Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Most Top Brands Have #Google+ Pages #kuwait#lebanon#usa

Most Top Brands Have #Google+ Pages, But Few Have Many Followers

this point, most of the top brands have Google+ brand pages, but only a fraction of them are getting many visitors, according to two research firms.

BrightEdge found that 77 of the top 100 brands (as determined by Millward Brown’s Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2011 list) now have G+ pages. In comparison, 93 of the top 100 have Facebook Pages. The total number of followers for those 77 brands is now 222,000 vs. 147,000 when BrightEdge took its first survey of G+ brand pages last month.

Meanwhile, Simply Measured, which looked at the Interbrand Top 100 Brands, found 61 had Google+ brand pages. However, only 13 of those top brands had followings of 5,000 or more, according to the researcher.

Among the standouts tracked by both: Starbucks quadrupled its followers over the past month while H&M and Pepsi each surpassed the 20,000 follower mark. Once again, Google had the most-followed brand page on Google+ with more than 100,000. (Simply Measured excluded Google’s brand page from results, arguing that it skewed the data.)

Brad Mattick, VP of marketing at BrightEdge, says the movement from 61 brands to 77 was a “big jump.” Mattick says he sees some momentum for Google+ over the past month. “I think brands are seeing more interaction,” he says. “There’s been a ton of growth.”

Meanwhile, Adam Schoenfeld, Simply Measured’s CEO, says he believes most brands are “just dipping their toes in the water” on Google+. Shoenfeld says he doesn’t see a lot to celebrate yet for Google. However, he says Google might be encouraged by the fact that the top 10 brand pages had 80% market share, which could prompt laggards to try to catch up. “I wonder if there’s a sense among the other brands that ‘If we don’t get on this, we could fall behind and lose ground,’” he says.

Google hasn’t released a figure for Google+’s total membership since October. At that time, the company claimed that the social network had 40 million users.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

#Android #batterylife# Advanced Task Killer#samsung Galaxy s 2


*Uninstall and reinstall can fix Force Close issue*
*Go to menu and send bug report to us if you have any issues*
Advanced Task Killer is also known as ATK. It is a tool to kill applications running.
-Ignore List
-One tap widget
-Auto kill
-Customize item heightATK is often used to kill app and clean memory. We do suggest people use ATK manually kill apps instead of auto killing app.
1. How to use it (for new users to quick start)?
ATK is pretty simple. Open this tool and take a look at the running applications list? Uncheck some apps you don't want to kill (such as Advanced Task Killer and some system apps) Tap the button 'Kill selected apps', it will kill all applications checked.

2. How to use it (for new users to do more)?
If you don't want to kill any app, you can tap it on the running applications list. Then it's checking box will turn to gray.

3. Why there are app running that I haven't used or even opened?
Some app will start up once you turn on your phone or be invoked by some evens.

4. What is ignore list/ignore?
Ignore list is for you to ignore some app you don't want to kill. If you long press on the app listed on the main screen of ATK, the menu will pop up, then you can select 'Ignore', the application would be moved to ignore list. When you tap 'Kill selected apps', it won't be killed any more.

5. What is default action for long press?
You can set your default action for long press and click on the settings. The system default action for long press is pop-menu. That means you when you long press on the application(displays on the running applications list), a pop-menu would shows up. For example, if you want to switch to the application after you long press on it, you can set the default action of long press to 'Switch to'.

6. Why I lost my network connection after I tap 'kill selected apps'?
This is because some apps related with network connection are killed. Such as 'voicemail'. You can ignore it instead of killing it.

7. Why my Home reloaded?
This is because some apps related with Home are killed. Such as 'HTC Sense', 'Mail'(if it is integrated with Home). You can ignore it instead of killing it.

8. Why I cannot receive notification of Email?
This is because you killed 'Email'. Instead of killing it, you need to ignore it.

9. What is Auto Kill?
If you want to kill apps automatically you need to choose one of auto-kill level
- Safe: Only kill the apps aren't running but still consume memory.
- Aggressive: Kill the apps running background and apps aren't running.
- Crazy: All apps except for apps you are using with.
You should be able to see Auto Kill information shows on the title, like 'Auto-Kill: 12:20'. That means auto kill will start at 12:20, you can also change the frequency to impact the auto kill start time.
App killer is only a tool to kill apps and task. It won't help your battery directly. But if you kill any app which consume battery a lot, you might think app killer is helping your battery.
Advanced Task Killer Pro is paid version which doesn't contain ads.
KW: taskiller taskkiller task killer taskmanager manager panel taskpanel process app killer, task killer pro

Saturday, November 26, 2011

#عصفور طل من اشلباك وقلي يا نونو #أميمة

بطاقات حفلات السيدة فيروز متوافرة في الـ فيرجين ولم تنفد

نفت ريما الرحباني الشائعات التي ترددت أخيراً حول نفاد بطاقات حفلات فيروز التي من المقرر أن تحييها في 9 و10 و16 و17 ديسمبر الجاري في لبنان، على مسرح بلاتيا (Platea) في ساحل علما -جونية، الذي يتسع لـ3750 مقعداً، مؤكدة في حديث لها، أن تعمّد البعض نشر أخبار كاذبة كهذه غايته الحدّ من إقبال الناس الكثيف على حفلات والدتها.

وكانت الرحباني نفت منذ أيام ما أشيع عن أن فيروز ستطل على الجمهور للمرة الأخيرة في هذه الحفلات، إذ قررت الاعتزال.
ومع اقتراب موعد حفلات فيروز سارع الجمهور اللبناني خصوصاً والعربي عموماً إلى شراء بطاقات الحفلات المتوافرة في الـ”فيرجين ميغاستور” في كل فروعه، وتشير المعلومات إلى أن الإقبال الكثيف على شراء البطاقات فاق كل التوقعات، لكن الغريب أنه مع كل

مشروع غنائي تحضر له فيروز وقبل كل إطلالة فنية لها تنتشر شائعات من هنا وهناك، وكأن ثمة نوايا سيئة همّها أن تنغّص فرحة الجمهور العربي بلقاء سفيرتهم إلى النجوم، وعرقلة مشاريع هذه الفنانة الكبيرة التي تخطت بصوتها وإحساسها الحدود كلها ووصلت إلى أقاصي الكون.

