Monday, May 23, 2011

Sony to post $3.2 billion annual loss on tax write-offs

Tuesday,24 May 2011
Source : Reuters
 man walks past an advertisement for Sony Walkmans at an electronic shop in Tokyo May 5, 2011. Sony Corporation said it expected to post a 3.2 billion US dollars net loss for the year that ended on March 31 due to a write off on tax credits, the latest in a string of grim headlines for the consumer electronics giant. (Reuters)
TOKYO: Sony Corporation said it expected to post a 3.2 billion US dollars net loss for the year that ended on March 31 due to a write off on tax credits, the latest in a string of grim headlines for the consumer electronics giant. The maker of PlayStation video games, Vaio computers and Bravia TVs has been battling to recover from the devastating Japan earthquake in March, and more recently, a series of computing hacking attacks that affected more than 100 million user accounts. "I have been skeptical about Sony for a long time. Sony has been overtaken by Apple and other companies," said Yuuki Sakurai, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and president of Fukoku Capital Management in Tokyo. "The management is not able to show shareholders the future of the company." Sony said it now expected a net loss of 260 billion Japanese yen ($3.2 billion) versus a previous forecast for a profit of 70 billion yen due to a "non-cash charge" of around 360 billion yen related to Japanese tax credits. It is due to announce its full-year earnings on Thursday. The net loss would be Sony's biggest since 1995 and its second-largest ever.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The existence of American troops is an Iraqi decision, says Wittes

Sunday,22 May 2011
By : Jameel W. Karaki

WASHINGTON: Tamara Wittes, Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs, at the US State Department stated that the United States will not keep any troops in Iraq without an exclusive request from its government, that it is a sovereign Iraqi decision, adding that the relationship between Iraq and Israel is an entirely Iraqi issue.

She also clarified that the demands in the streets of Egypt and Tunisia are clearly for dignity and freedom where they arose from grievances related to economical conditions. In addition, she pointed out that US supports economic development in the region through different tools that are aimed to help Egypt, Tunisia and other developing states as they slowly move to more democratic governments, thereby helping them in gaining access to the American markets and Europe.

 In addition to promoting investments in the region, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) dedicated 2 billion US dollars' worth on an investments facility to support private sector investments in these countries, to generate more jobs.

This statement was issued to reporters during a "virtual press briefing" to discuss President Obama's Middle East speech, which took place on May 19, 2011. The briefing took place on StateDeptLive, the State Department's new interactive Web chat platform. Wittes in her response to a question about Egyptian assets illegally held in the US said that the US would identify assets that were stolen from Egypt by corrupt leaders in previous regimes, which would require an extensive amount of investigation and information gathering, asserting that the US will begin the process according to Egyptian and American laws.

As to American's proposal for financial relief for Egypt, Wittes said that it involved up to $1 billion in debt relief freeing up funds to help support small and medium enterprises in Egypt. Wittes described the current sectarian conflicts in Egypt as very troubling and that both Muslims and Christians should work together on behalf of the future they share, asserting that the future of Egypt is in the hands of its people.

Wittes believes by coming to the state department the president was making a statement that the role of the US in events happening in the region is to support the drive initiated by the people in these countries. Moreover, he aimed to speak to the younger generations of US diplomats to encourage them in supporting the aspirations of the people of the region. She added that "The future of the region is in the hands of the people from that region and not in the hands of any external factors."

Regarding the current situation in Yemen she said, "we have been very constant in our approach to the situation in Yemen, where president Saleh must follow through on his commitment to begin a transition of power," hoping that the transition will be underway soon in Yemen, where currently there is promising dialogue between the government and the opposition. Speaking about the current situation in Palestine, she said that despite the fact that an agreement has been signed between Hamas and Fatah still no new government has been formed. Wittes indicated that for any Palestinian government to be a constructive partner in the peace process it needs to sign up to the basic principles underlying any peace process, being a commitment to reject violence to achieve political goals, to respect other agreements signed in the past, as well as recognition of the right for Israel to exist.

