Alhor means the " free Man" in Arabic.In addition,it is an adjective refered to someone who believes in freedom. Alhor is a free space of expression which maintains obejective ,crticial and logical thinking. Alhor owner is not responsible for the feedback or the comments that vistors post, Jameel W. Karaki
Sunday, August 29, 2010
اللبنانيون: هل هم شعب الله المختار؟
لست بناقم على ميلادي كلبناني ولا بحاقدا على ساسة أتقنوا فن قيادة خرفان من الشعب اللبناني ولكني في سماء أفكاري أبحث عن لبناني الوطن قبل كل شيئ قبل الإيمان والإلحاد وقبل عروبته وفينيقيته وقبل مساحته التي تخططت كل الحدود الجغرافية والكونية فأصبح كالمنارة على شاطئ العالم ينير دروب الغير متناسيا ظلمات أزقته الداخلية وتفتت أحجار قلاعه وأثاره المنسية على صفحات كتب التاريخ المصفرة إلى أن أصبحنا قضية عالمية تتلاقفها أيدي المجتمع الدولي والعربي والفضائي والبكتيري والطفيلي لأننا ندعي القدرة على فهم ما حاولنا من متغيرات لأننا شعب الله المختار وأذكى الكائنات وأننا الدولة الأهم في العالم ولولا إشتراكنا في اللعبة الدولية لأنهار الكرة الأرضية في كأس ماء.
فنحن الأفضل والأمثل والأقوم والأصلح,يحق لنا إطلاق النكات على غيرنا من الشعوب, ويحق لنا أن نرمي بعضنا البعض برصاصات طائفية تكاد تفتك في قلب لبنان أكثر من قنبلة نووية. نفتخر بمذاهبنا وطوائفنا وبلكناتنا ولكن نسينا الله والوطن فنسينا أنفسنا فأصبحنا كالعبيد الساجدين الراكعين لساسة وللأجنبي والعياذ بالله ولكننا نرى كلمة الله الحقة في عمامات وقلنوسات رجال ديننا ولست متهكما ولكن " كما قال جبران العظيم كثرت مذاهبنا وطوافئنا وخلينا من الدين"؟
نحن فصحاء إجلاء نبغاء على بعضنا البعض ولكن أمام الأجنبي توابع عمي صم بكم, نمضي نحو جنات الغرب والشرق متناسين أن جحيم لبنان هو الجنة. في لبنان ندعي أننا دولة ولكن هل نعترف ببعضنا الأخر فبلدنا مقسم إلى غربية وشرقية ومنطقتنا ومنطقتهم وطائفتنا وطائفتهم كأننا أصبحنا مدمنين على الطائفية والتبعية؟
سقط العديد من الشباب والذين هم شهداء نتيجة لكلمة سياسي أو زعيم أو راعي غنم وفقا لقاموسي وبعد ما إختلطت دماؤهم بتراب لبنان, أطل علينا زعماؤنا يسألوننا العفو والسماح والعدل والرشاد متناسين أن أيدهم ملطخة بالدماء فكم من زعيم دفع بأولاده وفلذات كبده إلى حظيرة الطوائف اللبنانية مقاتلا؟
لدينا عدد من الأحزاب والأفكار والأيدولوجيات والتصورات ما يفوق عدد سكان لبنان المقيمين والمغتربيين ولكن ما الجدوى؟ نفتخر بإتقاننا العربية والإنجيليزية والفرنسية ولكننا نتناسى أنا لبنانيين. كم من مظاهرة جالت الشوراع لتخفيض الدين العام؟ أو لتحسين الأوضاع المعيشية للخروف اللبناني؟ هل يجب على الخروف الإستمتاع بأكل علف لم يراه؟
لبنان مزرعة,يترأسها العديد من القواويد لا القادة شغلهم الشاغل توريث مناصبهم وزعماتهم إلى أبد الأبدين من أبناء صلبهم ولن ألوم ساسة أتقنوا فن رعي الإغنام وتوطينهم في لبنان وزيادة ثرواتهم الإلهية والتي تعد ضرب من ضروب الخيال.
فعلى كل شاب لبناني أن يأكل الكتب بأسنانه وبيده ويعمل وظيفتين ويقوم بإستدرار عطف مسؤول سياسي لكي يتعلم أو يحصل على وظيفة لا تكفيه لمعيشته اليومية وإلا " ما قلك إلا الفيزا". فمنذ الأيام الأولى للجامعة تستشرس الأحزاب اللبنانية في العمل الحزبي الجامعي وتدفع الطالب الجاهل إلى ركوب عربة الحزب والتي تمشي على وقود "مستقبل الشعب اللبناني"ولكن لم نجد حزبا قاد طلبه لإنتاج بحث علمي أو إجتماعي أو إقتصادي أو سياسي أو مالي ولكن قادهم إلى الإصطدام والتنفيرمن الأخر.
وبعد نزول الراكب من العربة عليه التوجه إلى أقرب سفارة ليسافر ويترك لبنان برجعة أو من غيرها. إي كان الحزب التي تنتمي له فأنت مهاجر غريب في المهجر وإن كنت من غير إنتماء حزبي فأنت غريب في الوطن ومن لم يقنع فليستمتع بأكل العلف, ومن أراد الولاء فليكن للبنان الواحد.
والحل الوحيد هو قيام مجلس شيوخ لبناني وتغير المناهج الدراسية وتبادل الطلاب بين المدارس والجامعات اللبنانية كافة وتركيز العمل الحزبي الجامعي على العمل العلمي المنطقي لا على النباح الطائفي والشعارات الرنانة والتي لا تسمن أو تغني عن جوع
عشتم وعاش لبنان , ومن أجل تصحيح الوضع نلقاكم.
