

In addition, France has the low electricity prices which reduce production costs keeping in mind the fact that 78 percent of electricity production comes from nuclear sources and 11 percent is produced by dams.

He clarified that France has 39 Economic Blocs while Germany has 37, and the UK 26. France is considered a leader in the aviation, pharmaceutical, and nuclear industries which makes the French economy a diverse one. He went on to point out that 40 percent of the investments in sectors are made by foreign investors.

Boscher explained that France is the world's third leading country in terms of hourly productivity according to the International Labor Organization (ILO). Productivity per worker, on both an hourly and an annual basis, is 20 percent higher than the European average.

The French labor force is highly qualified, versatile and adapts easily to new methods of working.

France's education system is free and open to all - is recognized as one of the best in the world. It has five business schools considered to be among the top 12 in Europe according to the Financial Times' latest rankings.

Boscher highlighted the fact that France has 71 innovation clusters, centers of dialogue and partnerships between private businesses, public-sector research laboratories, universities and academic institutes, in addition to many other partnership opportunities: 2,000 research and development (R&D) projects involving 12,000 researchers and a significant number of foreign company cluster members have been launched since 2005.

Concerning the financial and tax support for R&D activities he stated, "Between 2006 and 2008, France's 71 innovation clusters received 1.5 billion euros in state funding. The clusters are set to receive a further 1.5 billion euros to support their R&D projects between 2009 and 2011, thanks to a special fund (Inter-ministerial Fund) which is also open to foreign cluster members."

In late 2008, 750 establishments from 530 foreign companies playing an active role in France's innovation clusters.

The research tax credit (crédit impôt recherche - CIR) is a corporate tax relief measure based on R&D expenses incurred by firms operating in France. This incentive helps to support companies' R&D efforts and increase their competitiveness.

According to the French Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry during 2009, 6.2 billion euros were reimbursed to companies in France with respect to R&D spending committed in previous years.

France's research tax credit is the best in Europe, covering 40 percent of R&D expenses in the first year, 35 percent in the second and 30 percent in subsequent years.

Answering a question about whether the rate of unemployment in France clashes with the French policy of attracting foreign direct investments; Boscher said that the FDI created more than 30000 jobs in France and the efforts of President Nicolas Sarkozy since 2007 aim to attract more investments and his reform policies will be aimed at solving the unemployment dilemma.

Boscher also commented on the impact of 'Frenchphobia; the culture of hate by Muslims towards France on attracting Islamic capitals saying, "We established laws to attract Muslim investors to invest in the French Islamic finance industry. Furthermore, the French government created classes for the children of the Arabic investors in the public school."

Kuwait Hosts Concours d’ Elegance

Jameel W. Karaki

Staff Writer

KUWAIT: Do you appreciate classic or Muscuer cars? Do you want to see James Bond's car and enjoy the motorcycle show ? all of this will be brought to you in one place. Kuwait will host one of the world’s leading car shows to be held in Kuwait for the second consecutive year, under the patronage of his highness Sheikh Nassar Al Mohammed Al Ahmed Al-Jaber Al Sabah, Kuwait’s prime minster.

On Thursday, January 20, 2011 Kuwait’s Historical Vintage and classic cars Museum has today announced that the second Kuwait concours d’elegance will be held from 2-6 February, 2011.

Eng. Zakaria Dashti, Head of information and Media Committee at the Historical, Vintage and Classic cars Museum of Kuwait said this year Concours will be held at Marina Mall with the participation more than 50 classic, Muscle cars, Famous Italian Sports cars as well as a motorcycle show organized by Kuwait Raiders Team, Porsche Kuwait Cars Show in and a group of royal and Hollywood cars.

On his part Ahmad Alenzi, Member of Kuwait’s Historical Vintage and Classic cars Museum said that “in inthe occasion of the 50th independence day and the 5th anniversary of Sheikh Sabah’s assumption to office we decided to be part of these anniversaries by organzing this event.”

Al Enzi noted that participants from Germany, Italy, Spain, USA and the GCC countries will participate in this Concours where it’s the first time that all these participants from different countries are gathered in one place.

Paul Goldsmith, President of Tokyo Concours d’elegance and Consultant of Kuwait’s Concours d’ Elegance said described the event as one of the most renowned and prestigious auto competitions in the World. “ Each year there are numerous events which take place across the world, Many of which are famous including Villa d’Este in Italy, Goodwood in UK, and Pebble Beach in USA.”, said Paul.