كيف تنظّف لوحة مفاتيح حاسوبك؟ #keyboard #kuwait #lebanon

قد يشعر مستخدمو الحاسوب بالذعر لدى اكتشافهم وجود أشياء غريبة داخل لوحة المفاتيح. يؤكد مصمم رقائق الحواسيب كارل بروميل أن الغبار وفتات الخبز ورواسب المشروبات الغازية قد تتمركز بسهولة داخل لوحة المفاتيح في حال الامتناع عن استعمال الهباء الجوي مثلاً لتنظيفها. في ما يلي نصائحه لتنظيف لوحة المفاتيح…
طريقة الرمي والاستبدال: يقول بروميل إنه يتمتع بخبرة مهمة في هذا المجال، وتقضي التقنية التي يعتمدها باتباع الخطوات الآتية:
الخطوة الأولى: شراء لوحة مفاتيح جديدة.
الخطوة الثانية: التخلص من لوحة المفاتيح القديمة أو إعادة تدويرها.
لكن يسارع بروميل للتأكيد على أن لوحات المفاتيح البديلة تكلف مبلغاً زهيداً لا يتجاوز التسعة دولارات، إلا إذا كانت جزءاً من الحاسوب المحمول أو أي جهاز مدسوس آخر. لكن حتى في هذه الحالة، هو لا يستبعد تقنية الرمي والاستبدال. لكن عندئذٍ، لا بد من إضافة مرحلة الدعم الاحتياطي بين الخطوتين الأولى والثانية بحسب قوله.
إذا طُلب من بروميل أن يستفيض بشرح طريقة إنقاذ لوحة المفاتيح والعناصر المتّصلة بها، فهو يدعم المنهجية الآتية:
- تنظيف لوحة المفاتيح بانتظام: يساهم التنظيف الخفيف والدوري في منع إنهاك الجهاز وفي تمديد عمره. كذلك من الأفضل وضع المأكولات والمشروبات بعيداً عن الجهاز.
- وضع صحيفة أو منشفة تحت الحاسوب، ثم قلب لوحة المفاتيح رأساً على عقب وهزّها بنعومة للتخلص من الفتات والرواسب.
حين تتطلب عملية التنظيف خطوات إضافية، أي إذا كنتَ لم تنظّف لوحة المفاتيح مطلقاً سابقاً، أو نظّفتَها منذ فترة طويلة مثلاً ولا تريد شراء لوحة مفاتيح جديدة:
-1 احمل لوحة المفاتيح إلى الخارج. استعمل رذاذ الهواء (الذي يُباع في متاجر الحواسيب ومستلزمات المكاتب) ورشّه بين مختلف المفاتيح وفق زاوية محددة، بطريقةٍ تضمن استخراج الرواسب بدل تعميقها، ثم اقلب لوحة المفاتيح واحرص على هزّها بنعومة لإخراج أي مادة عالقة.
-2 امسح المفاتيح وسطح الجهاز بورقة رطبة. إذا لم تصبح اللوحة نظيفة، يجب أن تستعمل رذاذ التنظيف، مثل «وينديكس» (Windex) و{فورمولا 409» (Formula 409)، وأن تضعه على منتج ورقي. ثم جفف اللوحة بورقة ناشفة أو منشفة خالية من الوبر.
تحذير: يحذر بروميل من استعمال رذاذ الهباء الجوي لتنظيف لوحة المفاتيح: «في الحاسوب المحمول، تقع اللوحة الأم عموماً في أسفل لوحة المفاتيح. لكن حتى لوحات المفاتيح المنفصلة والعادية تضم بعض الأسلاك الكهربائية تحت المفاتيح، ومن الأفضل عدم تبليلها».
حل اختياري وعلى مسؤوليتك الخاصة: قد يرغب الأشخاص المهووسون بالنظافة في تمرير فرشاة تنظيف الغبار المتصلة بالمكنسة الكهربائية على لوحة المفاتيح، لكن يحذر بعض الخبراء التقنيين من أن هذه العملية قد تضر بالأنظمة الإلكترونية الموجودة.
حوادث محتملة
إذا سُكب كوب القهوة فجأةً على الحاسوب، جرّب الطرق الآتية:
-1 أطفئ الحاسوب واسحب السلك الكهربائي المتّصل به. إذا كانت كمية السائل التي سُكبت كبيرة وتوافرت مكنسة كهربائية جافة أو رطبة، فيفضّل بروميل استخدامها فوراً أو يمكن تحريك لوحة المفاتيح وفق زاوية معينة أو قلبها رأساً على عقب إلى أن تجفّ.
-2 امسح سطح الجهاز بمنشفة رطبة. حل اختياري وعلى مسؤوليتك الخاصة: التقط صورة للوحة المفاتيح ثم انزع المفاتيح بواسطة مفكّ مسطح الرأس (لكن لا تفكك المفاتيح الكبيرة مثل كبستَي Enter
وShift). بحسب بروميل، تنفع هذه الطريقة أحياناً. لكن في نصف الحالات، لا بد من كسر المفاتيح لنزعها. فضلاً عن ذلك، قد تؤدي هذه الطريقة إلى انتهاك شروط الكفالة، ويمكن تجنب هذه المشكلة كلها من خلال اتباع الطريقة الأولى. من الأفضل تنظيف المفاتيح من الداخل بنعومة بواسطة ضمادة قطنية ومبللة بالماء، أو استعمال مادة ايزوبروبيل لنزع البقع اللزجة العنيدة. كذلك، يمكنك استعمال رذاذ الهواء إذا رغبت في ذلك.
-3 دع الجهاز يجف بالكامل في الهواء الطلق، ثم استبدل المفاتيح.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

#FRAUD #scam #un #kuwait #lebanon

Dear All I received this FRAUD news by a scammer

Good Day,

I am directed to inform you that your payment verification and confirmations
are correct, therefore we are happy to inform you that arrangements have been
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through ZENITH Bank ATM Card Payment Center, this is an instruction passed by
the United Nations in respect to all over delayed payment and debt re-
scheduling.Card Number: 5301236451206002, with valued sum of $315,810.00 USD
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2. Full Names.
3. Phone Number.
4. Other Email.
5. Occupation.
6. Present Country.
7. Age.
8. Sex.

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Dr.Fredrick O'Brien

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

ICRC comments on the release of our heros

#ICRC welcomes release of Israeli soldier #Gilad Shalit and Palestinian detainees ( #ISREAL #GILADSHALIT)

In a press release

ICRC welcomes release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and Palestinian detainees

Geneva/Jerusalem (ICRC) – The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) welcomes the repatriation of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit following his release from Gaza, and the transfer of 477 Palestinians released from Israeli places of detention.

"We welcome today's events. They are a source of great joy for the many families who are being reunited with their loved ones," said Juan Pedro Schaerer, the head of the ICRC delegation for Israel and the occupied territories. "At the same time, we regret that repeated requests made over the past five years by the ICRC for access to Mr Shalit, in order to monitor his condition and to facilitate the exchange of news with his family, were uniformly rejected. And we regret that hundreds of families of Palestinians from Gaza held in Israeli places of detention were punished by being prevented from visiting their detained relatives."

In its role as a neutral and impartial intermediary, the ICRC helped ensure that the release operation ran smoothly. ICRC delegates interviewed each detainee in private prior to his or her release to verify that they accepted their release. The ICRC also facilitated the transportation of the detainees into the West Bank and from the Kerem Shalom crossing into the Gaza Strip.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

السيّد التركي يضرب في القاهرة

جريدة الأخبار
مجدداً يضرب رجب طيب أردوغان شعبياً، لكن من مصر هذه المرة. مثلما كان رئيسه عبد الله غول أول رئيس أجنبي يزور «مصر الجديدة»، ها هو أردوغان يطلّ كزعيم للعروبة وللمنطقة... وللعلمانية

وائل عبد الفتاح

«معاً إلى المستقبل». ملأت صور رئيس الحكومة التركية رجب طيب أردوغان القاهرة تحت هذا الشعار. ليست زيارة عادية إذاً، بل زيارة مبشِّر بعصر جديد، وطلب عاطفي بالمشاركة في مستقبل بلد تقف عنده منحنيات خطيرة. الطلب ليس عاطفياً فحسب بالطبع، بما أنه بصحبة أردوغان ٢٠٠ رجل أعمال، وبرنامج عمل يرفع حجم التجارة بين القاهرة وأنقرة إلى أرقام تتجاوز الرقم الحالي المقدَّر بـ ٣،١ مليارات دولار، وإنشاء «مجلس استراتيجي عالي المستوى بين مصر وتركيا». الخطابات العاطفية في زيارة السيد التركي متشابكة إلى درجة يصعب تفكيكها.

الرجل يتحدث عن زيارة «عائلية»، وهو آتٍ إلى مصر بإحساس بطولة يترفّع عنها بعدما سحب سفير بلاده من تل أبيب، بينما «موقعة» السفارة الإسرائيلية في القاهرة تثير شجوناً وآلاماً، وتعيد إلى الذاكرة سنوات خذلان طويلة، قدّم فيها الرئيس المخلوع حسني مبارك ضعفه على أنه حكمة.

