Thursday, December 30, 2010

مشروع القانون الذي تقدم به وزير العمل بطرس حرب إلى رئاسة الحكومة حول منع بيع الأراضي بين اللبنانيين

30 كانون الأول 2010 -

تقدم وزير العمل بطرس حرب بمشروع قانون إلى رئاسة مجلس الوزراء، يتعلق بمنع بيع الأراضي بين أبناء الطوائف المختلفة، لمدة خمسة عشر سنة. وهذا نص المشروع:

المادّة الأولى: مع مراعاة أحكام قانون تملّك الأجانب وأحكام قوانين الإرث للطوائف، يمنع لمدّة خمسة عشر سنة بيع العقارات المبنية وغير المبنيّة الكائنة في لبنان بين

أبناء طوائف مختلفة غير منتمية إلى دين واحد.

المادّة الثانية: يشمل المنع أشخاص الطوائف المعنوية والأشخاص المعنويين التّابعين لهذه الطوائف، والشّركات العقارية التي تكون أسهمها إسميّة بحيث لا يجوز التفرّغ عن أكثريّة هذه الأسهم لمالكين من غير طائفة مالكيها.

المادّة الثالثة: تبطل عقود البيع وقيود نقل الملكيّة في السّجل العقاري، وعقود الوعد بالبيع التي تتمّ خلافًا لأحكام هذا القانون، كما تبطل العقود الصّورية التي تخفي عقدًا بالبيع تنطبق عليه المواد السّابقة أعلاه.

المادّة الرّابعة: يمنع على الشّركات غير العقارية شراء الأملاك غير المنقولة. ويتمّ بيع الأملاك غير المنقولة العائدة لهذه الشّركات بعد الإعلان عن ذلك في جريدتين محلّيتين، وبلصق الإعلان على باب مركز بلديّة موقع العقار، ويوضع محضر بذلك في البلدية قبل شهر من تاريخ البيع، وإلاّ يعتبر البيع لاغيًا. وفي حال عدم وجود بلديّة، يودع الإعلان والمحضر لدى مختار البلدة حيث موقع العقار قبل شهر من تاريخ البيع أيضًا.

في حال عدم مراعاة هذه الأصول يكون البيع باطلاً ولا ينقل الملكيّة على إسم الشّاري. في حال تقدّم أكثر من عرض للشراء يباع العقار أو العقارات لعارض السّعر الأعلى، على أن تجري عملية البيع بموجب محضر رسمي يوقّعه رئيس البلدية أو المختار، وعلى أن تتّبع الأصول القانونية لتنفيذ العقد.

المادّة الخامسة: يعاقب كلّ من يخالف أحكام هذا القانون، بائعًا أو شاريًا أو متدخّلاً، بالحبس من خمس إلى عشر سنوات. ولا يجوز للقاضي أن يخفّضها إلى أكثر من النّصف. ويغرّم المخالف بمبلغ يساوي ضعفي ثمن المبيع لصالح الخزينة.

المادّة السادسة: يعمل بهذا القانون فور نشره في الجريدة الرسمية.

الأسباب الموجبة

يشهد لبنان منذ فترة عمليات بيع وشراء أراض شبه منظّمة من أفراد، أو شركات يملكها أشخاص، من طوائف معيّنة لأراض يملكها أشخاص من طوائف مختلفة عن طوائفهم، ما أثار الكثير من المخاوف من ضرب صيغة العيش المشترك القائم على اختلاط اللبنانيين الجغرافي والثقافي، ومن تشجيع لهجرة طوائف معيّنة، ناهيك عن الفرز الطّائفي والجغرافي والإجتماعي والسّياسي والإقتصادي الخطير الذي قد ينجم عنها. وهو ما يعرّض وحدة البلاد للخطر وما يناقض ميثاق العيش المشترك وما يتعارض مع التّعددية التي قام عليها لبنان، والتي تشكّل أحد العناصر الأساسية للوطن.

وبالرّغم من أنّ الدّستور اللّبناني يصون حقّ الملكيّة الفردية (المادة 15)، باعتبار أنّ النّظام اللبناني مبني على مبادئ الإقتصاد الحرّ وحتّى التّملك والتّصرف بالملك، إلاّ أنّ هذا الحقّ ليس مطلقًا لا حدود له، بل هو حقّ خاضع لقيود تفرضها المصلحة الوطنية والظروف الإستثنائية، وهو ما يفسّر أنّ بعض القوانين الوضعية تحدّ من حرّية التّصرف المطلقة حماية للمصلحة العامّة، أو الإستقرار، كما في حالات الإستملاك لمنفعة عامّة أو حالات الشّفعة أو الأفضلية.