 When asked about her expectations on whether the current Syrian regime will collapse, she said that nobody can predict what system might replace the current Syrian government. However, the focus of the American government now is to make the current Syrian government accountable for transgressions and put pressure on them to stop the violence, mass arrests, the killing of innocent people, and to allow them to experience their basic rights.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

فلنحترم مرضى الإيدز

 هل أصبت يوما بأنفلونزا؟ أو الرشح أو بالزكام؟ سؤال مطروح ربما يبدو سخيفا لأننا جميعا أصبنا بهذه الأمراض وشفينا منها بقدرة الواحد الأحد والدواء ورعاية الأسرة لنا  .

حقا صدق سيد الكلام وصاحب نهج البلاغة  الأمام علي عليه حينما قال الناس أعداء ما جهلوا به وأعترف وأقر بأنني منت جاهل أعاني من جهل مركب وذلك للغباء الإجتماعي الذي أصابني كما أصاب الكثيرين في مجتمعي ومدرستي التي  عجت منهاجها بمعلومخات دقيقة مغلوطة لا بل قديم تعود إلى 70 الف سنة ما قبل الميلاد عن مرض الإيدز مع العلم أن أكتشف في الثمانينيات .

ولأنني إنسان لا أؤمن إلا بالحقائق والمتغيرات والشواهد العلمية قررت الإنضمام إلى ورشة عمل توعوية حول مرض الإيدز والتي غسلت دماغي وأفكاري وقلبي وعقلي من غبائي المركب الذي أصابني حول هذا المرض وعن المصابيين به.

ولأنني لا أريد أن أكون كمثل الحمار يحمل أسفارا قررت الإستماع بدقة شديدة وتركيز حذر إلى القائميين على هذه الدورة  وتوصلت إلى الأتي:

إن الإيدز مرض يمكن أي يصيب أي شخص منا وعلينا أن نحترم حامليين هذا المرض خيث أنهم مثلنا ولكن مصيبتهم أنهم يعيشون في مجتمعات عربية تنظر إلى حامل هذا الفيروس وكأنه زاني فاسق وزنديق وكافر ولكنه ليس كذلك.

فعذرا منكم حاملي هذا المرض, سامحوني على غبائي في السابق وأتعهد أمام الله وأمامكم بأن أسعى بكل جهد إلى تنوير الناس حول حقكم في العمل والعيش الكريم فحامل الفيروس يمكنه أن يعمل ويعيش عشرات السنين ويمكنه أن يتحول إلى طاقة فاعلة منتجة تساهم لما فيه من خير لبلدها وبيئتها التي تعيش بها..

إننا في مجتمعاتنا العربية الغبية المتخلفة والتي تعيش على أمجاد الماضي نحاسب حامل  المرض على مرض إبتلاه الله به وكأن المجتمع يعارض قدر ربه فالمريض  بالإيدز ليس حامل المرض بل هو كل شخص لا يعامل حامل الفيروس بإحترام وإقتدار  ولكنهم معذرون حيث أنه لا يخفى علينا جهل بعض الإطباء بطبيعة المرض .
ومن جهة أخرة يأتي رجال الدين الذين يدمرون الحالة النفسية لحامل المرض وكأن الله نصبهم قتلة أنفس على الأرض لا رسل محبة وسلام.

وإلى البعض أقول:

عزيزي رجل الدين ماذا لو جرحت بموس حلاقة ملوس بالفيروس أثناء إدائك للمناسك وأصبحت حاملا للمرض؟ هل تكون زانيا داعرا فاجرا؟

وأنتي عزيزتي ماذا لو جرحت بإحد أدوات الصالون الذي تهتمين فيه بجمالك؟ وحملتي الفيروس هل أصبحتي عاهرة؟ أو مدمنة مخدرات

وأنت أيها الطبيب؟ ماذا لو كنت تقوم بعملية جراحية لمريض مصاب  وجرحت يدك بمشرط؟ هل سوف تنقل الفيروس عبر التنفس إلى بقية زملائك في غرفة العمليات؟ طبعا لا يا أحمق؟

ماذا لو أصيب أي شخص في حادث سيارة وتبرع إحد الحامللين للفيروس بدمه؟ مع العلم أنه لايعلم أنه مصاب؟ هل تستحق الموت؟

وإذا كان الله غفورا رحيما فلماذا نحن أشداء معهم؟.

إن الحل هو إحترام حاملي المرض وتوعية الناس بأساليب الوقاية والعلاج وتشجيع حاملي هذا المرض إلى الظهور العلني لإنهم يجب أن يفخروا بأنفسهم لإن الله يبتلي من يحب.