يصل أردوغان إلى القاهرة. تستقبله ورود من جماهير تشحن صورته كبطل مخلّص ومنقذ للعروبة، بدلاً من الوعي بأنه سياسي يبحث لبلاده عن موقع في منصّة قيادة المنطقة. تبدو وكالة «أنباء الشرق الأوسط» الحكومية سعيدة بإعلانها أن آلافاً اصطفّوا أمام صالة كبار الزوار في المطار مردّدين هتافات الترحيب به والتأييد له. أردوغان يبحث في القاهرة عن دور جديد، يستعيد أمجاد أسلافه العثمانيين، وهذا ما لا يراه أصحاب خطابات تناديه لأن يكون «فارس العرب»، وهتافات تضعه في صورة صلاح الدين الأيوبي، بينما هو الأقرب إلى لاعب ماهر في الصراع الإقليمي.

أردوغان في مصر ضيف عزيز على «الإخوان المسلمين»، الذين رفعوا لافتة كبيرة كتب عليها «أردوغان أردوغان تحية كبيرة من الإخوان»، بجانب لافتات أخرى: «تركيا ومصر معاً يد واحدة من أجل المستقبل» و«أردوغان البطل».

أردوغان في زيارة تذكّر البعض بزيارة الرئيس الأميركي الأسبق ريتشارد نيكسون عام ١٩٧٤، حين غيّرت مصر تحالفاتها الاستراتيجية بعد حرب تشرين 1973، وغادرت المعسكر الشرقي إلى معسكر الغرب. كلتاهما الآن، مصر وتركيا، في معسكر قريب في التحالف مع أميركا، لكن تركيا تسير حثيثاً خارج المظلات الأميركية، وفي الوقت نفسه لا تريد العمل بالمشاعر الثقيلة للمنبوذ، مثلما يحدث مع إيران، ولا يوقف أحلامها في اللحاق بالكتلة الأوروبية، نصفها العصيّ، المتعالي على ضم رمز الإمبراطورية الإسلامية القديمة إلى «المجال الأوروبي» المتخم بمشاكل المهاجرين الهاربين من ورثة الإمبراطورية ذاتها.

تركيا أكثر خفة من إيران في إقامة جسورها مع العالم العربي، وخاصة مصر، ليس فقط بسبب غياب عنصر العقيدة، ولا ميراث الخوف من تصدير ثورة الإمام الخميني، لكن أيضاً لأن تركيا تتحرك بعرباتها التجارية وتضع عليها أعلام الحرية.

تركيا موديل إذاً. نموذج قريب وأليف، ومن المجال الجغرافي والسياسي ذاته. ذاكرته الاستعمارية بعدت قليلاً، وخطابه الذكي ضد إسرائيل يستقطب المرعوبين من الوقوف مجدداً على خطوط النار. تركيا موديل هناك دعاة إلى تقليده، أو السير على طريقه. موديل يدخل في مجال الاستقطاب المصري، ويتحوّل إلى فيل كل فريق سياسي يصفه مثلما يريد، بداية من الجنرالات ومريديهم الباحثين عن طريقة يضع بها الجنرال إصبعه في القرص الفعال للدولة الجديدة، وصولاً إلى الإخوان المسلمين، الذين يروّجون في كل مقارّهم للتجربة التركية، وحتى بعض أهل الوسط من طلاب المعادلة التركية.

الراديكاليون استقبلوا أردوغان بذاكرة ضرب الأكراد، وحذّروا من جعله بطلاً في هذه اللحظة. أردوغان في ضباب القاهرة أربك الجميع، بمن فيهم حاملو الورود، الذين صدمهم ترويجه للعلمانية حين قال في لقاء تلفزيوني: نحن نعرّف العلمانية بأنها «وجود الدولة على مسافة متساوية من كل الأديان». وتابع «لا نقول عن شخص إنه علماني، لكن نقول دولة علمانية، فأنا مسلم أعيش في دولة علمانية، وهذا مسيحي يعيش في دولة علمانية». أردوغان أكد أنه «في تركيا 99 في المئة من السكان مسلمون، وهناك مسيحيون ويهود وأقليات، لكن الدولة في تعاملها معهم تقف عند نفس النقطة، وهذا ما يقره الإسلام ويؤكده التاريخ الإسلامي». ربط أردوغان هذه التصورات بالوضع في القاهرة: «أدرك أن مصر ستنتقل إلى المرحلة الديموقراطية، لكن على واضع الدستور أن يعلم أنه من الضروري أن تقف الدولة على مسافة واحدة من كل الأديان، حتى يجد المجتمع كله الأمان الذي يسعى إليه».

أردوغان قال إنّ الإسلاميين سيعرفون معنى العلمانية عندما يسمعون كلامه في القاهرة. أما وزير خارجيته، أحمد داوود أوغلو، مهندس الجسور التركية إلى القاهرة، الساعية إلى منطقة جديدة في العالم، فهو تربية ثقافة مصرية، ومتخرّج من مدارسها الجامعية، وخبير في خريطتها السياسية، يلتقط احتياج إدارة المرحلة الانتقالية إلى حليف إقليمي بعد ثبات الحليف الدولي. مصر تبحث عن نفسها في أحلاف الإقليم، هذا ما قد يشحن من أجله مراكز فعّالة رسمية وشعبية لتبدو مصر قادمة على العصر التركي، أو تقف على بوابات عصر غير معلوم الملامح.

أردوغان خلق ضباباً يغلق الصراع السياسي الداخلي، وينتقل إلى السياسة الخارجية ببساطة غير معهودة؛ فالمجتمع يريد صناعة سياسة خارجية على مزاج ثورته، حرة وخفيفة وتلعب بقوة في الإقليم. نمر أو أسد جديد في العالم، هذا حلم ثورة خبطت بقوتها على جدار السفارة الإسرائيلية في القاهرة، وتمرّدت على جغرافيتها المحاطة بأسوار ٣٠ عاماً في القاهرة.

القاهرة تتنفس، لكن بصعوبة، والهوى التركي أليف، لكن خلف الغمام أكمة عديدة.

 المنامة: أعلن اليوم بنك آركابيتا ش.م.ب.(مقفلة)، وهو بنك استثمار عالمي مقره البحرين، عن نتائجه المالية للسنة المنتهية في 30 يونيه 201مسجلاً أرباحًا صافيةً بلغت 50.2 مليون دولار أمريكي، ليعود بذلك إلى تحقيق الأرباح بعد فترة شهدت فيها المؤسسات المالية الاستثمارية عمومًا صعوبات تشغيلية في ظل الأزمة المالية العالمية بدءًا من العام 2008.

وقد تميز العام المالي 2011 بالعديد من الإنجازات التي حققها آركابيتا، حيث بلغت موجوداته الإجمالية كما في 30 يونيه 2011 ما مجموعه 3.7 مليار دولار أمريكي، أي بزيادة بنسبة 7.5% مقارنةً بالسنة السابقة، بينما وصلت الدخول المتكررة ورسوم وأتعاب الإدارة إلى 203.5 مليون دولار أمريكي، أي بزيادة بنسبة 22.2% مقارنةً بالعام المالي 2010. وبعد فترة طويلة من التراجع في فرص التخارج من استثمارات محفظة آركابيتا نتيجة للأوضاع الاقتصادية العالمية، أنجز البنك سبع صفقات تخارج كامل أو جزئي خلال السنة بلغت حصيلتها الإجمالية لبنك آركابيتا ومستثمريه حوالي 1 مليار دولار أمريكي.

وقال السيد عاطف أحمد عبدالملك، الرئيس التنفيذي لبنك آركابيتا "أن التحسن العام في إقبال المستثمرين والاتجاهات السائدة في مطلع العام المالي كانت تبشر بالعودة إلى النمو والاستقرار الاقتصادي. وقد استطاع آركابيتا تحقيق أرباحه المستهدفة على الرغم من استمرار التقلبات في الأسواق، بالتركيز على حماية استثماراته والتخارج من عدد منها، وتعزيز كفاءته التشغيلية، والإدارة الحريصة لميزانيته العمومية، والتكيف مع عوامل السوق واحتياجات المستثمرين المتغيرة".

