Sunday, April 29, 2012

توضيح حول كلام السفير الأمريكي داخل ديوانية خاصة يوم 28 أبريل ع

توضيح  حول كلام السفير الأمريكي داخل ديوانية خاصة يوم 28 أبريل

لا يمنع القانون الأمريكي أي مواطن أمريكي من الحصول على جنسية أخرى، كما
لا تحتفظ حكومة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بمعلومات حول عدد المواطنين
الأمريكيين الذين قد يحملون جنسيات إضافي

ويأتي هذا التصريح بعدم تصريح النائب محمد الجويهل للصحف بأن السفير الأمريكي في الكويت أبلغه بأن هناك 15000 كويتي يحملون الجنسية الأمريكية 

Statement to Clarify Remarks Made by Ambassador Tueller at a Private
Diwaniya on 28 April.

U.S. law does not prohibit a U.S. citizen from having another
nationality.  The U.S. government does not maintain information on the
number of citizens who may hold additional nationalities.


Embassy of Netherland hosts Dutch Queen's birthday

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Islamic movements seek power, historically made by UK and America: Experts

#KUWAIT: The Islamic movements in the Middle East in general and in Kuwait, in particular, understood the needs of the people, or at least what they want to hear. The Arab Spring brought a great opportunity for Islamic movements to rise all over the Middle East and create majority seats in Parliament, or other forms of governments. The common ground among Islamic movements in the Region is seeking Islamic Shari'a as a source of legislations, while rejecting any foreign intervention in the internal affairs of the nation and considering Israel as a shared enemy.
Highlighting the issue was Najat Al-Hashash, a political activist who believes that the Salafi movement is calling for reforms, unlike the Muslim Brotherhood who are struggling for power.
"If we take a look at the behavior of the Salafi movement in Kuwait, we will notice that it's a reforming movement which aims to develop the Kuwaiti Society, while the (Muslim) Brotherhood's behavior has a desire for power".
Dahem Al-Ghatnai, a political analyst said the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis are movements which believe mostly in democracy and elections, adding that they call on relying on Islamic Shaira as the sole source for legislation.
According to Al-Ghatani, Islamic movements in Kuwait in are in general not extremists; however, he noted that extremism appeared once in an incident that occurred with the Peninsula Lions, an organization that staged several attacks in 2005 in Kuwait. Al-Ghatani added that a sub-division of these movements surfaced, known as "independent Islamists", where this category focuses on general public concerns or Islamic Sharia through the Constitution, unlike the case in Algeria and Yemen.
Concerning the trust the Egyptian people instilled in the Islamic movements, he said: "The Egyptians chose Islamic movements based on trust and it's not accurate to say that Egyptian don't want them in power", noting that moderation attracts people to these movements.
He added, "Saddam Hussein fall, which was followed by the rise of Shiite political parties in Iraq as well as in Iran raised some concerns among some people. Some of those who followed the extremists didn't succeed later in the elections because the Kuwaiti society is a moderate one".
He concluded," Liberals accuse Islamists of being extremists and as an observer I don't see this. There are extremists among Christians parties in Europe." He noted that some people who lost the trust of the middle class forced them to seek the Islamic movements in Kuwait
Regarding the fate of Islamic movements in the Middle East, Khair-Eddine Afyouni, a political analyst and a specialist in Islamic movements believes that Arabs chose the Salafists and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt because they preferred to base their choice on Quran and the Sunna instead of man-made law, however, people are monitoring these movements' political performance as witnessed in Egypt and Tunsia.
As to the situation on the local arena, he added, "Kuwait is standing on an equilibrium point in terms of its relation with USA, Iran, the conflicts in the region, and the relationship with Saudi Arabia".
Afyouni, went on to say, "These revolutions will lead Muslims to power and not Islamists who try to invest religion for political gains." According to Afyouni, the Muslim Brotherhood's movement is British made and the Salafists is American born too.
"Before the end of the colonial era, colonist wanted to leave someone to be used as a pressure tool against regimes, so they created the Muslim Brotherhood as counterparts to any democratic or secular ideology," Afyouni added.
As for the Salafists movements, Afyouni said, "Al-Qaeda was American made and it's a part of a Saudi project called the Salafists which aims to practice pressure on GCC countries that doesn't support the Saudi Kingdom politically."
Afyouni warned Muslims from Hizb ut Tharir, a British made party that claims to restore the Caliphate and brands itself as the party which will liberate Jerusalem, similar to Hezbollah who brands  the organization as the party of God.
Dr. Nathan J. Brown, a distinguished scholar and author of several well-received books on Arab politics Islamist movements, believes that the Muslim Brotherhood had gone through ideological evolutionary phases changing from merely being socioreligious reform movements into political contestants. 
This evolution has put Islamist movements in what Dr. Brown called "the grey zone", where they had to dilute their Islamic speech to accommodate their new roles as political parties.
Taking the Muslim Brotherhood as an example, Dr. Brown discussed the effects of the politicization of Islamist movements on the organizational goals and plans of these movements. According to Dr. Brown, the Islamist movements can easily slip into the political mistake of "planning for next elections rather than planning for next generations" unless they handle this transformation wisely.

Monday, April 23, 2012

النظام السافل وحزب الكرة الأرضية LEB#LEBANON#KUWAIT

النظام السافل وحزب الكرة الأرضية
النظام اللبناني السافل المتمثل بمجموعة ولايات طائفية شبه متحدة، المدعومة بمجموعة تدعى الشعب اللبناني (العظيم العريق المجيد وإلى ما هنالك من ألقاب) والذي  يشترى بمائة إلى خمسمائة دولار أمريكي وكوبون بنزين خلال الإنتخابات، يصر على ممارسة العهر السياسي ومستقبلي كمواطن بلا وطن.

المسرحية الهزلية التي شهدنها مؤخراً للنواب الأجلاء رضوان الله عليهم، تدل أنه لا تغيير في السلوك الحكومي، فكل حكومة تلعن ما قبلها وتلوم الأخرى فكفى بالله عليكم. أثبتوا حيثما كنتم وتمسكوا بأحزابكم المجيدة العتيدة وأعطوني حقي في العمل والحياة والصحة والكهرباء والتعليم.
معظمهم تعاملوا مع إسرائيل، والبعض شارك في نهب أموال الدولة والبعض كان أمير حرب، ومش عيب بلبنان، لأن هذا هو الطر يق الأقصر لكي تصبح زعيما سياسياً شريفاً ووطنياً نزيهاً.