During the Press conference, the Media was told that an original James Bond car will be displayed.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

ذكرى استشهاد محمد بن أبي بكر ( رضي الله عنه ) -14 صفر

محمد بن أبي بكر  رضي الله عنه

( 10 هـ ـ 38 هـ )

اسمه وكنيته ونسبه :

أبو القاسم ، وقيل : أبو عبد الرحمن ، محمّد بن أبي ‏بكر بن أبي‏ قُحافة .

أُمّه :

السيّدة أسماء بنت عُميس الخثعمية .

ولادته :

ولد عام 10 هـ بذي الحُلَيفة ، في وقت كان رسول ‏الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) قد تهيّأ مع جميع أصحابه لأداء حجَّة الوداع .

نشأته :

كانت أُمّه السيّدة أسماء قد تزوّجت جعفر بن أبي‏ طالب ، وهاجرت معه إلى الحبشة ، وبعد استشهاده في معركة مؤتة تزوَّجها الخليفة أبو بكر ، وبعد موته تزوّجها الإمام أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) ، فانتقلت إلى بيته مع أولادها ، وفيهم محمّد الذي كان يومئذ ابن ثلاث سنين .

فنشأ في حِجر الإمام علي ( عليه السلام ) إلى جانب الحسن والحسين ( عليهما السلام ) ، وامتزجت روحه بهما ، وكان الإمام ( عليه السلام ) يعتبره مثل أبناءه حيث يقول فيه : ( محمّد ابني من صُلب أبي ‏بكر ) .

جانب من حياته :

كان محمّد أيّام حكومة  الخليفة عثمان بن عفّان في مصر ، وفيها بدأ انتقاده على حكومة عثمان ، واشترك في الثورة عليه ، وبعد تصدِّي الإمام علي ( عليه السلام ) للخلافة ، حمل كتابه إلى أهل الكوفة قبل نشوب حرب الجمل ، وكان على الرجَّالة فيها .

مقامه :

كان محمّد مُجِدّاً في الجهاد والعبادة ، ولِجِدِّه في عبادته سُمِّي عابد قريش ، وهو جدُّ الإمام الصادق ( عليه السلام ) من الأُمَّهات‏ .

ولاَّه الإمام علي ( عليه السلام ) على مصر عام 36 هـ ، وكتب له عهداً بذلك ، بعدما عزل قيس بن سعد عنها ، وكان الإمام ( عليه السلام ) يُثني عليه ، ويذكره بخير في مناسبات مختلفة .

أقوال الأئمّة ( عليهم السلام ) فيه : نذكر منهم ما يلي :

1ـ قال الإمام الكاظم ( عليه السلام ) : ( إذا كان يوم القيامة نادى مناد : أين حواري محمّد بن عبد الله ، رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ، الذين لم ينقضوا العهد ومضوا عليه ؟ فيقوم سلمان والمقداد وأبو ذر ...

ثم ينادي : أين حواري علي بن أبي طالب ، وصي محمّد بن عبد الله رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ؟ فيقوم عمرو بن الحمق الخزاعي ، ومحمّد بن أبي بكر ، وميثم بن يحيى التمّار مولى بني أسد ، وأويس القرني ) (1) .

2ـ قال الإمام علي ( عليه السلام ) : ( محمّد ابني من صلب أبي بكر ) (2) .

3ـ قال الإمام الصادق ( عليه السلام ) : ( ما من أهل بيت إلاّ ومنهم نجيب من أنفسهم ، وأنجب النجباء من أهل بيت سوء منهم : محمّد بن أبي بكر ) (3) .

أقوال العلماء فيه : نذكر منهم ما يلي :

1ـ قال العلاّمة الحلّي في خلاصة الأقوال : ( جليل القدر ، عظيم المنزلة ، من خواص علي ( عليه السلام )) .

2ـ قال الشيخ علي النمازي الشاهرودي في مستدركات علم الرجال : ( هو من حواري أمير المؤمنين ( عليه السلام ) ... ومن خواصّه ، من الأصفياء ، ومن السابقين المقرّبين ) .

كتاب الإمام علي ( عليه السلام ) إلى أهل مصر :

قال ( عليه السلام ) : ( أحسنوا أهل مصر مؤازرة محمّد أميركم ، واثبتوا على طاعته ، تردوا حوض نبيّكم ( صلى الله عليه وآله ) ، أعاننا الله وإيّاكم على ما يرضيه ، والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ) (4) .

شهادته :

استشهد محمّد ( رضي الله عنه ) في الرابع عشر من صفر 38 هـ في مصر ، على يد معاوية بن حُدَيج الكندي ، الذي أرسله معاوية مع جيش جرّار لاحتلال مصر ، ومن ثم إحراقه في جوف جلد حمار ميت .