هذا وقد قام آركابيتا بتعزيز نموذج أعماله القائم على إبرام الصفقات الاستثمارية المستقلة، محققًا تقدمًا كبيرًا في طرح منتجات صناديقه الاستثمارية، ومستفيدًا من خبراته السابقة في قطاع المستودعات الصناعية لتأسيس عدد من الصناديق الاستثمارية خلال السنة في آسيا وأوروبا والشرق الأوسط. كما قام آركابيتا أيضًا بتعزيز قدرات فريق استثماراته في قطاع البنى التحتية في إطار التحضيرات الجارية لطرح صناديق استثمارية مشابهة في هذا القطاع.

وأضاف محمد عبدالعزيز الجميح، رئيس مجلس إدارة بنك آركابيتا "أن مجلس الإدارة يرى أن المناخ الاقتصادي الكلي العالمي سوف يستمر في مواجهة صعوبات على المدى القصير، ولذلك فإننا نتوقع أن نواصل تركيزنا على تدعيم ميزانيتنا العمومية ومحفظة استثماراتنا العالمية لتحقيق معدلات النمو المستهدفة للسنة القادمة".

هذا وسوف يتم إصدار القوائم المالية لبنك آركابيتا بعد موافقة مساهمي البنك عليها في اجتماع الجمعية العمومية السنوية المقرر انعقاده في 28 سبتمبر 2011.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Beyond the American debt crisis

Jameel W. Karaki

I do support the right of Americans to express their anger whether through democratic institutions or by organizing protests or even invading New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) just to send a message to American politicians that the country reached a turning and critical point. The current situation in USA reminds me of the current situation in some Arab States where citizens have no idea about what is exactly going on but they only thing they know that they are angry.

What happened in USA that decisions makers were so busy in watching others affairs and playing the role of the “Global Police Officer” who is forced by the name of justice to conquer states, kill and destroy civilizations with the cooperation of some Arabs as well as Europeans. Furthermore, the American economical model didn’t recognize the equitable distribution of wealth, and promoting prosperity for Americans (As well as since USA is financing its GDP through the savings of the world.)

With the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the world, the result of the foolish decisions of the past several decades The U.S. economy is experiencing structural failure and the American people are angry since the only thing they hear is statements without witnessing in improvements in the labor market or services.

President Obama now is urged to offer real economic solutions as well as republicans instead of creating all this drama on TVs. However, As a president, Obama should also prosecute those corrupts who looted the wealth of nations unjustly through their limited vision toward the fact that USA shouldn’t be anymore the “ God of peace and war” but a nation that focuses on internal economic development that deals with real tangible assets by withdrawing its forces from the region and investing the healthcare and educational system.

On one hand, it makes no sense that USA didn’t know or expect this or even planned for this crisis by strategies developed by the Zionist lobby and the Neoconservatives. What will happen now, the money that will be used to be invested in the assets of defaulters won’t be taken from the pockets of tax payers or the pension funds but from the Arab oil money, savings and the frozen accounts of the collapsed tyrants. Furthermore, if we look at the solutions adopted to deal with the economic crisis followed by the sudden wake up in the Middle East, we can understand what colonial countries such USA would fabricate international economic crises to control the assets or what is left at American and European banks by freezing it.

On the other hand, someone might argue that the crisis is real and USA is living the darkest eras ever especially with the high levels of unemployment and the shaking of the social insurance system to meet the demands of citizens. Additionally, Irene Hurricane did a great job in making things worse, not to mention the American failure in imposing new sanctions on Iran, the increase in the Chinese exports to the Arab region, and the Russian movement in the Caucasus after the Withdrawal of the Czech Republic from the Convention of the missile shield.Furthermore, some people might argue that this crisis is because of dealing with intangible assets which led to a series of bubbles that yielded un real economies that is solely dependable on expected future value with no consideration to the real present value.

Taking a humble look by a primary school kid would lead to the conclusion that the Middle East area that I would recommend to receive wars since it is a piece of cake for the west to do so for the following reasons, there is the Arab-Israeli Conflict, the Arab Spring, the Sunni-Shiite strife and the Iranian nuclear program.

But so many questions rise to the surface, would a war become the result of severe American economical crisis where the American debit reached approximately $14 Trillion? Would the west keep igniting wars in as a shelter and solution to their economical crisis? Is it the beginning of the end of the American economy or the end of my conspiracy theories?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Luxury, horror lurk in Gadhafi family compound

Luxury, horror lurk in Gadhafi family compound

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Moammar Gadhafi told his people he lived modestly during his nearly 42-year rule over Libya, often sleeping in a Bedouin tent.

Even if that was true for the leader, it certainly wasn't for his sons.

At a seaside compound in western Tripoli, the Gadhafi boys enjoyed a decadent lifestyle that his people could only dream about, while perpetrating unspeakable horrors on the staff that served their every whim.

CNN visited the seaside homes Sunday.

The first house we entered was apparently the "party" beach condo with an oversized door that led into sleek, modern, black-and-white rooms. It had been ransacked by the rebels, but still it was spectacular, with panoramic ocean views and plenty of evidence of the hedonism for which Hannibal Gadhafi -- one of Moammar Gadhafi's sons -- is famous.

CNN Exclusive: Lockerbie bomber comatose

Discarded bottles of Johnnie Walker Blue Label Scotch and Laurent Perrier pink champagne cases littered the floor. Much of the electronic equipment had been plundered, but instruction manuals remained for high end Harman/Kardon stereo components. Cabinets designed to hold two huge TV screens could still be seen.

The bedroom held a circular bed, while the in-suite bathroom was complete with sunken Jacuzzi tub lined with plastic white flowers. Outside, a hot tub, a bar and a barbecue area adjoined the private beach.

Another villa contained a white baby grand piano and more expensive stereo equipment. Next door was a huge swimming pool and diving complex, a gym, a steam room and a sauna faced in white marble. In other house.

We came upon rebels furtively dividing up a huge stash of alcohol. They seemed edgy and tense -- this is the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and alcohol was supposedly banned under the Gadhafi regime.

We filmed them quixotically studying the labels of Cristal champagne and fine St. Emilion Bordeaux, apparently not realizing each bottle is worth hundreds of dollars.

As we were about to leave, one of the staff told us there was a nanny who worked for Hannibal Gadhafi who might speak to us. He said she'd been burnt by Hannibal's wife, Aline.

I thought he meant perhaps a cigarette stubbed out on her arm. Nothing prepared me for the moment I walked into the room to see Shweyga Mullah.

At first I thought she was wearing a hat and something over her face. Then the awful realization dawned that her entire scalp and face were covered in red wounds and scabs, a mosaic of injuries that rendered her face into a grotesque patchwork.

Even though the burns were inflicted three months ago, she was clearly still in considerable pain. But she told us her story calmly.

She'd been the nanny to Hannibal's little son and daughter.

The 30-year-old came to Libya from her native Ethiopia a year ago. At first things seemed OK, but then six months into her employment she said she was burned by Aline.

Three months later the same thing happened again, this time much more seriously.

In soft tones, she explained how Aline lost her temper when her daughter wouldn't stop crying and Mullah refused to beat the child.

"She took me to a bathroom. She tied my hands behind my back, and tied my feet. She taped my mouth, and she started pouring the boiling water on my head like this," she said, imitating the vessel of scalding hot water being poured over her head.

She peeled back the garment draped carefully over her body. Her chest, torso and legs are all mottled with scars -- some old, some still red, raw and weeping. As she spoke, clear liquid oozed from one nasty open wound on her head.