وأنا كمشاهد متفرج لا حول لي ولاقوة ولا سند في 8 أو 14 آذار وقفت عاجزاً عن تفسير الظواهر المحيطة من حولي لا أرى أي أمل إلا بالله تعالى وبوعي الجيل الجديد من أبناء شعبي الرافض للطائفية والتبعية. فسلوك فريق 14 من آذار السياسي لم يجلب لنا لا إنماء أو آمان أو قوى بل مزيد من الديون والإنتكاسات والإنتظار للظروف الدولية والتأثيرات الإقليمية للقيام بتعيين إداري أو مناقشة موضوع سلاح المقاومة والذي يعتبر أمراً هاماً بنظر 14 آذار ولكن لا يوجد أي فرق بين 8 و14. فمثلما يعتبر فريق 8 آذار أي حديث عن السلاح بمثابة عرقلة للتنمية يتخذ فريق 14 آذار الحجة ذاتها، ( منشان الله عطونا حققونا وحلو عننا وحاجي تنظير).
فريق 8 آذار فريق الملائكة والذي لم يزيل الفساد المستشري بالدولة أو قام بمحاسبتهم تحت إسم الوفاق والوطني والشراكة ، ولكن عذراً نحن لسنا أنبياء ، نريد أفعالاً لا أقوال.

إستشهد الزميل #محمد شعبان ولم تفتح الحكومة فمها لأن نيران الصديقة قتلته، كذلك الأمر مع الأسير المناضل في السجون الفرنسية جورج إبراهيم عبد الله عربي لبناني من بلدة القبيات في شمال لبنان عمل مع الجبهة الشعبية لتحرير فلسطين. اعتقل في فرنسا عام 1984 بطلب أمريكي ولا زال يقبع في السجون الفرنسية وغيره من المعتقلين في السجون السورية والعالمية.

في النهاية نحن بحاجة إلى قانون إنتخابي لا يراعي تمثيل الطوائف بل مصالح الشعب بناء على النسبية  وكفانا حججا واهية. وما نحتاجه حقاً هو وعي المواطن البهيم الذي يظن أن الكون يتمحور حول حزبه وطائفته وكأنه حزب الكرة الأرضية.

كلمة نهائية إلى المواطن اللبناني:

لما يصير عندك كهرباء ومياه وتلاقي شغل يسعد جوعك وجيش يحمي حدودك ومدرسي أضب ولادك وجامعة توصلك على مقصودك ، شرف وإحكي سياسي.

جميل كركي

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Better Risk Appetite in Markets :#NBK#KUWAIT


United States

Lower Greenback as Positive Sentiment Rules

Just days after rising Spanish yields spurred fears of a Spanish default, it seems that risk sentiment is back on the positive side again. First, the #IMF stated it had some optimism in reference to the global economic growth and revised the world’s economic growth for 2012 to 3.5% from an earlier 3.3% forecast. 

Additionally, Spanish and French bond auctions saw relatively good demand from investors, with both countries being able to raise as much capital as planned. Last, the good economic figures also helped in taming risk aversion and giving a boost to risky assets.

Naturally, FX markets witnessed a sell-off of the #US Dollar against major counterparts as a result of this improved risk sentiment, which shows in the performance of the Dollar Index. The Index started the week at 79.90, and after rising swiftly for the first day, broke lower and at 79.20.
The Euro had a positive but weak momentum against the US Dollar, mainly hurt due to crosses against other currencies such as the Sterling Pound. After opening at 1.3080, the single currency reached a low of 1.2995 but found a stable support there. The single currency broke higher afterwards to a high of 1.3230 before ending the week at 1.3220. The Sterling Pound had the strongest performance last week, boosted as previously stated by the EURGBP cross trading. After opening around the 1.5850, the Pound had an upward move to a high of 1.6150, and ended sessions at 1.6120. The Swiss Franc followed suit with the Euro, strengthening against the greenback from an opening level of 0.9195 to 0.9100, and closed at 0.9090. The Japanese Yen was the exception last week, with USDJPY rising from a low of 80.95 to a high of 81.80, and closing at 81.50.

Retail Sales Climb More than Forecast

Retail sales in the U.S. rose more than forecast in March as Americans snapped up everything from cars and furniture to clothes and electronics. The 0.8% gain was almost three times as large as projected and followed a 1% advance in February, and was higher than the expected increase of 0.3%. The improving job market is giving households confidence to sustain spending in the face of higher gasoline costs, boosting sales at chains such as Gap Inc. and Target Corp. Strengthening consumer demand raises the odds that the world’s largest economy will weather a recession in Europe and slower growth in China.

Previously Owned Home Sales Unexpectedly Fell in March

Sales of previously owned US homes unexpectedly fell in March for the third time in the last four months, showing an uneven recovery in the housing market. Purchases dropped 2.6% to a 4.48 million annual rate from 4.6 million in February, according to official figures released last week. In January, sales at a 4.63 million rate were the strongest since May 2010, and economists had called for an increase to 4.61 million last month. Residential real estate remains the economy’s soft spot, challenged by stricter lending standards, lower home values and the threat of more foreclosures. An improved labor market and mortgage rates near historic lows have yet to stoke bigger gains in demand.

US Factories Cool for the First Time in Four Months

Production at US factories dropped in March for the first time in four months, as the industry cooled following the strongest surge in three decades. Manufacturing, which makes up about 75% of industrial output, decreased 0.2% last month as appliance and furniture makers cut back. The decline followed a revised 3.4% gain from December through February that marked the biggest three-month jump since March 1984. The rebound in manufacturing that helped the world’s largest economy climb out of the recession in June 2009 may now be giving way to gains among service industries, including retailers, as consumer spending grows.