ولقد عمدت بعض الدّول إلى إصدار تشريعات إستثنائية تحدّ من حرّية التّصرف بالأملاك العقارية لمحو آثار الحروب الدّاخلية أو الخارجية، أو لصون السّلم الأهلي ودرء الفتن أو لمنع التّهجير.

أمّا في لبنان، وحرصًا على وحدة لبنان وشعبه وعيشه المشترك، أقرّ المشترع بعض المبادئ الأساسية في الدّستور اللبناني ومنها:

"أنّ لبنان جمهورية ديمقراطية... تقوم على احترام الحريات..." (فقرة ج).

"وأنّ أرض لبنان أرض واحدة لكلّ اللبنانيين. فلكلّ لبناني الحقّ في الإقامة على أي جزء منها والتمتّع به في ظلّ سيادة القانون، فلا فرز للشعب على أساس أي انتماء كان"... (فقرة ط9).

"وأنّ لا شرعيّة لأي سلطة تناقض ميثاق العيش المشترك" (فقرة ي).

"وأنّ لبنان قائم مكوّن من العائلات الروحية" (المادة 22).

هذا بالإضافة إلى أنّ وثيقة الوفاق الوطني أكّدت على "تعدّدية اللبنانيين".

إنّ عمليّات بيع وشراء العقارات الحاصلة هذه الفترة، والتي تنقل ملكيّة عقارات كبيرة من أفراد ذي لون طائفي، إلى أفرادٍ من لونٍ طائفيّ آخر، تستدعي التدخّل السريع من المشترع للحؤول دون ضرب صيغة العيش المشترك والوحدة الوطنيّة، أو تسهيل هجرة اليد العاملة اللّبنانيّة، ولا سيّما المنتِجة منها، نتيجة فكّ ارتباط قسم من اللّبنانيّين بأرضهم وجذورهم. كما تستدعي إتخاذ الإجراءات الكفيلة بمراعاة المبادئ الدّستوريّة أعلاه، والمحافظة على حقّ جميع اللّبنانيّين بالإقامة في ظلّ سيادة القانون، وفي مناخ عيش مشترك، ومنع التّهجير والهجرة، التي تفرّغ لبنان من قواه الإنتاجية الشّابة التي هو بأشدّ الحاجة إليها، ومنع الفرز الطائفيّ والجغرافيّ والإجتماعيّ والسياسيّ والإقتصاديّ الذي يؤدّي إليه بيع الأراضي بين أبناء الطّوائف اللّبنانيّة الذي نشهده منذ مدّة. هذا بالإضافة إلى الإنعكاسات السّلبية لانفلات هذا الأمر وتفشّي هذه الظّاهرة الخطيرة، ما يؤدّي عمليًّا إلى تشويه صورة لبنان التعدّدي، ويقلّص من الإختلاط السّكاني بين الطوائف، ويقضي على الحريّات العامّة فيها، ويهدّد وحدة الأرض، ووحدة لبنان.


نقترح مشروع القانون المرفق، والقاضي بمنع بيع الأراضي بين أبناء الطّوائف المختلفة، للحيلولة دون الفرز السّكاني الطّائفي وضرب صيغة لبنان، بلد الحوار والتّعايش بين المسيحيّة والإسلام، من جهة، وللمحافظة على وحدة الدّولة التي تقوم على المحافظة على الإختلاط السّكاني بين المسيحيّين والمسلمين والتّشبّث بأراضيهم حيث هم.

على أمل إدراج هذا المشروع على جدول أعمال مجلس الوزراء في أسرع وقت ممكن لمناقشته وإقراره وإحالته حسب الأصول إلى مجلس النوّاب.

وزير العمل

بطرس حرب

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My interview with Maurice Leroy

Tuesday,28 December 2010

By : Jameel W. Karaki

PARIS: Maurice Leroy is the Minister of Urban Planning and assigned for Great Paris file, the former second Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, the Chairman of France-Qatar Friendship Society, the Vice Charmin of French- Emirati and a member of New Center party.