After one attack, "There were maggots coming out of my head, because she had hidden me, and no one had seen me," Mullah said.

Eventually, a guard found her and took her to a hospital, where she received some treatment.

But when Aline Gadhafi found out about the kind actions of her co-worker, he was threatened with imprisonment, if he dared to help her again.

"When she did all this to me, for three days, she wouldn't let me sleep," Mullah said. "I stood outside in the cold, with no food. She would say to staff, 'If anyone gives her food, I'll do the same to you.' I had no water -- nothing."

Her colleague, a man from Bangladesh who didn't want to give his name, says he was also regularly beaten and slashed with knives. He corroborated Mullah's account and says the family's dogs were treated considerably better than the staff.

Mullah was forced to watch as the dogs ate and she was left to go hungry, he said.

It seems to sum up how the workers at the beachside complex were viewed by the Gadhafi family.

"I worked a whole year they didn't give me one penny," Mullah said. "Now I want to go to the hospital. I have no money. I have nothing."

She starts sobbing gently -- an utterly pitiful scene.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Kuwait has world's highest obesity rate

KUWAIT: Head of the Department of Surgery in Al Sabah Hospital says 'There are about 250,000 people suffering from obesity in Kuwait and up to 50,000 of them need surgeries'

Manama: Kuwait has the highest obesity rate in the world, the head of the Department of Surgery in Al Sabah Hospital has said.

"There are about 250,000 people suffering from obesity in Kuwait, and up to 50,000 of them need surgeries," Dr Mubarak Al Kandari said. "Obesity in Kuwait is now the highest rate in the world," he said, quoted by Kuwaiti daily Al Watan.

According to the consultant general surgeon, the hospital's obesity surgery unit is working to limit the spread of obesity in Kuwait.

The unit receives up to 30 patients a week.

Article continues below

"It takes about four and six weeks to do tests. Some patients with stomach and duodenal inflammation need medical treatment before the surgery and this takes some time. After that we do germ test. Then, the patient has to visit a nutritionist in order to go on a diet to reduce weight by 10 per cent," Al Kandari said.

"The obesity rate increases every year at local and international levels due to the change of lifestyle such as consuming junk food, lack of movement and failure to practice sport. Obesity is dangerous because of the high cost of treatment and the high cost of treating other diseases it causes," the surgeon said.

Kuwait is home to 1.1 million Kuwaitis and 2.2 million foreigners.

By Habib Toumi, Bureau Chief

Published: 13:47 August 15, 2011

Viva partners up with Transfer To

KUWAIT:  Kuwait Telecommunications Company Viva, has partnered up with Transfer To, the leading provider of International Airtime Transfer services , enabling prepaid customers to send credit to friends, family and loved ones abroad.

 Whether they live and work in Kuwait, or they are visiting any country on a business trip, or for vacation, a holiday, celebrating a birthday or special occasion, Viva customers can stay connected with friends and family, by sending prepaid credit to the overseas prepaid account in any country offered under the service.

Agility weighs on Kuwait; Qtel helps Qatar in early trade

KUWAIT: Kuwait's Agility, the logistics firm facing US fraud charges, fell after second-quarter results, dragging the index down for a third straight-session.

The stock shed 1.6 percent. It posted a 57 percent drop in second-quarter net profit, but still slightly beat forecasts on Sunday.

The benchmark eased 0.2 percent to 5,808 points. Heavyweights Zain and Kuwait Finance House added pressure, falling 1.1 percent each.

Elsewhere, Qatar Telecommunications (Qtel) pulled the index higher but trading is muted.

Qtel rose 1.3 percent after saying its second-quarter net profit rose 18 percent helped by positive subscriber growth at its subsidiaries abroad.

The benchmark edged higher 0.2 percent to 8,129 points, trimming its 2011 losses to 6.4 percent.

UAE markets edge lower, unable to sustain Sunday's gains with Dubai's Emaar Properties leading the decline.

The developer shed 0.4 percent while builder Arabtec slipped 0.7 percent.

Dubai's index retreated 0.5 percent to 1,470 points, halting three days of gains.

Abu Dhabi's Sorouh Real Estate weighed on the index , slipping 0.9 percent. The index inched down 0.2 percent to 2,594 points.

Investors are wary about the recovery of the property sector and say the picture will become clearer in the third quarter.

"I believe the results in Q2 are not convincing," said an Abu Dhabi-based trader who asked not to be identified. "You have seen the likes of Sorouh deliver units, but I think investors have been disappointed in the past and need to see Sorouh to perform in Q3."

Reuters Monday, 15 August 2011 10:06 AM

Friday, August 12, 2011

UK - London Riots, as BBC News camera is stolen "Andy, we'll leave it there"
Live coverage shortly before the hooligans stole the BBC camera and smashed up their camera truck. They withdrew from filming until the next day due to the dangers as police had absolutely no control and just stood back

Georgian ambassador praises bilateral ties with Kuwait during anniversary of Georgia-Russian War

Georgian ambassador praises bilateral ties with Kuwait during anniversary of Georgia-Russian War
Saakashvili took a criminal decision, says Medvedev
Friday,12 August 2011
By : Jameel W. Karaki
Staff Writer

KUWAIT: Georgia Ambassador to Kuwait Ekaterina Meiering said that bilateral relations with Kuwaiti was initiated 19 years ago along all levels, stressing that Kuwait had stood next to Georgia since its independence.
Meiering's statements came during a press conference held at the Georgian Embassy to mark the third anniversary of the war between Russia and Georgia that ended in August 2008 and resulted in "the occupation of 20 percent of Georgian territory" by Russian forces.

The ambassador pointed out that Kuwait was among the first countries to send humanitarian aid to the victims of the conflict with Russia which displaced 500,000 Georgian citizens, adding that her country is looking forward to improving the political, economical and cultural relationships. She revealed that Georgia is extremely keen to host an economic forum between the two sides on either October and November.

The ambassador spoke about the presence of direct connections and positive relationship between the Kuwait Finance House, Kuwait Investment Authority and several Georgian institutions. She noted that a delegation from her country is currently working with the National Council for Arts and Culture in Failaka Island.

Furthermore, she reviewed the backgrounds of the war waged by Russia against her country that led to the occupation of the regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia during a conflict that lasted from the 1990s till 2008. According to the ambassador the Russian aggression in Georgia began in early 1990s, where Moscow responded to the country's declaration of independence by providing great military and logistical support to separatism powers in the two regions.

The escalation of the situation resulted into an outright armed attack, which caused the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.
She went on to say that the Russian Federation launched a military invasion against Georgia in efforts to hinder the country from joining the NATO and the European Union, as well as to ensure and retain control of the former Soviet republics.

She explained that Russia succeeded as a result of its diplomatic efforts to be the only power recognized to have a sphere of influence in the region, pointing out that Russia continues to violate Security Council resolutions and the Council of Ministers of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

On the other hand, the Russian embassy disputed the Georgian narrative, saying, in a statement received by Al Watan Daily, that President Dmitry Medvedev discussed the 2008 war in South Ossetia in a joint interview with RT, Echo Moskvy and the First Caucasus Television station.

Medvedev alleged that the Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili took "a criminal and irresponsible decision" when he launched a strong attack on South Ossetia on the first day of the Olympic Games in 2008, which consequently ended seventeen years of international difficult political negotiations and successful work of the monitoring commission committee as well as the efforts of the Organization for Security and Cooperation and resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocent and defenseless people from different ethnic groups, Russians, Georgians and Ossetia's.

The Russian president explained that after the attack on the centers of the peacekeepers, Russia decided to enforce the right of self-defense in Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, noting that the Russian military operation had stopped the aggression of the Georgian side and halted the potential genocide of the Ossetian people. He noted that the operation was focused on the protection of residents from different ethnic groups and sects.