Euro Zone Trade Surplus Contracts More than Estimated

The Euro region’s trade surplus narrowed more than economists had estimated in February as increased demand for imported goods outpaced exports. The surplus shrank to a seasonally adjusted 3.7 billion Euros from a revised 5.3 billion Euros in January, while economists had forecast a drop to 5 billion Euros. A breakdown of the figure shows that imports increased 3.5% in the month, while exports were up 2.4%. European Central Bank President Mario Draghi said earlier that, while economic-growth indicators had “broadly stabilized at low levels” after a 0.3% contraction in the fourth quarter of 2011, the outlook “remains subject to downside risks.”

Spanish Debt Auction

Investors showed a healthy appetite for Spanish debt last week but demanded a higher borrowing rate in an auction that was a key test of confidence in the government's ability to get a handle on its debts. The Spanish Treasury auctioned EUR 2.54 billion in two- and 10-year bonds at the top end of targeted demand. It had set a range of EUR 1.5 billion to EUR 2.5 billion for the sale. The interest rate, or yield, on the 10-year bond was 5.7%, up from 5.3% at the last auction on April 4. Demand was more than double the amount sold, down from about triple at the last auction. But that hasn't completely quelled the nervousness over Spanish debt. The average yield for the 10-year bond dipped in its initial reaction to the auction, but then reversed direction and rose to more than 5.9%. This was attributed in part to investors rushing to safer bets such as German bonds, which have seen their prices rising.

Inflation Exceeds Estimate in March

European consumer prices increased at a faster pace than initially estimated in March, driven by energy costs, complicating the European Central Bank’s task as it tries to push the inflation rate below its 2.0% limit.      Inflation in the 17-nation euro region held at 2.7% for a fourth month. This number is higher than the 2.6% increase that markets were expecting. The European economy may struggle to gather strength as budget cuts and rising energy prices erode consumer spending and company investment.

German Investor Confidence Increases to Two-Year High

German investor confidence unexpectedly rose to a two-year high in April, suggesting Europe’s largest economy can weather the resurgent debt crisis in the euro region’s periphery. The ZEW index of investor and analyst expectations, which aims to predict economic developments six months in advance, increased to 23.4 from 22.3 in March. That was the fifth straight gain and the highest reading since June 2010, and investors were expecting a drop to 19. Germany may avoid a recession as unemployment at a two-decade low bolsters domestic spending, helping to offset waning demand for its exports across the Euro region as austerity measures bite.

Euro Zone Consumer Confidence Unexpectedly Drops

Even though confidence is surging regarding the German economy, Euro-area consumer confidence, which is part of a broader economic-sentiment indicator, unexpectedly fell in April for the first time this year. The consumer confidence index dropped to -19.8 from -19.1 in March, marking the first decline since December. Surging unemployment rates from Greece to Italy and rising borrowing costs in Spain have fueled concerns that the debt crisis is not under control. While European Central Bank President Mario Draghi has stated that the Euro area economy is showing signs of stabilization “at a low level” after the central bank’s offering of three-year loans, the ECB still predicts a contraction in the region this year.

United Kingdom

Inflation Back on the Rise

UK inflation unexpectedly accelerated in March for the first time in six months, driven by prices for food, clothing and recreation and culture. Consumer prices rose 3.5% from a year earlier, up from 3.4% in February, and higher than the 3.4% forecast. In a change to recent history, energy proved to be a drag on inflation, with the largest downward pressures to the change in CPI coming from electricity, gas & other fuels and transport. Analysts still expect the inflation rate to resume its decline. The figures also reduce the scope for the Bank of England to pump more monetary stimulus into the economy. The Bank of England forecasts inflation, which has been above 2.0% since December 2009, will hit that target by the end of the year.

MPC Meeting Minutes Surprise Markets

The minutes from the latest meeting of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) reveal that one of the policymakers, Adam Posen, changed his long-held view on the need for more quantitative easing (QE). Mr. Posen has been the most dovish member of the committee for many months and it is a genuine shock that he has changed his mind and said that further injections of cash into the economy is not required at this time. It is thought that Mr. Posen changed his mind because of concerns that inflation is not going to fall as quickly or as far as previously thought, and stated that the bank of England may have to change its policies if core inflation failed to show a sustained fall. In fact, the minutes from the MPC’s last meeting reveal that the committee is now concerned that high inflation will last longer than previously forecast. This is likely to influence them to put any more QE on hold. However, David Miles was the only member of the nine-man committee to vote for more QE. He called for a further £25 billion of funds to be added.

UK Unemployment Unexpectedly Falls

UK unemployment has fallen to 2.65m in the three months ending in February, to a rate of 8.3%, according to the Office for National Statistics. The number was down 35,000 on the quarter and is the first quarterly fall in unemployment since the three months to May 2011. Youth unemployment has also fallen, with the number of unemployed 16 to 24-year-olds down to a rate of 22.2%.


Kuwaiti Dinar at 0.27775

The USDKWD opened at 0.27775 on Sunday morning.

Rates – 20 April 2012

Previous Week Levels
This Week’s Expected Range

NBK and Qatar Airways offer exclusive discounts for NBK Credit Cardholders

KUWAIT: In a press release, The National Bank of Kuwait, NBK said that the
National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) and Qatar Airways offer NBK credit cardholders exclusive, instant discounts for travel to all destinations until 25 May, 2012.
NBK credit cardholders (Visa, MasterCard and Diners Club) will receive a 10% discount for economy class and 15% discount for first and business class when they purchase flights on Qatar Airways official website
NBK customers who make online travel bookings with Qatar Airways will receive these savings to more than 100 destinations across Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, North America and South America.

Qatar Airways, the national carrier of the State of Qatar, is one of the world’s leading airlines among an elite group of carriers with a 5-Star ranking for service and excellence. Operating 7 daily flights from Kuwait to Doha, passengers can connect seamlessly through Doha International Airport and onwards to their destination of choice.
NBK Credit Cards are accepted worldwide and are the safest, most convenient and rewarding way to pay. The benefits of traveling with NBK credit cards include free travel insurance, complimentary airport lounge access, concierge service for travel arrangements, purchase protection and extended warranty for your valuable purchases and more.
The award winning NBK Rewards loyalty program rewards NBK credit cardholders with a range of valuable discounts and a point redemption scheme redeemable at numerous shops and restaurants throughout Kuwait. For more information log onto or contact Hala Watani on 1 801 801.
Qatar Airways’ was recently awarded for its stringent measures to prevent credit card fraud, making it one of the few airlines in the world to offer such high levels of security for customers and their payment and card information.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Israel demands immediate effect of Iran sanctions

Danny Ayalon said no further leeway should be given to the Iranians, and that an EU embargo on Iranian oil and additional tougher sanctions, due to take effect from July 1, should begin now.