جميل كركي

So much respect for Haaretz, Look to what do the say about the rights of Palestinians

Look what an isreali newspaper is saying about the rights of Palestinians. You will be shocked, since some arabs are more zionists than zionism itself.
Israel opens its gates to the world, shuts them to Palestinians

The covert deportation of West Bank residents in order to increase the number of Jews in the West Bank, like the declaration of land as “state land” to build settlements on it, is an example of the occupation’s rotten fruit.

Haaretz Editorial

From the occupation beginning in 1967 to the day after the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1994, Israel used a covert procedure to banish Palestinians by stripping them of their residency rights.

This was revealed in an official document drawn up by the Israel Defense Forces’ West Bank headquarters, published by Haaretz on Wednesday.

A letter sent to the Center for the Defense of the Individual says the procedure, enforced on Palestinian West Bank residents who traveled abroad, led to the stripping of 140,000 of them of their residency rights.

 Israel registered these people as NLRs − no longer residents − a special status that does not allow them to return to their homes. The document makes no mention of the number of Gaza Strip residents who traveled abroad for studies or work and were permanently banished from the region by the same procedure.

The sweeping denial of residency status from tens of thousands of Palestinians and deporting them from their homeland in this way cannot be anything but an illegitimate demographic policy and a grave violation of international law. It’s a policy whose sole purpose is to thin out the Palestinian population in the territories.

It would be reasonable to assume that many family members of the Palestinians uprooted between 1967 and 1994 joined their relatives in exile and became homeless refugees themselves. The gates of the West Bank and Gaza Strip were also locked to the NLR’s children and descendants who were born outside the territories.

 After the Oslo Accords, Israel allowed a relatively small number of NLRs to return to the territories. Since the second intifada broke out, the people exiled between 1967 and 1994 have been prohibited from visiting their homes, even as tourists.

The covert deportation of West Bank residents in order to increase the number of Jews in the West Bank, like the declaration of land as “state land” to build settlements on it, is an example of the occupation’s rotten fruit. Israel opens its gates to people from all over the world, who have the right of return.

 It lets them settle in Hebron and at the entrance to Nablus. It must immediately rectify the ongoing injustice caused to tens of thousands of Palestinians who were born in Hebron and raised children in Nablus.

The government would do well to remove the NLR stigma from these people, restore their residency status as quickly as possible and permit them to return home and unite with their families.

'64th World Health Assembly will not host Kuwaiti experts'

Sunday,15 May 2011
By : Staff Writer
Jameel W. Karaki

KUWAIT: A source at the ministry of health revealed that a group of specialists at the Ministry of health expressed their concerns for being labeled as unqualified by the ministry to attend the sixty-fourth World Health Assembly (WHA) that will take place in Geneva during May 16-24, 2011, Where the delegation will be chaired by Dr. Hilal Al Sayer, Minister of Health.

However, according to the source these qualified people, were replaced by unqualified people or people who are not experts in the fields to be discussed in the summit due to personal interests, nepotism, and political factors since some of these members are supported by a well-known constitutional movement.

The source also revealed that an official at the ministry who ended his services at the ministry travelled to Moscow to participate in the First Global Ministerial Conference on Healthy LifeStyles despite the fact that his appointment was ended and was not renewed. In addition, Kuwaiti experts were excluded from participating in this conference.

 Moreover, WHA is a yearly summit of the World Health Organization's (WHO) 193 member countries and it is the higher decision-making organization of WHO.

The Executive Board prepared an explicit health agenda that will be discussed in the summit as well as other issues including the program budget, administration and management matters of WHO.

The provisional Agenda of the Plenary session will discuss several topics that require each country to send specialists in these fields such as, pandemic influenza preparedness, Global Immunization vision strategy, Substandard, spurious, falsely-labeled, falsified, counterfeit medical products, Cholera, strategies for the safe management of drinking-water for human consumption and other issues.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Road accidents kill nearly 1.3 million people internationally every year

Thursday,12 May 2011
By : Jameel W. Karaki

KUWAIT: Road accidents kill nearly 1.3 million people annually, leaving millions more injured or permanently disabled around the world. Thus, the United Nation has launched the "Decade of Action for Road Safety" on Wednesday, in order to help all countries drive along the path to a more secure future.