جميل كركي
Saturday, August 28, 2010 Aug 29 03:19:29 UTC+0300 2010 Aug 29 03:19:29 UTC+0300 2010
Oil prices affected by several factors, says report
Sunday,29 August 2010
By : Jameel W. Karaki
KUWAIT: The Fed's announcement weeks ago that it will reinvest the principal from maturing agency bonds into treasuries has come as a reminder of the uncertain economic outlook ahead according to a report published by Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Research, titled, 'Bank of America ML Commodities - Global Energy Weekly: Oil and the Fed' dated Aug.12, 2010, authored by the Global Commodity Research Team at Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Research.
The report reaffirms the perception that there has been a change in company and consumer preferences in their demand for credit. Despite the best efforts by central banks in developed market economies, easy monetary policy has not translated into increased lending in the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation Development Countries). However, continued capital outflows to European Monetary System (EMS) suggest that investors see opportunity there.
The report highlights the fact that real interest rates are more relevant to oil prices than gross domestic product (GDP) with an assumption that oil demand is directly linked to changes in GDP, oil price levels are not determined solely by physical supply and demand. The report suggests that real interest rates are more important than GDP to oil demand. It estimates that a one percent reduction in real interest rates will result, other things being equal, in a 3.8 percent increase in long-term equilibrium oil prices. In contrast, a one percent increase in the GDP of advanced or emerging economies will impact long-term equilibrium oil prices by two percent and one percent respectively. Thus, while economic activity is no longer expanding at a rapid pace, oil prices may depend more on monetary policy than GDP changes.
If the analysis in the report is correct according to the writer, oil prices could hold up better than demand over the next 12 months. Just like gold, oil is also a hard asset and ultra loose monetary policy which involves lower interest rates and more money entering circulation, will ultimately come in to support nominal US dollar prices. In economics, nominal values are the face value of currency over long periods of time (years), whereas real values have been corrected for inflation.
According to the view of writer, Even if cyclical conditions deteriorate further and oil drops to reflect it, super-easy monetary policy will push oil price levels straight back up in the medium term. Sometimes oil leads gold, and sometimes gold leads oil. But if the value of the key reserve currency is eroded through monetary easing, commodities will reflect this trend. So, even if a down cycle temporarily sends oil below $65 barrels, the upward trend in the US dollar size of key emerging economies should support prices next year.
It is worthy to mention that other factors may affect oil prices such as the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Also, oil prices are driven by global changes in supply and demand along with a number of other geopolitical factors. Worldwide oil production is controlled by OPEC and the organization aims to maintain a stable price-per-barrel for crude oil.
In addition, political instability in the Middle East especially in Iraq and Iran has caused great concern about access to oil given that this region accounts for a large amount of the world's oil supply. One of the main reasons that oil prices rose so precipitously during some periods was due to the fact that suppliers were unable to convince buyers that they would be able to maintain and properly deliver o
Oil prices affected by several factors, says report
Sunday,29 August 2010
By : Jameel W. Karaki
KUWAIT: The Fed's announcement weeks ago that it will reinvest the principal from maturing agency bonds into treasuries has come as a reminder of the uncertain economic outlook ahead according to a report published by Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Research, titled, 'Bank of America ML Commodities - Global Energy Weekly: Oil and the Fed' dated Aug.12, 2010, authored by the Global Commodity Research Team at Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Research.
The report reaffirms the perception that there has been a change in company and consumer preferences in their demand for credit. Despite the best efforts by central banks in developed market economies, easy monetary policy has not translated into increased lending in the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation Development Countries). However, continued capital outflows to European Monetary System (EMS) suggest that investors see opportunity there.
The report highlights the fact that real interest rates are more relevant to oil prices than gross domestic product (GDP) with an assumption that oil demand is directly linked to changes in GDP, oil price levels are not determined solely by physical supply and demand. The report suggests that real interest rates are more important than GDP to oil demand. It estimates that a one percent reduction in real interest rates will result, other things being equal, in a 3.8 percent increase in long-term equilibrium oil prices. In contrast, a one percent increase in the GDP of advanced or emerging economies will impact long-term equilibrium oil prices by two percent and one percent respectively. Thus, while economic activity is no longer expanding at a rapid pace, oil prices may depend more on monetary policy than GDP changes.
If the analysis in the report is correct according to the writer, oil prices could hold up better than demand over the next 12 months. Just like gold, oil is also a hard asset and ultra loose monetary policy which involves lower interest rates and more money entering circulation, will ultimately come in to support nominal US dollar prices. In economics, nominal values are the face value of currency over long periods of time (years), whereas real values have been corrected for inflation.
According to the view of writer, Even if cyclical conditions deteriorate further and oil drops to reflect it, super-easy monetary policy will push oil price levels straight back up in the medium term. Sometimes oil leads gold, and sometimes gold leads oil. But if the value of the key reserve currency is eroded through monetary easing, commodities will reflect this trend. So, even if a down cycle temporarily sends oil below $65 barrels, the upward trend in the US dollar size of key emerging economies should support prices next year.
It is worthy to mention that other factors may affect oil prices such as the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Also, oil prices are driven by global changes in supply and demand along with a number of other geopolitical factors. Worldwide oil production is controlled by OPEC and the organization aims to maintain a stable price-per-barrel for crude oil.
In addition, political instability in the Middle East especially in Iraq and Iran has caused great concern about access to oil given that this region accounts for a large amount of the world's oil supply. One of the main reasons that oil prices rose so precipitously during some periods was due to the fact that suppliers were unable to convince buyers that they would be able to maintain and properly deliver o
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