Speaking to foreign media in Jerusalem, Ayalon said: "If there is one thing the Iranians pay attention to, it is additional sanctions. July 1 for them is something they will try to avoid almost at any price. So if we advance July 1 to now, I think there is a good chance to get a positive effect in Iran, and I believe that would have a good effect on any future dialogues with them."

Ayalon would not be drawn on how much time the additional sanctions would need to be given to show an impact but said: "There is a toll on the Iranian economy and political stability, and we know there is also some split in Iran on how to proceed.

"I think we should signal to them that they will benefit if they stop their activities now. And the best way to signal this is to advance the sanctions … They're already suffering the consequences of the sanctions that have been put on them, but additional sanctions would have a much larger effect; it's not just incremental, it's going to be almost a quantum leap."

'Change in paradigm'
Ayalon said Israel saw no "change in the paradigm" in the wake of talks between the P5+1 countries (the five permanent members of the UN security council plus Germany) and Iran in Istanbul last weekend. "Nothing has changed. The danger is that the Iranians will continue to con the world."

In an interview with Army Radio, the defence minister, Ehud Barak, said he did not believe that negotiations with Iran would bear fruit, and that Israel had made no pledge to Washington to refrain from a military attack while talks continued.

Meanwhile, the deputy prime minister, Dan Meridor, acknowledged in a television interview that Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, had never promised to "wipe Israel off the map", contrary to repeated claims.


#Spain Joins #France to Sell $17 Billion in Bonds

By Mark Deen and Emma Ross-Thomas

Spain and France sold 13.05 billion euros ($17 billion) in debt, with both countries raising what they’d targeted amid rising borrowing costs.

Spain sold 2.54 billion euros of two- and 10-year securities and France raised 10.5 billion euros in debt out of an 11 billion-euro goal. The yield on the 10-year Spanish benchmark was 5.743 percent compared with

5.403 percent when it last sold it in January. France’s five-year notes had an average yield of 1.83 percent today, up from 1.78 percent on March 15.

Yields have risen as Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy struggles to meet budget deficit targets and as Socialist Francois Hollande pulls further ahead in polls in the run up to France’s April 22 presidential election.

The yield on Spain’s benchmark 10-year bond has jumped about 1 percentage point since the beginning of March to above 6 percent, while the yield on the equivalent French bond has gained more than 10 basis points.



Freestyle Football Star Khris to perform and Judge at Red Bull Street Style

KUWAIT:  Freestyle Football Star Khris Njokwana from Cape Town, South Africa will be performing and evaluating the top 16 freestyler footballers at the 2012 Red Bull Street Style in Kuwait which will take place at the Marina Crescent on Friday April 20 at 6:30pm.

Khris, 28 years old, started freestyle football 6 years ago. He represented South Africa at the 2008 Red Bull Street Style World Finals in Sao Paolo Brazil. In 2010 he was chosen to judge the 2010 World Finals alongside Football Superstars George Weah and Edgar Davids.


Red Bull Street Style Kicks-off Tomorrow from Marina Crescent

KUWAIT: The Worldwide Freestyle Football competition “Red Bull Street Style” kicks-off tomorrow at 6:30pm from the Marina Crescent

The top 16 freestylers in Kuwait will compete but 

only one winner will qualify to the World Final that will take place in Rome, Italy on September 2012. 
Control, Creativity and Style are the name of the game at Red Bull Street Style. The Judging panel in the final will feature of Ahmad Al Mutairi (Kazma football club star) 

who will evaluate the Control category. Marzouk Al Ajmi, head of sports in Annahar newspaper and Media Coordinator of the 2006 FIFA World Cup will evaluate the style category while Khris Njokwana the Freestyle Champion from South Africa will handle the creativity category.

The Red Bull Street Style final will see the best 16 freestyle footballers compete against each other in head-to-head battles for a ticket to the World Final. Each battle follows the same format: 3 minutes, 2 players, 1 ball, with each freestyler having 30 seconds to impress the judges before passing the ball back to his competitor.

The 16 finalists are as follows: Qays Hatoum, Abdulwahab Al Otaibi, Karam Humaidani, Fahed Shahed, Askar El Shemary, Mohamed Ashraf, Daniel Atieh, Ali Khan, Mohamed 

El Essar, Saoud Al Failakwai, Arman Kurji, Jonathan Finn, Salah Shemary, Mohamed Kansour, Basel Mohamed and Tala Wael.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Rows over #Shiite Hussaniyas continue, Al-Shehab meets with clergymen