Minister Leroy has exclusively spoken to three reporters from Al-Watan, Al-Bayan (UAE) and Al-Riyadh (KSA) on Islamophobia in Europe, the role performed by France in international relations, secularism and the various project of the Great Paris.

Have your ministry succeeded in assimilating members of the Islamic community with the French society?

Leroy: France has been receiving immigrants since the 19th century. The number of immigrants has now reached 11.5 million, and children of immigrant parents represent 19% of the population in France and they are not from western Arab countries only. They came from different countries, traditions and religions. France kept its policy by receiving immigrants and kept providing 180,000 residency cards annually, in addition to naturalizing 150,000 persons each year. France has drafted laws to keep rights of immigrants facing difficulties and to create balance, and it is proud of the positive results for succeeding in the process of merging immigrants despite of all difficulties.

Do you have plans to cooperate with Gulf States, especially with Kuwait, UAE and KSA? Has France signed any contracts with these states?

Leroy: Yet, such cooperation doesn't exist, but I am invited to participate in Worlds Cities Summit in Abu Dhabi, which is a chance to cooperate with Gulf State in the near future.

Do you permit building new mosques in needed areas?

Leroy: In spite of strict French laws to separate the state from the church (Law 8-1905) which had stopped building worship places for longtime, there are around 2,000 mosques and we are intending to increase this number as many new mosques were inaugurated in the suburbs of Paris for big Moslem communities, such as Chant Loeb, Bondi, Viafranc-sur-Saône ,Trap and Colmar. The authority and local societies are cooperation with the Council of Islam Religion to find proper solution to overcome legal obstacles and to fund building more mosques.

How do see the problem of Islamophobia?

Leroy: Riots in suburbs that took place in 2005, social difficulties faced by immigrants and the law that forbid wearing veil was misunderstood by Muslims who consider this act as rejecting the religion of Islam in France. France has been welcoming immigrants for so many years and actively sought to merge them into the society, similar to the way we deal with immigrants coming from the Western Arab World, Africa and South Sahara. France is putting great efforts in this process as receiving immigrants means openness to diversity and a responsible determination to build a joint democratic culture, which takes longtime.

How to create harmony between secularism and democracy in France?

Leroy: Usually secularism is not fully explained so it is misunderstood by many, and especially to the Arab countries who understand secularism as refusal to religions. The truth is exactly the opposite. French secularism was established in 1905 based on appropriative and calming law to separate the state from the church, so secularism is actually about respecting all religions, since there are public and personal aspects to it. We approve the government school to avoid the influence of faction and to calm the atmosphere by eliminating religious icons and signs referring to any religion. We can do whatever we wish at home or in the streets but hospitals, schools and public places are different and this particular thing relates to the history of France, when there was big religion war between Catholics and protestants. We have made a mistake for not fully explaining secularism, which let children of Muslims, Jews, Protestants, seculars, agnostic and Christians to learn and live in harmony in the same classroom, and secularism has allowed all people in this country to believe in any religion and did not deny the right of anyone to believe in any specific religion in addition to respecting all religions.

I have noticed that some parties in European and Anglophonic countries have started to wonder if they need secularism as a system, but France has been working on integrating children since the revolution in 1789, even Islam is a religion between individuals and God without any mediator, so mostly extremist groups and Catholic movements are against secularism and are creating chaos.

What is your role in Arab-Israeli conflict?

Leroy: France plays an important role and Palestinians have the right to establish a Palestinian State, I have witnessed the legitimate elections when Mahmoud Abbas was elected and the election that came later to elect Hamas on the account of Fatah. France is not alone in the arena as the government and France's diplomacy are working for stabilizing peace in the Middle East through recognizing the State of Israel by the Palestinian people, which was a courageous and smart move made by the late Yasser Arafat. On the other hand, Israel should admit the right of Palestinians to establish their state, and this is France's stand when President Sarkozy was received by President Al-Assad of Syria, and President Sarkozy had criticized such reception, when France is playing a vital role to be a peaceful influence in the Middle East.

What is Great Paris Project?