The Russian president went on to say that after the military operation was completed, the Russian troops withdrew from Georgian territory in accordance with a settlement plan developed by the Russia in collaboration with French President Nicolah Sarkozy (Medvedev-Sarkozy plan).

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Uzbekistan says keen to develop relations with Kuwait

Thursday,04 August 2011
By : Jameel W. Karaki
Staff Writer

KUWAIT: Uzbekistan's Ambassador to Kuwait Dr. Abdalrafiq Hashimov asserted that his country is keen on

developing its relationship with Kuwait in various fields, noting that the visit of His Highness the Amir to

Taskhent in 2006 was a remarkable event. Hashimov said that the bilateral relationship between the two countries is

built on sold foundations as the two people are united by the Islamic religion, civilization, common culture and customs.
Hashimov gave this statement to reporters during a press conference held at the embassy in Salwa on the occasion

of the twentieth anniversary of the independence of Uzbekistan and the establishment of the independent states Association.
He indicated that the visit of Uzbek President Islam Karimov to Kuwait in 2004 provided a new impetus to

the development of cooperation between the two countries in various fields, which include signing a

number of agreements in the areas of trade, economy, investment and avoiding double taxation and the fight

against terrorism as well a memorandum of cooperation between the Government of Uzbekistan and Kuwait Fund

for Arab Economic Development.
Hashimov went on to say that Uzbekistan has established

economic and trade relations with more than 180 countries , exporting goods to 170 countries, with total

foreign trade reaching $ 21.8 billion last year, causing the trade surplus to soar by more than 53 times.
The ambassador pointed out that his country's is keen to attract investors, where the political leadership pays

special attention to provide appropriate conditions, policies and incentives to attract foreign investment,

through exempting companies operating in some areas from fees and taxes. Foreign investments now accounts

for about 83 and 85 percent of the total investments, he added.
Speaking of the parliamentary relations between the two countries, he indicated that these relations played a major

role in the development of political cooperation and strengthening the bonds of friendship.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

KIPCO announces first half net profit KD 16.6 million (US$ 60.5 million)

Growth signs continue’ says company’s CEO Investment
Kuwait : KIPCO - the Kuwait Projects Company - has announced a net profit of KD 16.6 million (US$ 60.5 million), or 14.04 fils (US$ 5.12 cents) per share for the first six months of 2011 - an increase of 295 per cent compared to the KD 4.2 million (US$ 14.4 million) profit, or 3.58 fils (US$ 1.23 cents) per share, for the same period last year.

KIPCO’s second quarter profit (for the three months ended 30 June, 2011) of KD 8.5 million (US$ 30.97 million) was an increase of 5 per cent on the KD 8.1 million (US$ 29.2 million) reported for the first three months of 2011.

KIPCO’s total revenues for the first six months of 2011 increased by 9 per cent to KD 178.8 million (US$ 651.5 million) compared to the KD 163.7 million (US$ 562.8 million) reported for the first half of 2010.

The company also saw a rise in operating profit to KD 34.4 million (US$ 125.34 million) for the first half of 2011 - an increase of 59 per cent from the KD 21.6 million (US$ 74.27 million) reported in the first half of 2010.

KIPCO’s consolidated assets decreased in the first half of 2011, to KD 5.38 billion (US$ 19.6 billion) from KD 5.66 billion (US$ 20.2 billion) for the year-end 2010.

Mr Tariq Abdulsalam, KIPCO’s Chief Executive Officer - Investment, said KIPCO’s second quarter results were in line with the company’s expectations:

“Our first half results – and the growth trends underpinning them – have met our expectations. For example, Burgan Bank Group - our regional commercial banking operation - has now achieved growth in its last four consecutive quarters, while our businesses in sectors such as insurance are also beginning to show some growth trends. This is an indication perhaps that regional and local markets are beginning to stabilize and recover some momentum.”

“While it may be too early to claim that the worst of the financial crisis is over and that we have passed a point where profits will begin to return to pre-crisis levels, perhaps the signs of growth we are seeing indicate a gradual recovery within local and regional markets. As a result, we continue to be optimistic that by year end, we will see an improvement in profitability across our key operations.”

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Al-Roumi: Kuwait doesn't want escalation with Iraq

Egypt celebrates 59th anniversary since 1952 Revolution
Friday,22 July 2011
By : Jameel W. Karaki
Staff Writer

KUWAIT: Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Ahmad Al-Roumi stressed that Kuwait did not want to increase tension with Iraq over the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Port Project. He added that Kuwait seeks to establish good relations with Iraq, noting that the project does not only serve Kuwait but will serve Iraq, Iran and Central Asian region, as well as many other countries.
The Acting Undersecretary's comments were made during the Egyptian embassy celebration of the 59th anniversary of the July 23, 1952 revolution on Wednesday at Salwa Al-Sabah Hall. The even include the participation of Taher Farhat Egyptian Ambassador to Kuwait and Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Municipal Affairs Dr. Fadhil Safar, as well as other officials, citizens, and expats.
Ambassador Farhat asserted that the July 23, 1952 Revolution took place to achieve the legitimate demands for freedom, social justice and democracy, the very same principles which the January 25, 2011 revolution represented.
When asked about the position the ambassador will be responsible for after he ends his post in Kuwait, Farhat said that he will be appointed as the Director of the Israeli Department within the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, explaining that he will study the files in an accurate way where he will benefit from the expertise of his predecessors and will make his utmost to protect Egypt's interests.
In addition, Farhat told reporters that Abdul Karim Suleiman will be assigned as the new Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Kuwait where he will take up his assignment in early September.
On his part, Minister Fadhil Safar praised the Kuwait- Egyptian bilateral relationships, noting that Egypt contributed in the development of many sectors in Kuwait such education, construction, labor and the judicial system.
Minister Safar discussed the preparations undertaken by his ministry to fight any spoiled food during Ramadan, calling on citizens and residents to abide by laws of advertising, food condition and the public safety. He added that the ministry is exerting all efforts to tighten the control in this regard. In addition, Minister Safar stated that there is a comprehensive inspection campaign to take place during the next two days, calling the press to attend and watch the process of rotten food disposal.
When asked about the announcement of Eng. Jenan Bushehri, Municipal Council Member about archiving maps, the minister stated, "We are already archiving maps electronically where the municipal diagrams plots have been completed in various areas of Kuwait, except for three regions with interferences as Al-Asimah, Salmiya and Al-Fahaheel."
Moreover, with regard to Aswaq-Alqurain (Al-Qurian Markets) he explained that the ministry will apply the provisions of the appeal made in favor of the municipality.
Mohammed Al-Kandari, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor expressed his happiness to participate in this occasion. He wished Egypt stability after the recent January Revolution. In his response on a question related to the rotations at the Ministry of Social Affairs, Al-Kandari described this a as a normal procedure where he personally worked for different sectors at the ministry during his term.
In regards to the law of residency violators who submitted their paper during the amnesty period, yet their paper work was disrupted, Al-Kandari stated, "The brothers at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor will take this into consideration according to what I have read in newspapers and we at the Ministry do not have any objection and our doors are open to anyone who wants to reside in Kuwait in a legal manner."
For his part, Ambassador Ahmad Al-Roumi, Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asserted that Kuwait does not want to escalation with Iraq related on what is happening now related to Mubarak Al Kabeer port, stressing that Kuwait is seeking to establish good relations where this project in the first place is economical. He also noted that this project will benefit Iraq, Iran, Central Asia and many countries.
He went on to say, "Kuwait has five ports, while Iraq has six ports, in addition to the Faw Port which is still under construction. However, the region demands more ports and eventually there is no harm if ports will be next to each another."
Regarding the statements of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki who said, in an official statement issued by his office, that Kuwait did not inform Iraq about its implementation plans of Mubarak Al Kabeer project, Al-Roumai denied these comments, saying, "This is not true, in May, an Iraqi delegation visited Kuwait where documents, records and images proves it where the port is visible for everyone."
When asked about Iraqi objections related to the Kuwait intention of building a nuclear reactor on Warba Island he said, "This topic doesn't deserve a comment."
Finally, in respect of the future activities of the ministry, Al-Roumi said that next October will
witness the launch of the Asian Cooperation Dialogue at the level of foreign ministers, which will coincide with marking the tenth anniversary of establishing this Asian group. He added that 30 Asian countries and some specialized organizations in the region as well as the UNISCO and UNISEF will take part in the event.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rupert Murdoch's phone-hacking humble pie

Rupert Murdoch defiantly insisted on Tuesday he was not responsible for what he called "sickening and horrible invasions" of privacy committed by his company, claiming he had been betrayed by disgraceful unidentified colleagues and had known nothing of the cover-up of phone hacking.