#Sheikha #Fariha criticized for supporting establishment of #Armenian #Church
Monday,16 April 2012 
By : Jameel W. Karaki, Michael A. Kolarov and Nafel Al-Humaidan
       Staff Writers
KUWAIT: In a recent row in Parliament, lawmaker Mohammad Hayef demanded that the government should begin supervising Hussainiyas (Shiite Diwaniyas) as is the case with Sunni mosques.
The lawmaker had threatened to file an interpellation against the Minister of Awqaf Jamal Al-Shehab if he fails to monitor the Shiite mosques. However, the MP deferred his quizzing request for the meantime after Friday prayer sermons were no longer recorded as of April 13.
On Sunday, the minister met with a delegation of Shiites imams, where he discussed with them means of cooperation in order to reach a mechanism that would well serve the Shiite mosques and establish coordination amongst them. 
He announced the formation of a committee of imams in Shiites mosques, which will act as a mediator between the Shiites in Kuwait and the ministry; thus allowing them to inform the ministry of any needs or requirements concerning maintenance and cleanliness. 
The mediator will be responsible for abiding by the instructions of the ministry concerning the mosques.
Al-Shehab called for following the guidelines set by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah that aim to cement national unity. 
He stressed the importance of cooperation, unity, and mercy among people living in Kuwait, in order to avoid any issues that might cause sedition or tarnish the relationships that bind the citizens.
Moreover, the minister listened to the remarks made by the imams, and the meeting was friendly and productive. The attendees stressed that Kuwait's security is of paramount importance and that this responsibility must be shouldered collectively by the people. 
He also mentioned the violations committed by Shiites mosques and called for taking them into consideration.
Meanwhile, the Shiites imams applauded the friendly meeting, and lauded the concept of forming a committee that seeks Kuwait's interest and abides by the laws and regulations. They asserted that Shiites are keen to abide by laws and to work with others for the welfare of Kuwait.
On this issue, Al Watan Daily spoke to Sheikh Rajab Ali Rajab, a mosque Imam, who explained that monitoring Hussainiyat is a governmental role, given that a Hussainiya is not under the authority of the Ministry of Awqaf and is rather considered as a private 
Diwaniya that opens its door for everyone.  "The history of Hussainiyas in Kuwait is well known in educating the society, encouraging people to respect the state institutions, and it never incites violence and terrorism," added Rajab.
Another Shiite clergyman, who asked to remain anonymous, told Al Watan Daily on a phone interview that the existence of Hussainiyat or Churches is related to the freedom of belief for the citizen or those who live in the country. However, he said that there are some parties that incite terrorism in mosques.
There are a number of people in the National Assembly who do not want the good of Kuwait, for instance when His Highness the Amir, may God grant him long life, visited Iraq they criticized the visit because they don't want for Kuwait to communicate and enjoy good relations with its neighboring countries," the clergyman said.
he Clergyman explained that in Islam, the Christians and Jews have the right to practice their rituals, he cited a saying of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) "who hurts a dhimmi, he hurts me".
"Islam, according to these people, is unfortunately about a long dishdasha and a beard, and not the Islam of tolerance." He concluded.
Regarding freedom of religion, Article 35 of the Kuwaiti constitution states "Freedom of belief is absolute. The State protects the freedom of practicing religion in accordance with established customs, provided that it does not conflict with public policy or morals."
Meanwhile, and on a different topic, Sheikha Fariha Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, head of the Kuwaiti Association for the Ideal Family declared, during a visit to the Armenian Orthodox diocese in Salmiya, her support for Armenians living in Kuwait to obtain a plot of land for a church.
For this she came under harsh criticism from Islamist MPs who stated that the issue "should not be left for personal and political courtesies." and further stated that she was not in any official position that would allow her to issue such a statement or "to make promises."
 During an interview with Al Watan Sheikha Fariha stated that she has the right to express her opinions and beliefs as a citizen of Kuwait.
In March, a member of parliament called for the demolishing of all churches from Kuwait, however, he later claimed he was misquoted, and that he actually meant that no further churches should be built in Kuwait.
Reverend Emmanuel Gharib, Pastor of the National Evangelical Church said in a statement to the press that "Kuwait is one of the most tolerant countries in the world" Gharib said those behind the proposal should issue a public apology, pointing out the most disappointing aspect is that the calls coincided with the 50th anniversary of the issuance of the Constitution and initiated by a Kuwaiti who wants to settle scores with a compatriot due to differences in beliefs. He warned this move might make outsiders think that Kuwait is against freedom to practice one's own religion.
The position of Islamist MP's was reinforced by a recent visit to Saudi Arabia by the Kuwait-based 'Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage' to meet with Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia. During their meeting, they were told by the Grand Mufti that it is "necessary to destroy all the churches of the region," because on his deathbed, the prophet 
Mohammed had decreed that "there are not to be two religions in the Arabian Peninsula" which he has taken to mean that no religion but Islam should be allowed anywhere in the Arabian Peninsula. The Mufti emphasized that because Kuwait is part of the Arabian Peninsula, it would be necessary to destroy all churches in the country. 

Israel blocks entry to first pro-Palestinian 'fly-in' activists; hundreds more expected - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Israel blocks entry to first pro-Palestinian 'fly-in' activists; hundreds more expected - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

About 30 pro-Palestinian activists were held by security forces at Ben-Gurion Airport after arriving on a flight from Paris on Sunday, ahead of what Israel Police estimates will be hundreds of activists and protesters due to arrive as part of the "Welcome to Palestine" fly-in protest. 


Thursday, April 12, 2012

السفير الايراني : متفائل بمستقبل واعد لمسيرة التواصل بين البلدين #iran#kuwait

أعرب السفير الإيراني لدى دولة الكويت عن ارتياحه لنتائج المباحثات التي تمخضت عن إجتماعات اللجان السياسية والاقتصادية الايرانية والكويتية مبدياً تفاؤله بمستقبل واعد لمسيرة هذا التواصل الأخوي بين البلدين الجارين المسلمين في خضم الارادة الصلبة للقيادتين الحكيمتين في ايران و الكويت .
و أضاف روح الله قهرماني بأن المباحثات جرت في جو مفعم بالود و التفاهم والرغبة الصادقة في تحقيق أهداف التعاون الأخوي و تطوير العلاقات السياسية والقنصلية والاقتصادية حيث أكد الجانب الايراني في اللجنة القنصلية على إصدار تأشيرات مجانية لذوي الدبلوماسيين الايرانيين المعتمدين لدى دولة الكويت و إعفاء الدبلوماسيين من دفع المخالفات المرورية و منح التأشيرات لعوائل المدرسين العاملين بالمدارس الايرانية فيما أكد الجانب الكويتي على أهمية تأمين سلامة السفن الخشبية القادمة الى ميناء الدوحة و الاسراع في تبادل الوثائق الخاصة باتفاقية التعاون الأمني بين البلدين .
أما اللجنة التجارية المشتركة فقد أكدت على أهمية زيادة التبادل التجاري و تشجيع زيارات الوفود الحكومية و الخاصة بين البلدين حيث قدم الجانب الكويتي شرحاً عن قانون الاستثمار المباشر لرأس المال الأجنبي و المزايا الممنوحة للشركات الأجنبية ، كما تطرق الجانبان الى أهمية التعاون في مجال المناطق الحرة والاستفادة من المزايا و الإعفاءات الضريبية التي تقدمها تلك المناطق للإستثمار الصناعي و كذلك تشجيع المشاركة في المعارض التجارية المقامة في كلا البلدين و دراسة المستجدات والأوضاع الاقتصادية و تشجيع تبادل البيانات و المعلومات لتعزيز التعاون الثنائي .
كما رحب الجانبان بمباحثات غرفتي التجارة والصناعة في البلدين بخصوص بروتوكول التعاون و اتفق الطرفان على توحيد المواصفات و المقاييس و تنفيذ برامج تدريبية و تبادل الخبرات في مجال الخدمات المختبرية و تنسيق المواقف في المنظمات الدولية والاقليمية .
و قد أعرب السفير الايراني عن سعادته من نتائج الزيارة مؤكداً ضرورة تشكيل لجنة مشتركة في كلا الطرفين لمتابعة تنفيذ بنود هذه الاتفاقية .
اما اللجنة الحقوقية و القانونية للبلدين فقد تبادلت الأفكار و الأطروحات حول ملف الجرف القاري بكل صراحة و شفافية و وضوح و تقرر أن يتم البت النهائي في كافة الملفات و تكثيف المداولات خلال اجتماع اللجنة العليا برئاسة وزيري خارجية البلدين و الذي سيتم خلال الاسابيع القليلة القادمة .