Leroy: This project deals with poor neighborhoods where the unemployment percentage is double compared with other neighborhoods, as families are supported by the mother or the father alone, in addition to a big number of unemployed young men who are uneducated and the crime rate is high. Since 20 years there is a ministry called the City Ministry, which deals with similar problems, my role is to cooperate with the Ministry of Education and the Minister of Interior and Housing to improve the conditions in the city, the ministry works hand in hand with specialized societies to support children education and to provide meals. I have also worked with the Ministry of Higher Education to help merge young generation of immigrant origins in the college of political science, which is not available to every student and to enabling them enroll in big technological institutes and universities.

But some parents of this specific social segment are refusing to let their children merge in the educational process, such action is not related to financial reasons but connected to cultural differences and we have many programs to deal with this part. In the recent forming of the government on the 14th of November, President Sarkozy and François Fillon had issued a decision to name the Ministry of the City instead of Secretary of State, and the new ministry has become a highest priority to the President and the government, also I should indicate that the Great Paris Project has become President Sarkozy's highest priority as he is aiming to combine the capital Paris and eight surrounding provinces in order to make one global city. 5 French and 5 international architectural engineers were elected to make this dream come true.

What are the duration and cost of this project?

Leroy: This project will continue till year 2025 as we are facing transportation difficulties, it is known that transportation inside Paris is so easy and smooth but highways are so crowded and transportation means to provinces are not sufficient, so we will establish a direct transportation lines to solve this problem and to improve living conditions. The project is expected to build up 70,000 houses annually they public and private funding at the cost of 25 billion Euros for the ten coming years, we are executing the project which also includes housing, offices and sports' facilities, the work could end by 2025 or 2030 till reaching the anticipating goals.

In addition to a new structure for Paris Metro Pole which includes 170 municipalities that accommodate people who represent different political parties, the project will be a huge architectural monument and economic icon. There are many people involved in negotiating and participating with heads of municipalities and other high officials in the state by providing their productive opinions and views, there are around 15,000 persons who had participating in such discussions up to now.

(left) Maurice Leroy is the Minister of Urban Planning and assigned for Great Paris file, the former second Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, the Chairman of France-Qatar Friendship Society, the Vice Charmin of French- Emirati and a member of New Center party.
(right) Jameel W. Karaki

Monday, December 27, 2010

The CIA and my friend's Sheesha

Monday,27 December 2010

By : Jameel W. Karaki

WikiLeaks created a lot of gossip about the implicit and explicit reasons behind leaking these cables to the public in this dramatic way. The nature of the cables, its content and the comments of some diplomats I received in Kuwait supported the "Conspiracy Theory" behind leaking these documents.
As a result, as an active reporter I decided to write a piece about this issue titled "Reading between the lines at the WikiLeaks Buffet". In this piece I asked many questions, such as who is actually the behind the WikiLeaks disclosures and the types of cables that it published? Have all these efforts been exercised to enable the great American entity to present these documents on a platter through an open buffet? Why were these documents leaked in the first place?!

On Wednesday, December 15, 2010 during a launch organized by the American embassy of Kuwait as a farewell event for Hatem Korabi, the former information specialist at the embassy who left the embassy but remained in our minds and hearts.

I seized the opportunity to have a discussion with Katharina Gollner-Sweet Counselor for Public Affairs at the American embassy of Kuwait who is always open to any question, criticism or a feedback from a sophisticated reporter like me.

 While we were eating she explained to me the impact of these leaks on the state department and the embarrassment that these cables caused to the Americans. Despite that I was bombarding her with questions, she was polite and a good listener. After hours of discussions, she was generous enough to send me Transcript of Conference Call Roundtable with A/S Feltman to answer my concerns about WikiLeaks. In general reading this transcript answered some of my questions and refutes the conspiracy behind these leaks. The main question for me is would an Arab diplomat handle my questions in a similar manner?

I wrote many pieces that do not agree with the American foreign policy and yet I have never received a negative feedback from the embassy, or any worker within. Either by underestimating my opinion or attacking it. For instance, I published a piece titled" USA the economic Devil" and after few months I was representing Kuwait in the Foreign Press Center, March Social Media Tour 2010. However, after this trip I didn't agree blindly with the American foreign policy and I kept writing in the same path criticizing and critiquing.