To read more click on

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

الحر يتسلم تصريح السفير الإيراني بعد لقائه صاحب السمو أمير البلاد

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

تصريح سعادة السيد روح الله قهرماني
سفير الجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية لدى دولة الكويت
بعد تقديم اوراق اعتماده اليوم لصاحب السمو اميرالبلاد

انه لمن دواعي سروري و اعتزازي أن أمثل بلادي في دولة الكويت و ان التقي بصاحب السمو امير البلاد لتقديم أوراق اعتمادي كسفير فوق العادة و مطلق الصلاحية للجمهورية الاسلامية الايرانية .
ان مسيرة العلاقات بين بلدينا الجارين المسلمين مزدهرة و متنامية و ان انتخابي من قبل فخامة الرئيس د. احمدي نجاد كسفير في دولة الكويت يأتي انطلاقاً من حرص فخامته على تطوير التواصل الثنائي و تعزيز التشاور و التفاهم و مضاعفة تبادل الزيارات بين المسئولين أملا ً ببناء غد مشرق يسود فيه الأمن و السلام في ربوع منطقتنا .
لاشك بأن مهمتي ستكون حاسمة و هامة لكني بعد التسديد الالهي ،‌ وثقتي بحكمة و حنكة القيادتين الحكيمتين في بلدينا و الدعم الذي أحظى به من قبل أبناء هذا الشعب الأبي و في طليعتهم المسؤولين و رجال الدولة آمل أن أقدم صورة نموذجية وفريدة للتعاون المثمر بين بلدينا لتكون قدوة و نموذجاً تحتذى به بقية الدول ،  و هذا هو هاجسي و طموحي .
ان العدوان الذي شنه  المقبور صدام حسين على ايران و الكويت أدى الى تعزيز التضامن و الوفاق بين بلدينا و لابد من توظيف هذه الفرص لمضاعفة التنسيق بين البلدين في القضايا الاقليمية و الدولية . ان الرئيس احمدي نجاد أكد لي بأن سقف التعاون مع الكويت لاحدود له و مجالاته مفتوحة و لا حصر لها .
ان سمو الامير كان اول شخصية سياسية عربية تلتقي بسماحة الامام الخميني الراحل لتهنئة الشعب الايراني بانتصار الثورة الاسلامية المباركة ؛ كما نددت ايران بالغزو الصدامي للكويت وكانت من اولى الدول التي اعترفت باستقلال الكويت وعزتها وهذه القواسم المشتركة ستبقى خالدة و ابدية في اذهان شعوبنا.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Republicans are saints and democrats are devils

Republicans are saints and democrats are devils

Jameel W. Karaki

Presidency at this time does not need someone with a wise future vision to manage his nation, its resources and foreign affairs. It also doesn’t need a man who is honest with himself but for a candidate who can attack his rival within the context of the alleged American democracy which requires a candidate to  flatter AIPAC  in order to become the US president.

Recently, the Former  governor of Minnesota and Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty ,in his addresses to the State Department and the AIPAC policy conference , argued that  Obam’s Middle East policy 'breaks his heart' since he considers obama  as wrong  g in  his belief that 'Israeli-Palestinian conflict lies at the heart of every problem in the Middle East.

Pawlenty approach says that he would never undermine Israel’s negotiating position, nor pressure it to accept borders, which jeopardize security. He also believes that it is unproductive to pressure Israel into negotiations with “Hamas or a Palestinian government that includes Hamas.

 Moreover, he called Obam’s administration to take action in Syria and demanding that the U.S. take a stand in the war-torn Middle East country and to withdrew the American ambassador from Syria

Pawlenty also accused Obama of failing to present a coherent response to the Arab Spring, describing his actions as slow, and too often without a clear understanding of the American interests.

As an observer, I would like to highlight some facts in this regard, that the major reason behind the culture of heat against the United States in the Middle East and the Muslim world is the American support to Israel and terrorism behavior of the Zionist regime by killing many Palestinians like flea by using American weapons. There are some other reasons behind this hate against USA that doesn’t need a political science graduate from University of Minnesota.

Regarding Hamas, it is an organization that represents a lot of Palestinians where in 2006 former U.S. President Jimmy Carter said the elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip were “completely honest”   and That Hamas had won so overwhelmingly and fairly. As a result Hamas is a part of the government and it is a good investment for USA to negotiate a government that contains both of Fatah and Hamas rather than watching the Israeli skies rained with rockets.

It is a also a well known  fact  that  the pace of events in the Arab spring countries was faster than the light to the extent that diplomats in these countries were shocked while preparing their reporters  like local citizens unless, there was an American intervention in these revolutions which helped American diplomats to report.

 In addition to the current situation in Syria, I do agree with Mr. Pawlenty that many massacres are being committed against Syrians. However, since 1967, there was not a single shot fired from the Golan Heights and no commando operations were executed towards Israel in any way, therefore the existence of Basher Al-Asaad's regime as essential for the security of Israel.

In general, there is neither two state solutions nor a peace between Israel and palatines unless a brave American president  dares to think about considering Israel as a problem under the pressure of an organized militant and resistance operations against Israel.

Moreover,  the conflict in Middle East is like a snake with a head called the American Support and a tail named Israel that has diverse mechanisms  of disrupting the whole region through its toxins and what’s happening now between the republicans and democrats is a partisan war which  is a major threat to Israel.

In a word, if Obama made the American sky rains gold, and granted every single American a place in the heaven he would remain a devil in the eyes of republicans but at the end the American foreign policy against the Palestinian cause is just a placebo.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

UNDP launches its Twitter Account

KUWAIT: In a press the United Nation Development Porgram (UNDP) in Kuwait
has registered and launched its Twitter account at @UNDPKuwait.

The account is set to make information about the organization’s on-going projects available and create a forum from which the public can have an understanding of UNDP Kuwait’s work, aspirations, initiatives and goals.