This Campaign, which is expected to last till 2020, was the result of a unanimous resolution taken by the United Nations. On this occasion, Resident Representative of the UN Development Program (UNDP) in Kuwait Dr. Adam Abdul Mawla explained that the problems of transportation occur due to failure of public institutions, the private sector and the society to establish a national transportation system which is acceptable socially and economically, as they fail to recognize the present needs and considers the future demands.

Abdul Mawla asserted that the campaign aims to protect the lives of more than five million person, prevent the injury of 60 million and to raise three trillion American dollars globally within the next 10 years, which will contribute to the economic growth and social development, improving security and humanitarian conditions at the developing countries.

 He also expressed his happiness for the Kuwaiti National strategic plan for the period of 2010 to 2020 based on the demands of the United Nations campaign. Abdul Mawal highlighted the importance of the role of the Traffic Department and the transportation sector, the need to allocate a ministry to be in charge of coordination between institutions and a strategic plan where new planning concepts should adopt safety measures regarding construction in addition to dealing with black points.

 Moreover, he stated that the campaign calls nations to develop the skills of the security forces and ensure accident medical care and the rehabilitation of injured people. On his part Khaled Al-Khamess, Assistant Secretary General for Administrative and Financial Affairs of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development said, "The Traffic plan will deal with several issues related to the traffic problem in Kuwait," noting that Kuwait's strategy in this regard aims to achieve Sustainable Development. Brigadier General Saleh Al-Najem added that Kuwait organized a comprehensive strategy to improve the transportation sector by preparing a proposal to establish a public authority of transportation, ensuring safety measures and standards on roads as well as for vehicles and improving the emergency medical services.

Monday, May 2, 2011

الحر ينشر توضيح من السفارة الإيرانية حول تصريحات اللواء أبادي فيما يتعلق بالخليج

 الكويت -تصريح صحفي أكد الدكتور محمد شهابي القائم بأعمال سفارة الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية بان التصريحات المنقولة عن اللواء السيد حسن فيروزآبادي رئيس أركان الجيش الايراني محرّفة و غير دقيقة معرباً عن أمله في مراعاة الدقة والأمانة في نقل و ترجمة البيانات والتصريحات الصادرة عن المسئولين الايرانيين لاسيما في الظروف الراهنة .
وأضاف شهابي بأن التضخيم الاعلامي لهذه التصريحات يأتي في سياق النهج الذي تمارسه الدوائر الاعلامية الصهيونية بغية تأجيج الصراعات و تأليب الدول المجاورة ضد بعضها موضحاً بأن ما قاله السيد فيروزآبادي هو «أن الوثائق والمستمسكات التاريخية والقانونية المُحكمة و خاصة كتب التاريخ الموجودة في دول المنطقة تؤكد على ان الخليج الفارسي كان تابعاً للايرانيين ، و ان هذا الممر المائي و البحري كان يتمتع طوال التاريخ بأهمية و قيمة فائقة ، و وفقاً للوثائق التاريخية كان دائماً مركزاً لصراع الحضارات الكبرى على مر آلاف السنين» و أشار القائم بالاعمال الايراني بأن التصريحات جاءت بمناسبة الذكرى السنوية لطرد المستعمرين البرتغال من مضيق هرمز في القرن السابع عشر حيث تمت تسميتها «اليوم الوطني للخليج الفارسي» تخليداً لهذه الذكرى وان الحديث لايتناول الوضع الراهن بل يتطرق لأحداث تاريخية قديمة .
و أكد السيد شهابي عدم وجود أي عبارة تدعي بأن دول المنطقة هي ملك لايران لأن سيادة الدول محتـرمة و لايمكن لأحـد الطعـن بها أو التدخـل في شؤونها و ان ايران لم ولن تعتدي على أي دولة و لاينقصها من الاراضي و الثروات لكي تطمع في أراضي الآخـرين ، لكن معظم الوثائق التاريخية تشير الى اسم هذا الممر المائي بالخليج الفارسي وهو الأمر الذي تستند عليه منظمة الأمم المتحدة ، و بما ان دولنا اعضاء في هذه المنظمة الدولية فمن المفروض ان نلتزم بما تقره .

سفارة الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية ـ دولة الكويتفي تصريح صحفي