حزن الإمام علي ( عليه السلام ) عليه :

لقد حزن الإمام علي ( عليه السلام ) على محمّد بن أبي بكر حتّى رؤي ذلك فيه ، وتبيّن في وجهه ، وقام في الناس خطيباً ، فحمد الله وأثنى عليه ، ثم قال : ( فلقد كان إليَّ حبيباً ، وكان لي رَبيباً ، فعند الله نحتسبه ولداً ناصحاً ، وعاملاً كادحاً ، وسيفاً قاطعاً ، وركناً دافعاً ) .

وقال المدائني : وقيل لعلي ( عليه السلام ) : لقد جزعت على محمّد بن أبي بكر يا أمير المؤمنين ؟ فقال : ( وما يمنعني ! إنّه كان لي ربيباً ، وكان لبني أخاً ، وكنت له والداً ، أعدّه ولداً ) (5) .


1ـ الاختصاص : 61 .

2ـ شرح نهج البلاغة لابن أبي الحديد 6 / 53 .

3ـ روضة الواعظين : 286 .

4ـ الأمالي للشيخ المفيد / مجلس 31 ح 3 .

5ـ شرح نهج البلاغة لابن أبي الحديد 6 / 94 .

بقلم : محمد أمين نجف .

Monday, January 17, 2011

آخرُ ما كتبه مفجرُ احتجاجات تونس لوالدته

رغم التعتيم الإعلامي الذي تمارسه أجهزة الأمن التونسية،والذي بلغ حد قطع الاتصال بالأنترنيت و التلويح بمنع بيع الهواتف المزودة بكاميرا،تسربت صورة و رسالة الشاب التونسي محمد البوعزيزي الذي أضرم النار في نفسه في سيدي بوزيد ليكون شرارة الاحتجاجات الأخيرة والتي شهدتها تونس.

و تظهر الصورة المؤثرة الشاب و هو يركض بعد أن التهمت النيران جسده المنهك،دون أن يجرؤ أحد على إنقاذه أو إسعافه أو حتى محاولة إخماد النار على جسده.

و لم تمتص زيارة الرئيس التونسي زين العابدين بن علي للشاب في آخر مراحل حياته في المستشفى من غضب التونسيين،الذين خرجوا في مظاهرات غاضبة ضد ما تعرض له البوعزيزي على يد أجهزة السلطات في مدينة سيدي بوزيد من إهانات و شطط في استعمال السلطة بلغت حد صفعه من قبل شرطية أمام الملأ،فقرر الانتحار بعد أن صدت جميع الأبواب في وجهه لسماع شكواه.

و قبل إقدامه على الانتحار ترك الشاب رسالة خاصة مؤثرة إلى والدته حصلت الدولية على نصها الكامل يقول فيها باللهجة التونسية :

“ مسافر يا أمي، سامحني، ما يفيد ملام، ضايع في طريق ماهو بإيديا، سامحني كان عصيت كلام أمي، لومي على الزمان ما تلومي عليّ، رايح من غير رجوع, يزي ما بكيت و ما سالت من عيني دموع، ما عاد يفيد ملام على زمان غدّار في بلاد الناس، أنا عييت و مشى من بالي كل اللي راح، مسافر و نسأل زعمة السفر باش ينسّي”.

وتوفي الشاب التونسي محمد البوعزيزي بحروق أصيب بها حين حاول الانتحار احتجاجا على مصادرة بضاعته، على ما أعلن شقيقه

وكان محمد البوعزيزي خريج الجامعة الذي اضطر للعمل بائع خضار وفاكهة، أقدم على إحراق نفسه احتجاجا على مصادرة بضاعته في مدينة سيدي بوزيد (وسط غرب تونس).

وفجر إشعال البوعزيزي النار في نفسه اشتباكات عنيفة نادرة بين الشرطة ومحتجين غاضبين من تفاقم البطالة بين خريجي التعليم العالي في سيدي بوزيد سرعان ما اتسعت لتشمل محافظات أخرى مثل بن قردان والقصرين وقفصة وصفاقس.

وخلفت الاشتباكات قتيلين سقطا برصاص الشرطة وعشرات المصابين من المحتجين وقوات الأمن.

