Thursday, July 21, 2011

Al-Roumi: Kuwait doesn't want escalation with Iraq

Egypt celebrates 59th anniversary since 1952 Revolution
Friday,22 July 2011
By : Jameel W. Karaki
Staff Writer

KUWAIT: Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Ahmad Al-Roumi stressed that Kuwait did not want to increase tension with Iraq over the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Port Project. He added that Kuwait seeks to establish good relations with Iraq, noting that the project does not only serve Kuwait but will serve Iraq, Iran and Central Asian region, as well as many other countries.
The Acting Undersecretary's comments were made during the Egyptian embassy celebration of the 59th anniversary of the July 23, 1952 revolution on Wednesday at Salwa Al-Sabah Hall. The even include the participation of Taher Farhat Egyptian Ambassador to Kuwait and Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Municipal Affairs Dr. Fadhil Safar, as well as other officials, citizens, and expats.
Ambassador Farhat asserted that the July 23, 1952 Revolution took place to achieve the legitimate demands for freedom, social justice and democracy, the very same principles which the January 25, 2011 revolution represented.
When asked about the position the ambassador will be responsible for after he ends his post in Kuwait, Farhat said that he will be appointed as the Director of the Israeli Department within the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, explaining that he will study the files in an accurate way where he will benefit from the expertise of his predecessors and will make his utmost to protect Egypt's interests.
In addition, Farhat told reporters that Abdul Karim Suleiman will be assigned as the new Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Kuwait where he will take up his assignment in early September.
On his part, Minister Fadhil Safar praised the Kuwait- Egyptian bilateral relationships, noting that Egypt contributed in the development of many sectors in Kuwait such education, construction, labor and the judicial system.
Minister Safar discussed the preparations undertaken by his ministry to fight any spoiled food during Ramadan, calling on citizens and residents to abide by laws of advertising, food condition and the public safety. He added that the ministry is exerting all efforts to tighten the control in this regard. In addition, Minister Safar stated that there is a comprehensive inspection campaign to take place during the next two days, calling the press to attend and watch the process of rotten food disposal.
When asked about the announcement of Eng. Jenan Bushehri, Municipal Council Member about archiving maps, the minister stated, "We are already archiving maps electronically where the municipal diagrams plots have been completed in various areas of Kuwait, except for three regions with interferences as Al-Asimah, Salmiya and Al-Fahaheel."
Moreover, with regard to Aswaq-Alqurain (Al-Qurian Markets) he explained that the ministry will apply the provisions of the appeal made in favor of the municipality.
Mohammed Al-Kandari, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor expressed his happiness to participate in this occasion. He wished Egypt stability after the recent January Revolution. In his response on a question related to the rotations at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Al-Kandari described this a as a normal procedure where he personally worked for different sectors at the ministry during his term.
In regards to the law of residency violators who submitted their paper during the amnesty period, yet their paper work was disrupted, Al-Kandari stated, "The brothers at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor will take this into consideration according to what I have read in newspapers and we at the Ministry do not have any objection and our doors are open to anyone who wants to reside in Kuwait in a legal manner."
For his part, Ambassador Ahmad Al-Roumi, Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asserted that Kuwait does not want to escalation with Iraq related on what is happening now related to Mubarak Al Kabeer port, stressing that Kuwait is seeking to establish good relations where this project in the first place is economical. He also noted that this project will benefit Iraq, Iran, Central Asia and many countries.
He went on to say, "Kuwait has five ports, while Iraq has six ports, in addition to the Faw Port which is still under construction. However, the region demands more ports and eventually there is no harm if ports will be next to each another."
Regarding the statements of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki who said, in an official statement issued by his office, that Kuwait did not inform Iraq about its implementation plans of Mubarak Al Kabeer project, Al-Roumai denied these comments, saying, "This is not true, in May, an Iraqi delegation visited Kuwait where documents, records and images proves it where the port is visible for everyone."
When asked about Iraqi objections related to the Kuwait intention of building a nuclear reactor on Warba Island he said, "This topic doesn't deserve a comment."
Finally, in respect of the future activities of the ministry, Al-Roumi said that next October will
witness the launch of the Asian Cooperation Dialogue at the level of foreign ministers, which will coincide with marking the tenth anniversary of establishing this Asian group. He added that 30 Asian countries and some specialized organizations in the region as well as the UNISCO and UNISEF will take part in the event.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rupert Murdoch's phone-hacking humble pie

Rupert Murdoch defiantly insisted on Tuesday he was not responsible for what he called "sickening and horrible invasions" of privacy committed by his company, claiming he had been betrayed by disgraceful unidentified colleagues and had known nothing of the cover-up of phone hacking.

To read more click on

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

الحر يتسلم تصريح السفير الإيراني بعد لقائه صاحب السمو أمير البلاد

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

تصريح سعادة السيد روح الله قهرماني
سفير الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية لدى دولة الكويت
بعد تقديم اوراق اعتماده اليوم لصاحب السمو اميرالبلاد

انه لمن دواعي سروري و اعتزازي أن أمثل بلادي في دولة الكويت و ان التقي بصاحب السمو امير البلاد لتقديم أوراق اعتمادي كسفير فوق العادة و مطلق الصلاحية للجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية .
ان مسيرة العلاقات بين بلدينا الجارين المسلمين مزدهرة و متنامية و ان انتخابي من قبل فخامة الرئيس د. احمدي نجاد كسفير في دولة الكويت يأتي انطلاقاً من حرص فخامته على تطوير التواصل الثنائي و تعزيز التشاور و التفاهم و مضاعفة تبادل الزيارات بين المسئولين أملا ً ببناء غد مشرق يسود فيه الأمن و السلام في ربوع منطقتنا .
لاشك بأن مهمتي ستكون حاسمة و هامة لكني بعد التسديد الالهي ،‌ وثقتي بحكمة و حنكة القيادتين الحكيمتين في بلدينا و الدعم الذي أحظى به من قبل أبناء هذا الشعب الأبي و في طليعتهم المسؤولين و رجال الدولة آمل أن أقدم صورة نموذجية وفريدة للتعاون المثمر بين بلدينا لتكون قدوة و نموذجاً تحتذى به بقية الدول ،  و هذا هو هاجسي و طموحي .
ان العدوان الذي شنه  المقبور صدام حسين على ايران و الكويت أدى الى تعزيز التضامن و الوفاق بين بلدينا و لابد من توظيف هذه الفرص لمضاعفة التنسيق بين البلدين في القضايا الاقليمية و الدولية . ان الرئيس احمدي نجاد أكد لي بأن سقف التعاون مع الكويت لاحدود له و مجالاته مفتوحة و لا حصر لها .
ان سمو الامير كان اول شخصية سياسية عربية تلتقي بسماحة الامام الخميني الراحل لتهنئة الشعب الايراني بانتصار الثورة الاسلامية المباركة ؛ كما نددت ايران بالغزو الصدامي للكويت وكانت من اولى الدول التي اعترفت باستقلال الكويت وعزتها وهذه القواسم المشتركة ستبقى خالدة و ابدية في اذهان شعوبنا.