One of my friends gave me a friendly advice, which reflected his limited vision and understand for the American culture by advising me not write more opinion pieces about criticizing the American foreign policy. He argued that the American authorities might invalidate my five years visa or that I will not be able to study for a PhD over at Yale or Georgetown. As a result, I didn't answer him because he is another victim of" The Conspiracy Theory" and I changed the subject. My point here is that we should listen to the others and understand the way they thank in order to issue fair provisions.

I am not cajoling anyone, rather I am explaining to those who do not understand what freedom is all about. Mrs. Sweet is a good example of an American who knows and understands our culture and our thinking methodologies. I hope those who are stationed in Washington DC to understand Arabic not just speaking it hollowly and look at this spot of the world with the eyes of wisdom.

In my opinion writing is a message, diplomacy is an art, and my freedom is a right. If you want to know why USA is controlling the world just look at how professional, educated and respectable American diplomats are and how rude some are from other countries.

Finally, during my conversation with my friend, his sheesha toppled on the ground and I believe that he thinks that the CIA created hidden forces to push his sheesha in the ground like WikiLeaks.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Announces the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to Kuwait early next year

Thursday,23 December 2010

By : Jameel W. Karaki Assaad Tarhini

KUWAIT: In an exclusive interview with Al Watan Daily, Advisor to the Italian Prime Minister on Kuwait Antonio Capuano spoke candidly about the relations the two states shares, calling them "warm and strong."

The youngest person to ever be elected as a member of the Italian parliament, at age 29 in 2001, Capuano made the point that Kuwait and Italy share more than just "good relations," rather, they are in fact "friends." Capuano also discussed the economic and cultural bilateral agreements between the two and the support Italy has provided.

During the course of the interview, Capuano announced the upcoming visit of Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to Kuwait, which is slated to occur at the end of January, or beginning of February.

He also discussed Italy's role in maintaining global peace, Italy's support of Kuwait's rights vis-à-vis Iraq, and the recent events regarding WikiLeaks.

Below is an excerpt of what was discussed:

Bilateral relationship between Kuwait and Italy

Capuano explained that his position is a vital and important one as he was the first one to be assigned to it, adding that it was on Prime Minister Berlusconi's agenda to improve the bilateral relationship between the two nations. He said that they have always enjoyed "good and strong" relations that have now developed into being "friends."

He pointed out that the visit of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Sabah to Rome in November 2009 paved the way to boosting this "unique relationship" and confirmed that Sheikh Nasser has become "very good friend with Berlusconi."

Capuano then said how during his visit last month, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini was very pleased with the "genuine Kuwaiti hospitality" that they received when they met with the prime minister and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Dr. Mohammed Al-Sabah.

He made the point that the recent improvement of bilateral relations between the two countries has to be attributed to the professionalism displayed by the Italian Ambassador to Kuwait Enrico Granara and his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheikh Jaber Duaij Al-Sabah, who Capuano said of, was "a serious, committed and respectable man who supported my mission."

Italy's support of Kuwait, meeting with Iraq

Capuano spoke about the support Italy has always provided Kuwait, presently and in past during times of difficulty and hardship.

He added that even though his expertise is Kuwait, his role extends throughout the Gulf Cooperation Council, explaining that he recently visited with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki on November 22. Capuano said that during the meeting he supported the negotiations between Kuwait and Iraq regarding the outstanding issue pertaining under Chapter VII of the United Nations, specifically the borders, the issue of missing people and the continuation of reparations payments.

He said that Prime Minister Al-Maliki confirmed that the "doors are open" to discuss any, and all ideas that would leads to a resolution to these outstanding issues.

Economic cooperation

Regarding the economic cooperation between Kuwait and Italy, Capuano explained that Sheikh Nasser's visit to Italy in 2009 was partly to present the Kuwaiti state development plan to Italian business, a point that the Italian government is very keen to participate.

As an example, Capuano brought up the Italian oil and gas contractor Saipem that was recently awarded a contract by Kuwait based Kharafi National for the Early Production Facility Project for the Jurassic field, located in the north of the country, approximately 50 kilometers north-west of Kuwait City.

He also said that an invitation was presented to Managing Director of Kuwait Investment Authority Bader Al-Saad to visit Italy and discuss investment opportunities.

Cultural relationship

Regarding the cultural relationship between the two, Capuano spoke on the recent Kuwaiti-launched Islamic antiquities exhibition held in Milan. An exhibition on Islamic art and civilization that portrayed a selection of works from the collection Sheikh Hussah Al- Sabah and Dar Al-Athar Al-Islamiyyah. He mentioned that Saipem showed an interest in sponsoring the next exhibition that would possibly be held in Rome.