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

First ever French Short Movie Festival launched in Kuwait

Wednesday,11 April 2012
By : Jameel W. Karaki
       Staff Writer

KUWAIT: France is the birthplace of cinema and, responsible for many of its early significant
 contributions and the cinema of foreign nations. The French film industry in the late 19th Century

 and was among the world's most important. Auguste and Louis 
Lumière invented the cinématographe and their L'Arrivée d'un train en gare de La Ciotat in

Monday, April 9, 2012

#Kuwait mulls different plans to deal with potential Hormuz closure#afp

Kuwait mulls different plans to deal with potential Hormuz closure

Kuwait is mulling “many scenarios” in case the strategic Strait of Hormuz is closed, disrupting its vital oil exports, a top official said on Monday.

“We are discussing many scenarios but we have not decided which” plan to adopt, the CEO of national oil conglomerate Kuwait Petroleum Corp (KPC), Faruq al-Zanki, said without revealing specifics.

“This is something that needs to be coordinated with the (Gulf Cooperation Council) GCC states,” Zanki told reporters on the sidelines of a Gulf Petroleum Conference.

Iran has frequently threatened to close the strategic strait, through where most Gulf oil exports pass, if it is militarily attacked over its controversial nuclear program.
Zanki said KPC has been asked to look into this issue.

“KPC has been asked to look into what we think (it can do about the possible closure of Hormuz) and this is something we are looking into,” Zanki said.

He said that such contingency scenarios were discussed by the GCC states in the past and “we need to re-visit it and come up with a specific plan, agreed by all” states.

He declined to say if the GCC states were currently engaged in studies over the possible closure of Hormuz.

Kuwait pumps around 3.0 million barrels per day (bpd) and most of it is exported as crude and refined products through the Strait of Hormuz.

The United Arab Emirates is currently constructing pipelines that would allow oil and gas exports to bypass the strait, at the mouth of the Gulf.

In January, UAE Energy Minister Mohammad bin Dhaen al-Hameli said a Habshan-Fujairah pipeline, due to be finished by June, will have the capacity to pump 1.5 million bpd from fields in Abu Dhabi on the Gulf to Fujairah on the Gulf of Oman.

The oil-rich country is also working on a gas terminal in the northern emirate of Fujairah to eliminate the need for gas tankers to pass through the Hormuz.

كيف تطلق مدونة ناجحة #kuwait#ksa#lebanon#syria#egypt

الخطوات الست لإطلاق مدوّنة ناجحة

by Valentina Gimenez
يرغب الكثير من الصحفيين في البدء بالتدوين، إلا أنهم يقلقون بشأن التزامات الوقت، ويتساءلون عن نتائج كل ذلك العمل.
لنأخذ مثلاً المراسل جوردي بيريز كولومي، الذي فاز مؤخراً بجائزة خوسيه مانويل بوركيت للصحافة الإلكترونية؛ إذ قالت لجنة التحكيم أن مدونته "عالم أوباما" أصبحت "مرجعا أساسيا" لتحليل السياسات الدولية.

الحصول على الخبرة: قال بيريز كولومي إنه بدأ مدونته "نتيجة الحاجة" بعد أن فقد وظيفته، ويقول: "إن فقدان عملك يساعدك على البحث عن بدائل. فأنتَ لا تحتاج لطلب الإذن أو امتلاك مؤسسة صحفية خاصة بك لكي تبدأ منظمة إعلامية أو لتفتح قناة إعلامية، فبعض الخبرة في غرفة الأخبار قد تساعدك في ذلك".

ابتكار شيء جديد: وقال بيريز كولومي: "من غير الواقعي الاعتقاد بأن الصحافة تنجح فقط بتكرار ما قد أُقيم بالفعل [من قبل الإعلام التقليدي]. يوفر الإنترنت ميزةً تتمثل في تقليص المسافة بين اقتراح الفكرة وتنفيذها، إلا أن سلبيته تتمثل في وجود المزيد من المنافسة ... إذا كنت تريد أن يكون لك مشروعك الخاص في العمل، فعليك أن تفعل شيئاً لم يتم القيام به من قبل، أو شيء تمّ الفيام به على نحو خاطئ، وأن تعد تقاريرك جيداً، وفوق ذلك كله: أن تبدأ بالقيام بشيء ترغب أنتَ شخصياً في قراءته أو رؤيته".