وكان الرئيس التونسي زين العابدين بن علي قد زار البوعزيزي في المستشفى الأسبوع الماضي كما استقبل عائلته بقصر قرطاج وقال انه يتفهم إحباط الشبان العاطلين لكنه أضاف ان الشغب يضر بصورة تونس لدى المستثمرين والسياح الأجانب

Egyptian man sets himself on fire in protest

Tuesday,18 January 2011

Source : AP

CAIRO: An Egyptian man set himself on fire Monday outside the country's parliament, security officials said, in an apparent protest emulating the self-immolation of an unemployed Tunisian man last month that helped trigger a popular uprising.

Egyptian security officials said policemen guarding the parliament building in central Cairo and motorists driving by at the time used fire extinguishers to quickly put out the blaze engulfing the man. Health Ministry spokesman Abdel-Rahman Shahine said the man was taken to the hospital with light burns, mostly to his face, neck and legs.

The officials identified the man as Abdou Abdel-Monaam Hamadah, a 48-year-old owner of a small restaurant from Qantara, an area close to the Suez Canal city of Ismailia east of Cairo. They said Hamadah was protesting a government policy preventing restaurant owners from buying cheap subsidized bread to resell to their patrons.

A subsidized loaf of typical Egyptian flat bread sells for about 1 US cent apiece, but sells for five times that much to restaurant owners.

Hamadah asked policemen guarding the parliament building to meet speaker Fathi Sorour, officials said. When they refused, Hamadah stepped back, took out a bottle filled with petrol from his pocket, doused himself with the liquid and set himself alight.

The policemen and passing motorists rushed to him with fire extinguishers to put out the flames.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the media.

The website of Egypt's leading Al-Ahram daily said Hamadah was a father of four and had repeatedly entered heated arguments with local officials over the bread issue.

Kuwaiti citizens to receive KD 1,000 Amiri grant

Tuesday,18 January 2011

By : Osama Al-Qatari Jarrah Al-Mutairi Mubarak Al-Shemmari Ahmed Al Shemmari Thamer Hammad

KUWAIT: Kuwaitis have hailed the grant of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, while the Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Roudhan Al-Roudhan disclosed that the project has been studied since last December through a committee formed to this effect.

The minister elaborated that 1,000 Kuwaiti dinars will be granted to each and every citizen, along with free foodstuff allotment for a year, adding that banks are not entitled to block the money anyway or debit it for installment payments.

A source within the Ministry of Finance announced that the same mechanism followed in disbursing an earlier KD 200 grant will be maintained. He noted that a telephone number will be allocated to electronically respond to citizens' queries.

Although no official figures have been released yet regarding the cost, the grant is estimated at about KD 96 million, while the cost of food allotments are put at roughly KD 150 million. A source within the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has estimated the cost to be about KD 1.24 billion.

National Assembly Speaker Jassem Al-Kharafi commented on the gesture, saying that His Highness the Amir is no stranger to such a grant. Lawmakers equally commended the initiative and affirmed that the grant epitomizes the Amir's closeness to the people and his recognition of their needs. They noted that the gesture will further delight the people as the country prepares for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the country's independence, the 20th anniversary of the liberation and the fifth year of the Amir's ascendance to power.

In the same vein, the Popular Action Bloc issued a statement in which it commended the grant, thanking His Highness the Amir for the gesture.

On his part MP Saleh Ashour noted that the gesture has defused political tension, while expressing gratitude to His Highness the Amir on behalf of the Kuwaiti people for the gesture.

In a related development, MP Hussein Mezyed urged the government to control prices, stressing that the grant is meant for the people rather than the businesspeople.

He warned the Ministry of Commerce and Industry that it will be responsible for any increase in prices.

In other news, government sources have revealed that the Cabinet has renewed its rejection to the resignation of the Interior Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Khaled Al-Sabah. The Cabinet reportedly reiterated its support for the minister to accomplish his reforms and hailed the sterling role he is playing in this regard.

On the other hand, it has been reported that the interpellation that the Popular Action Bloc and the Development and Reform Bloc announced against the minister is faced with challenges amid reports of differences among the concerned MPs about the timing, among other issues, during a meeting held at MP Ahmed al-Saadoun's office.

Other sources have indicated that despite the apparent rifts, the interpellation will be inevitably submitted. It has been informed that the interpellation will likely be submitted on Monday by MPs Shuaib Al-Muwaizri, Dr Waleed Al-Tabtabie and Salem Al-Namlan. The interpellation will reportedly revolve around one issue; the torture to death of a citizen.

In the same context, MP Musallam Al-Barrak noted described the rejection of the minister's resignation by the Cabinet as mere "spectacle", saying that the reluctance to accept the resignation will lead to "adverse" consequences. He said that the timing of the interpellation will be announced soon, adding that it will be centered on the practices of officers who tortured the citizen to death.