When asked about the absence of an Italian cultural center in Kuwait, Capuano commented that the issue is on the agenda of the Italian government and Ambassador Granara, and one should be set up in the future.

Upcoming visits

During the interview, Capuano revealed that the end of the January (beginning of February) would see the visit of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to Kuwait.

He added that he recently an invitation was presented to the Kuwaiti foreign minister, sent by Prime Minister Berlusconi, and that Minister of Oil and Information Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah will visit Italy sometime in May. He said that First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense would also visit Italy sometime next year.

Capuano went to take about the support Italy provides the Kuwaiti Air Force and the relations between the two, noting that members of the air force will visit Italy to train and exchange experiences at an air base in Pozzuoli, Napoli.

Italy and international affairs

Capuano explained that Italy has a military presence in Afghanistan and Lebanon, among others. However, he underlined the fact that the existence of the Italian military in these areas is there solely to support peace efforts and maintain it.

Regarding the Arabic Israeli Conflict, he said that Italy wishes both parties reach an agreement, pointing out both should be willing to make some sacrifices to ensure peace.

The recent WikiLeaks

In a reply to a question on the recent WikeLeaks and its effect on the diplomatic world, Capuano said that the leaks have "affected everyone" but that "they should not be read literally but in a diplomatic way." He added that the leaked cables were nothing special and just normal correspondence between diplomats. However, he did express his own concerns that the leaks might affect relationships between countries and that there might have been something hidden behind them.

Commenting on what was written about Berlusconi, Capuano brushed them aside saying that "what was written was meant as a joke" and that diplomats sometimes joke, even in their cables.

Muslim community in Italy

Capuano made the point that Italy plays a major role in Italian society and that have become quite integrated. He did admit that sometimes disputes do happen because of political interests and some Italian parties seeking but votes, but he underline that "we respect Islam and personally, I enjoy a good relationship with the Muslim community." Capuano also pointed out that Rome house the largest mosque in Europe.

The Italian Economy

When discussing the Italian economy, Capuano described it as "solid and one of the best economies in Europe." He explained that during the recent economic crisis the economy in Italy was affected to a lesser degree than others, such as France adding, "Our government knows how to deal with economic challenges." He went on to say that they supported Greece during its trouble and will support Portugal and other states that might face similar crises, noting that European countries look onto Italy as an economic example.
Advisor to the Italian Prime Minister on Kuwait Antonio Capuano (right) speaking to Al Watan Daily journalists Assaad Tarhini (left)and Jameel W. Karaki (center) on Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2010. (Source:Al Watan)

Monday, December 20, 2010

كويتي يمشي حافياً من الكويت إلى كربلاء لزيارة قبر الإمام الحسين

كتب عباس دشتي:
الوطن الكويتية

تيمنا بما قام به الصحابي الجليل عبدالله بن جابر الانصاري عندما زار قبر الامام الحسين عليه السلام في يوم 20 صفر عندما اغتسل من نهر الفرات ثم مشى حافيا حتى وصل الى القبر وكذلك بما قام به الائمة عليهم السلام والسلف الصالح الموالون لأهل البيت عليهم السلام في زيارة الامام الحسين عليه السلام أعلن المواطن حمود أبوسالم عزمه على زيارة الامام من الكويت الى كربلاء وينضم الى المواكب الحسينية من البصرة اليها.

وذكر ابوسالم انه سيبدأ رحلته من بداية صفر من صفوان الى كربلاء مضيفا ان الفكرة خطرت له عندما انضم الى المواكب الحسينية من النجف الاشرف الى كربلاء المقدسة واستغرق اربعة ايام.

وابدى ابوسالم ارتياحه الكبير لتعاون الحكومتين الكويتية والعراقية والسماح له بتنفيذ فكرته مؤكدا انها تتم لأول مرة متمنيا ان يزداد العدد في السنوات المقبلة من اجل سيد الشهداء وريحانة الرسول الاكرم صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم.

واكد ان صاحب السمو أمير البلاد المفدى يمثل كل القيم الانسانية معربا عن اعتزازه بالحرية التي تتمتع بها شرائح المجتمع الكويتي كلها لاسيما الحرية الدينية والتي نشهدها في شهر محرم الحرام واحياء الشعائر الحسينية.