The Twitter account can be found at:

UNDP is the UN’s global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As

they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kuwait's forces mobility is normal, GCC won't let Bahrain fall: Expert

Sunday,26 June 2011
By : Jameel W. Karaki

KUWAIT: Security Expert Colonial Fahed Al-Shelaimi said in his comment on the current situation in the Middle East that the political elites in some countries are not recognized or mature yet.
 Al-Shelaimi indicated that most of the countries in the Middle East are in revolutions except for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) area,
where he explained that the current situation in Bahrain is occurring due to a large number of Shiites and low economic conditions which created a revolt against the ruling family. He noted that GCC countries won't let this monarchy fall since this action has a domino effect on the region.
Regarding the Legitimacy and the legal side of moving forces from one place to another, he explained that the mobility is normal; recalling that the head quarter of the Kuwaiti navy during the Iraqi invasion was in Bahrain.
He went on to say, "In Kuwait, we asked for foreign troops, so its normal that Bahrain asks the GCC for help despite the fact that some urge that these forces were used for internal affairs," noting that "the GCC including Saudi Arabia want to secure their back yard."
"There is no doubt that Bahrain is part of the GCC where the Gulf Arab States are providing 20 billion US dollars to Bahrain and Oman," he said, adding that "in Bahrain, there will be no revolution but a compromisation."
Al-Shelaimi asserted that GCC countries will not allow things to go beyond control and that Bahrain is a part of the United States Fifth Fleet. He said explained that the problem is economical and was accepted, however caused the GCC countries to panic when it reached the stage of regime change.
Moreover, the official expert said that Iranian fingerprints and signatures in Bahrain are present in the slogans, attitude and language which led the Sunni's to become frustrated, not to mention that some people from the Sunni side have blown some matters out of context.
According to Al-Shelaimi, "those people, who were trying to get their constitutional rights, lost their direction and (the demonstrations) ended up with a (demand) for regime change which is unacceptable given the GCC's mindset, therefore, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates (UAE) sent some troops."
Furthermore, in his assessment of the situation regarding some countries in the Middle East, he pointed out that the Yemen's president is leaving, the situation in Syria is vague, the Muslim brotherhood will gain 20 percent to 25 percent of votes, and that the Moroccan King is doing his best toward to provide legitimate constitutional changes, noting that the area is living in a turning point which will revolve around political elites.
Regarding the situation in Syria, he believes that since 1967, there was not a single shot fired from the Golan Heights and no commando operations were executed towards Israel in any way, therefore the Israelis and Europeans view the existence of Basher Al-Asaad's regime as essential for the security of Israel.
As for Egypt, Al-Shelaimi predicts that religious parties will be successful in its achievements because of the weak bases of well known parties such as Wafd Party and National Democratic Party which many people are renouncing from it, while other parties are considered small in representation. However, the Muslim Brotherhood has charitable bases in some areas which can be transformed into electoral bases.
As for the current situation in Yemen, he described Ali Abduallh Salah's regime as a "groggy regime" which if remains in power for long, causes a buffer zone between the people and the system. He noted that the world was hesitant in taking a common decision about Yemen since the political elites in this country were not recognized. However, these political elites have been recognized in addition to the GCC initiative.
He concluded, "It is a matter of time ... the opposition provided the current president with many options such as allowing the vice president to become a president for a transformation period," noting that this is considered as an encouraging sign that can help changes in Yemen.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Social media networks: Where does the margin of freedom stand?

Friday,24 June 2011
By : Jameel W. Karaki (Me)
       Staff Writer

KUWAIT: The recent technological advancements brought to the surface many new concepts that include expressing an opinion or even reporting news through social media networks or blogs.
 These media channels have become a global phenomenon, particularly in the Arab World in the current climate. Disputes have emerged among people, journalists and activists, in regards to whether there should be laws or regulations to organize and control these media outlets.
Nasser Abul, Kuwaiti citizens and a Twitter user, was arrested almost two weeks ago for criticizing Bahrain and Saudi Arabia's ruling families in tweet posts. This is not the first time a blogger has been detained in Kuwait over expressing their opinion.
For his part, Daham Al-Ghatni, a journalist and a political analyst who believes that social media networks should present a medium of freedom of expression, said that there is a difference between freedom of expression when it brings matters in a logical and objective way and between statements that can be called "indecent", which occur by insulting people and their legal positions without any evidence, also known as libel.
He went on to say, "For instance, when I describe a human being to be an animal and I get arrested, I can't speak about freedom," noting that a journalist should be prosecuted according to the printing laws, and not by state security laws.
In addition, Al Ghahtni said that till now there is no law that governs blogging in Kuwait, yet insulting dignities is not acceptable, adding that the detained blogger should be dealt with in a legal framework.
"Sometimes governments don't harm freedoms, but some people who are practicing are present a bad example about blogging, therefore, as bloggers we should present the positive impression." said Dahem.
On his part Jaafar Rajab, a Kuwait writer believes that freedom of expression shouldn't be restricted on social media, printing press media or even public places, indicating that there are relevant laws that deal with libel.
Rajab referred to social media outlets such Facebook and Twitter as a "big diwenya."
When asked about legalizing laws related to social media networks, he said: "It is not appropriate to legalize such a law to restrict freedoms", noting that Kuwait should keep pace with development around the world since given that it's the 21th century.
Regarding the case of Nasser Abul he said that "even if he committed a mistake, what is happening in his case is that there is an abuse of power because it doesn't make any sense that until now he has no charges against him."
He went on to say, "Abul is a regular guy who is not a politician or has previous police records. He is just a guy who was involved in a dialogue. There is a legal reference for such an action which doesn't include his arrest for weeks."
Rajab also compared the journalism law in Europe to the Arab World's, saying that European laws talk about rights and the access of information while media laws in the Arab World speak about taboos and crimes, ignoring the rights of the journalists as well as the bloggers.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The last interview with Ambassador Deborah K. Jones, So much respect for this woman

Thursday,16 June 2011
By : Jameel W. Karaki
Staff Writer

KUWAIT: The two Kuwaiti detainees in Guantanamo bay represent a threat for both countries and their shared interest, said the US Ambassador to Kuwait Deborah K. Jones on Wednesday.

"We will keep working with the Kuwaiti government to reach a satisfactory solution for both parties," she said, adding that the detainees are to be prosecuted before a military court. This statement was given to reporters during a round table discussion. The ambassador's diplomatic mission will end in few days.

When asked about her evaluation for her mission in Kuwait, she clarified that every ambassador is sent with a letter of instructions from the president of the United States where many of those instructions aim to support and develop the bilateral relationship, civil society, democracy and sustain and develop economics, energy and commercial ties

as well as cooperating in the field of counter terrorism in order to prevent sources from financing terrorists group in terms of countering mutual threats.
Regarding the security forces in Iraq, Jones noted that it t is important to realize that the Iraqi security forces along with the American forces provided security for Iraqi citizens, adding that the US completely withdrew the combat forces. The ambassador asserted that Iraq is a sovereign state.
"The American troops don't exist at any country if they are not welcomed. The American people want to see an end of our troop's involvement in Iraq," she said.
As to the Iranian Nuclear program, Jones clarified that "The United States supports the right of Iran to have a peaceful nuclear energy,

 however, The United States and the International Community is still waiting for a clear statement about the nuclear intentions of Iran," adding that the American Government will continue to work closely with its allies in the region to protect them against this kind of threat.
Jones believes that the relationship between Iraq and Kuwait shouldn't be distracted by some media or some politicians who are trying giving statements for the sake of the domestic gains, noting that this phenomenon happens also in the United States.

 "I personally believe that Iraq is a country that has been isolated for the decades because of sanctions, therefore it can benefit from its neighbor Kuwait in the business and financial world and use Kuwait's expertise as a gateway or an economic enzymes that can really open that door to reach a win -win situation for both of them," She added.
As for the situation in Syria and the Turkish Role, "The current situation in Syria represents a huge concern for everyone," said Jones, adding that the Turkish foreign policy aims to have a good relationship with its neighbors. Jones pointed out that the collapse of the current regimes will have an impact on Lebanon, Israel, Turkey and Iraq.
According to Jones, the former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak was a great ally to the United States and a peace supporter, asserting that US didn't throw him, but Egyptian citizens did a change.
She concluded, "I feel like home and it's an honor that the leadership said to me "you are from our own people, you are in our heart."

US Ambassador to Kuwait Deborah K. Jones, centers reporters in a memorial photo after a round table discussion held on Wednesday, June 15, 2011.
(LEFT) her excellency US Ambassador to Kuwait Ambassador Deborah K. Jones(Right) Myself. I wish you all the best in your new mission and thanks for your support.