السعي إلى تمويل بديل: قدم بيريز كولومي عدة أمثلة على مصادر التمويل التي يستخدمها بالفعل أو يخطط للبدء في استخدامها: "المدونة عبارة عن استثمار، وخصوصاً في الوقت الحالي ... واليوم، فإن الخيار الوحيد هو تجربة ما هو متاح. لقد وضعت زر باي بال PayPal على الموقع، وهو يدفع جزءاً من نفقات سفري. كما أنني استخدمت الكتب الإلكترونية التي يتم بيعها. وسأحاول قريباً استخدام المقالات الطويلة والتي تُنشر فقط على هيئة كتاب إلكتروني، وربما أحصل على تمويل خارجي".

اصنع اسماً أو علامة خاصة بك: مع وجود المدونة، يكتسب الصحفيون ميزتيّ الظهور والعلامة التجارية، الأمر الذي يمكن أن يساعدهم في الحصول على دخل غير مباشر،. ومن بعض الميّزات المتعلقة بذلك أن بيريز كولومي يعمل الآن على تدريس مساق في الكتابة الصحفية، كما يتصل به الناس لدعوته لإلقاء المحاضرات أو للتعليق على الأخبار، كما أنه فاز بجائزة مقدارها 3 آلاف يورو (حوالي 4 آلاف دولار أميركي).

تجربة الوسائط المتعددة والشبكات الاجتماعية: لا تقلل أبداً من شأن أهمية الصورة أو الفيديو في تقريرك. يقول بيريز كولومي إنه ليس مصوراً رائعاً، ولكنه يأخذ الكاميرا معه الآن في كل مكان يذهب إليه. وفي الوقت الحالي، فإنه نشيط على موقع تويتر، ولكنه يتطلع إلى معرفة المزيد عن الشبكات الاجتماعية الأخرى أيضاً.

الانتباه إلى الأعمال الخفية: تتطلب المدونة كثيراً من العمل وراء الكواليس، الأمر الذي قد لا يأتي بسهولة للصحفيّ، إلا أن له تأثيراً على الناتج النهائي. ويتضمن ذلك: التصميم والبرمجة والإعلان.
اضغط هنا لقراءة المقال كاملاً باللغة الإسبانية.

Joint Kuwaiti-Iranian committee meets today #kuwait#iran

Monday,09 April 2012By : Jameel W. Karaki

KUWAIT: A meeting will be held today to discuss ways of enhancing bilateral cooperation, said the Iranian Ambassador to Kuwait Rouhullah Qahremani in a statement on Sunday. The committees will include experts and specialists from various fields.
Qahremani described the bilateral relationship between the two countries as brotherly and are heading towards a better position, based on the wise leadership in both countries that aim to cement the good- neighborly relations and communication between the two Muslim states.
Qahremani added that the meeting of the joint industrial and commercial committee will address the mutual cooperation in customs affairs and focus on the food security project between the two countries, particularly those concerning livestock, agriculture and investments between Kuwaiti and Iranian companies.
He also expressed the readiness of the Iranian sector to export livestock and to contribute to the formation of clusters of breeding sheep in Kuwait and exchange of expertise between the two sides in the field of self-sufficiency and food security. The Iranian ambassador also asserted on the importance of trade fairs between the two countries and the bilateral investment opportunities in the field of industry and mining as well as the technical cooperation and support among steel and cement factories in Iran and Kuwait.
Moreover, he revealed that consular relations play a fundamental role between both countries; therefore, the consular committee of the two countries will be held and headed by the heads of consular affairs in the foreign ministries of both countries to discuss legal and judicial cooperation regarding civil and criminal issues, prisoners' exchange, providing the other party with information about detainees, awarding their families visas and the possibility of providing an interview for them.

النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم وورقة بن نوفل

ومن جملة هذه الإفتراءات والأكاذيب ما قالوه - وليتهم لم يكشفوا عن سقوطهم وانحدارهم في الكذب والجهالة - عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بأنه تلقى القرآن الكريم وتعاليم النبوة عن ورقة بن نوفل !!

الرد :

الحمد لله ،

أولاً : ان هذه الدعوى مجردة من الدليل ، خالية من التحديد والتعيين ، ومثل هذه الدعاوي لا تقبل ما دامت غير مدللة ، وإلا فليخبرونا ما الذي سمعه محمد من ورقة ؟ ومتى كان ذلك ؟ وأين كان ؟

ثانياً : لم يعاصر ورقة التسلسل الزمني للحوادث الواردة في القرآن الكريم على مدى 23 سنة من نزوله إذ انه قد توفي في أول البعثة ، فأين ورقة من سؤال يسأله المشركون أو اليهود أو غيرهم للرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم فنرى الإجابة قد وجدت في حينها وجاء القرآن يشرحها ويحدد موقفه منها كقوله تعالى : " يَسْأَلُكَ أَهْلُ الْكِتَابِ أَنْ تُنَزِّلَ عَلَيْهِمْ كِتَابًا مِنَ السَّمَاءِ .. " وكقوله : " يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْأَهِلَّةِ قُلْ هِيَ مَوَاقِيتُ لِلنَّاسِ وَالْحَجِّ .. " وكقوله : " يَسئَلونكَ عن الخمرِ والميسرِ قُل فيهِما إثمٌ كبيرٌ ومنافعُ للنّاسِ وإثمُهُما أكبرُ مِن نَّفعهما، ويسئَلونَكَ ماذا يُنفقونَ قُلِ العَفو " ... كثيراً ما كان يسأل المؤمنون أو اليهود أو المنافقون أو المشركون، يسألون عن أشياء يريدون فهمها أو عن أشياء يريدون تعجيز الرسول وإظهاره بمظهر عدم العارف ليضعفوا من شخصيته ومهابته، وكان نزول القرآن مفرقا يتيح للرسول أن يتلقى الرد عليهم من جبريل بما يريد الله، ولذلك تجد كثيراً في القرآن (يسألونك) أو (يسألك الناس) وتجد الرد بعد ذلك حتى بلغ (يسألونك) نحو خمسة عشر سؤالا وجهت للرسول في أوقات متباعدة، ونزل القرآن للرد عليها فأين هو ورقة بن نوفل من هذه الأسئلة وهو الذي لم يعاصر التسلسل الزمني للحوادث الواردة في القرآن الكريم على مدى 23 سنة من نزوله إذ انه قد توفي في أول البعثة ؟

أين ورقة من أحداث تمت بعد وفاته وقد تحدث عنها القرآن الكريم :

فليخبرنا هؤلاء الكذبة هل عاصر ورقة غزوة الأحزاب التي تحدث عنها القرآن الكريم ؟

هل عاصر ورقة يوم حنين الذي تحدث عنه القرآن ؟

هل عاصر ورقة قصة زيد التي تحدث عنها القرآن الكريم ؟

هل عاصر ورقة حادثة الإفك التي تحدث عنها القرآن ؟

هل عاصر ورقة قدوم وفد نجران والدعوة للمباهلة ؟

هل ... وهل ... وهل ... وهل .... وهل .... وهل ....