وتابع انه تفعيلا للاحاديث الشريفة عن الإمام الحسين عليه السلام «مثل الحسين فيكم كسفينة نوح من ركبها نجا ومن تخلف عنها غرق وهوى» وكذلك «الحسين مني وانا من حسين»، قرر المسير ماشيا حافي القدمين الى سبط الرسول الاكرم صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم تذللا لله ورسوله.

واضاف ان الخدمات موجودة في العراق مع المواكب الحسينية واما في الكويت فهناك من سوف يمدونه بها حتى الوصول الى صفوان.

ونفى التحقيق معه من قبل امن الدولة لكن جرى الاستفسار من عدة دوريات حول سبب المشي حافيا ورافعا راية الحسين.

وناشد الشباب المشاركة في هذه الفكرة في السنوات المقبلة لنيل الحسنات والثواب مؤكدا ان لكل خطوة اجرا ولكل قطرة عرق ملكا يدعو له.

Qatar's celebration of FIFA world cup decision is our celebration: Al-Kharafi

Tuesday,21 December 2010

By : Jameel W. Karaki


His Highness the Prime Minster Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammed Al- Sabah and Ambassador of Qatar to Kuwait Ali Sulaiman Al-Haifi hold a replica of the World Cup trophy during a celebration of Qatar's national day on Sunday, Dec. 18, 2010. (Source:Al Watan)

KUWAIT: At the celebration to mark Qatar's National Day held on Dec. 19, His Highness the Prime Minster Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammed Al- Sabah said, "The National Day of the State of Qatar, is the national day for every Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Oman, and Kuwait."

He added, "My message to the Ambassador and to all the citizens of Qatar is that I hope that everyone is safe every year and may God bless our leaders."

On his part, Speaker of the National Assembly Jassem Al- Kharafi extended his congratulations to the Amir of Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the government and people of Qatar for winning the right to host the FIFA 2022 World Cup. He pointed out that this indicates the keenness of Qatar to contribute to global events.

He added, "We are happy for Qatar and its people because their celebration is our celebration."

Meanwhile, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Khalid Al-Jarallah, noted that FIFA's decision to award the right to host 2022 World Cup to Qatar to is an achievement is not only for Qatar but for the entire GCC.

Minister of Oil and Information Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah also expressed his pleasure towards Qatar's achievements.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

موقع الويكيليكس

ربما لن تتمكنوا من زيارة الموقع الرجاء الضغط على هذا الرابط

«ويكيليكس»: وزير الدفاع اللبناني نصح إسرائيل بغزو لبنان وتدمير حزب الله

كشفت برقية ديبلوماسية أميركية، من بين الوثائق التي ينشرها موقع ويكيليكس، عن نصائح وزير الدفاع اللبناني الياس المر لاسرائيل لتتمكن من هزيمة حزب الله. وقال المر للأميركيين انه اذا تكرر غزو مثل ما جرى عام 2006 فعلى اسرائيل الا تستعدي السكان المسيحيين. وفي البرقية التي ارسلتها السفارة الأميركية في بيروت الى وزارة الخارجية في واشنطن نقل عن المر قوله «لا يمكن لاسرائيل ان تقصف الجسور والبنية التحتية في المناطق المسيحية. كان المسيحيون يؤيدون اسرائيل في حرب 2006 الى ان بدأت تقصف جسورهم».

 وحسب البرقية التي نشرت صحيفة «هآرتس» الاسرائيلية محتواها نقلا عن موقع ويكيليكس نصح المر الجيش الاسرائيلي بأن يتفادى، في التمهيد للغزو، دخول المناطق التي توجد فيها قوات الامم المتحدة عبر الحدود. وقال وزير الدفاع اللبناني ان حزب الله سيستغل اي انتهاك اسرائيلي لقرار مجلس الامن 1701، الذي وضع حدا لحرب 2006، ليغرق المنطقة بالمقاتلين والسلاح.

وتابع «ان حزب الله رغم ادعائه النصر في 2006 بما اوقعه من خسائر في صفوف الجيش الاسرائيلي الا انه اقل ثقة في قدرته على صد هجوم اسرائيلي آخر».