ثالثاً : في القرآن الكريم آيات لا توافق عقيدة المسيحية فكيف يكتبها ورقة ؟ فعلى سبيل المثال :

إذا كان القرآن مصدره ورقة وورقة شخص نصراني فكيف ينكر القرآن صلب المسيح ؟

أيضاً في القرآن الكريم آيات لا توافق اليهود ومعتقداتهم وآيات تندد بهم فكيف يكون كاتبها يهودياً ؟ وإذا كان معلم الرسول يهودياً فكيف اعترف محمد بنبوة عيسى ؟ واليهود لا يعترفون بنبوة عيسى عليه السلام !

رابعاً : نقول لهؤلاء الكذبة إذا كان ورقة هو مصدر هذا القرآن المعجز فماذا عن مصدر تلك المعجزات الحسية التي صنعها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بيده أمام قومه ؟؟؟

خامساً : سأذكركم فقط من صحيح البخاري بقول ورقة بن نوفل نفسه بعد أن بلغت به الشيخوخة حدها الأقصى وبعد أن قص عليه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ما أصابه (أول ما نزل عليه الوحي)، فأجابه ورقه : هذا هو الناموس الذي أنزل على موسى يا ليتني فيها جذعا إذ يخرجك قومك قال أَوَ مُخرِجِيَّ هم قال نعم ما أتى أحد بمثل ما جئت به إلا عودي وأوذي ، وان يدركني يومك أنصرك نصراً مؤزراً. ثم لم يلبث ورقة أن توفي .. ثم فتر الوحي أي تأخر مدة من الزمان وذلك ليذهب ما كان صلى الله عليه وسلم وجده من الروع , وليحصل له التشوق والتشوف إلى العود وهو ما تم بالفعل ... ولم تكن هذه هي المرة الوحيدة التي يتأخر فيها الوحي بل انه قد أبطأ عليه غير ما مرة .. روي ان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لجبريل - عليه السلام - في احدى المرات التي ابطأ فيها : " ما جئت حتى اشتقت إليك " فقال جبريل : " وأنا كنت أشد إليك شوقا , ولكني عبد مأمور " ثم أنزل عليه : " وَمَا نَتَنَزَّل إِلا بِأَمْرِ رَبّك " [ مريم : 64 >

هذا كل ما حدث .. ما كان اللقاء الا برهة من زمان دار فيه استفسار من ورقة والنبي يجيبه . ثم مات بعدها ورقة بفترة قصيرة ... فهل يصدق من في رأسه عقل أن محمدا - صلى الله عليه وسلم - قد وعى خبر النبوة والقرآن في هذا اللقاء السريع الخاطف ؟

وصدق الله إذا يقول في كتابه العزيز " وَقَالَ الّذِينَ كَفَرُوَاْ إِنْ هَـَذَا إِلاّ إِفْكٌ افْتَرَاهُ وَأَعَانَهُ عَلَيْهِ قَوْمٌ آخَرُونَ فَقَدْ جَآءُوا ظُلْماً وَزُوراً * وَقَالُوَاْ أَسَاطِيرُ الأوّلِينَ اكْتَتَبَهَا فَهِيَ تُمْلَىَ عَلَيْهِ بُكْرَةً وَأَصِيلاً * قُلْ أَنزَلَهُ الّذِي يَعْلَمُ السّرّ فِي السّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضِ إِنّهُ كَانَ غَفُوراً رّحِيماً " الفرقان 4-6.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

البنك الوطني يقود حملة بيئية لتنظيف مخلفات التخييم #kuwait#nbk#green

خبر صحافي

06 ابريل 2012

 الكويت : قام بنك الكويت الوطني بحملة تنظيف مخلفات التخييم بعد انتهاء موسم البر. وتوجه فريق من الموظفين المتطوعين في البنك بإزالة النفايات وبقايا المخلفات التي تركها مرتادو البر، وشملت الحملة مساحات واسعة من مناطق التخييم المختلفة.

وتندرج هذه الحملة ضمن برنامج بيئي متكامل يهدف من خلاله البنك الوطني الى حماية البيئة ونشر الوعي تجاهها. وكان البنك الوطني قد أطلق مع بداية موسم البر حملته البيئية السنوية لحماية المخيمات البرية التي خاطبت من خلال نشاطاتها التوعوية المخيمين وقدمت لهم المعلومات اللازمة لحماية البيئة إلى جانب إرشادات السلامة.

وينتهج البنك الوطني في استراتيجيته سياسة توازن بين طبيعة عمله كمؤسسة مصرفية الى جانب مسؤوليته الاجتماعية، وقد كان أول من تبنى المسؤولية البيئية معلناً نفسه البنك الصديق للبيئة بموازاة مبادراته وبرامجه التي تغطي كافة الشؤون الاجتماعية والصحية والرياضية والانسانية في المجتمع.

وقام متطوعو البنك الوطني بعملية مسح لأماكن ازالة المخيمات والتي تكون في مثل هذا الوقت وبعد انتهاء موسم البر في أزمة بيئية نظراً لانتشار القاذورات والنفيات التي يتركها المخيمون، كما قام فريق الوطني بفرز النفايات وجمعها بحسب أنواعها في أكياس الى جانب تأمين نقل المخلفات الضخمة والكبيرة في حاويات متخصصة، وذلك في من منطلق المسؤولية البيئية لأهمية الحفاظ على المناطق البرية التي تعتبر جزءا لا يتجزأ من البيئة الطبيعية الغنية التي تتمتع بها الكويت.