واضاف «انا متأكد من ان حزب الله مرعوب ويستعد لتلقي درس قاس هذه المرة».

وقال المر ان حزب الله يشعر ان عليه الرد على اغتيال عماد مغنية، احد قادته الذي اغتيل في دمشق عام 2008 واتهم حزب الله اسرائيل باغتياله.

وتقول البرقية ان المر «يعتقد ان هجوما في غرب افريقيا او جنوب أميركا سيكون اسهل على حزب الله، لكنه يعتقد ان «الامين العام للحزب حسن نصر الله» سيفضل الهجوم داخل اسرائيل ان امكن».

ويضيف المر «سيحاول حزب الله اشراك سورية في امتصاص بعض رد الفعل الاسرائيلي على هجومه».

وعبر المر عن قلقه على الجيش اللبناني في حال اندلعت الحرب، مؤكدا ان كل همه هو الابقاء على الجيش بعيدا عن القتال.

وتقول البرقية الأميركية «اعرب المر عن قلق خاص بشأن الفرقتين الاولى والثامنة من الجيش في البقاع، اذ يعتقد ان امداد القيادة لها سيقطع فيما تقوم اسرائيل بعملياتها ضد حزب الله».

وقال المر ان بامكان الجيش في الجنوب تخزين المؤن بما يكفي لحرب تستمر لثلاثة اسابيع، والا سيضطر للاعتماد على السكان المحليين واغلبهم من انصار حزب الله مما يجعل الجيش يتورط في الحرب.

وطلب وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي في لقائه مع الأميركيين معلومات محددة عن المدة التي يمكن ان يستغرقها الاسرائيليون في حرب للقضاء على حزب الله حتى يمكن تخزين مؤن القوات في الجنوب بما يكفي، مؤكدا ان هدفه الا ينخرط الجيش في اي حرب بين اسرائيل وحزب الله، وذكر انه قال لقائد الجيش السابق رئيس الجمهورية الحالي ميشال سليمان ان يبقي الجيش بعيدا عن القتال في «حال اندلعت الحرب».

ولم تتوقف التسريبات عن هذا الحد الا انها طالت رئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري ورئيس الهيئة التنفيذية في القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع بالاضافة الى شخصيات سياسية في لبنان. ففي احدى الوثائق التي سربت، اكد الحريري للسفيرة الاميركية ميشيل سيسون «لا يبدو ان زيارة عون لايران خفضت من شعبيته «كما اعرب عن امتعاضه من حزب الطاشناق الارمني واصفا اياه بـ bunch of liars او حفنة من الكذابين.

اما د.سمير جعجع فقد تحدثت احدى الوثائق انه ابلغ واحمد الاسعد سيسون ان صبحي الطفيلي (امين عام حزب الله الاسبق) جاهز لضرب حزب الله. كذلك زود واشنطن بمعلومات استخبارية غير مؤكدة عن تسليم إيران لسورية 15 غواصة.

كما كشفت وثائق ويكيليكس عن آراء بعض من قوى 14 آذار من اغتيال القيادي في حزب الله عماد مغنية، ففيما قال النائب السابق فارس سعيد عن مقتل مغنية كأنه درس لحزب الله، اعتقد الزعيم الدرزي وليد جنبلاط، ان اسرائيل لأسباب واضحة أو سورية لأسباب مجهولة، قضيا على مغنية، وصفا بصراحة مقتل القيادي بحزب الله بـ «الخبر الجيد».

ورأى عدد من السياسيين الأكثريين، منهم السفير اللبناني السابق في الولايات المتحدة سيمون كرم ورئيس حزب الوطنيين الأحرار دوري شمعون ان سورية صفت مغنية هدية للأميركيين الا ان كرم وشمعون املا الا تكون الصفقة على حساب لبنان.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kuwaiti investment in Areva boosts our future prospects: Bertrand Barré

نبذة عن جلالة الملك عبد الله بن الحسين ملك المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية

His Majesty King Abdullah II

King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  King Abdullah the second

His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein is the 43rd generation direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). He assumed his constitutional powers as Monarch of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on February 7th, 1999, the day his father, the late King Hussein, passed away.

Born in Amman on January 30th, 1962, King Abdullah II is the eldest son of His Majesty the late King Hussein and Her Royal Highness Princess Muna Al Hussein. He began his primary education at the Islamic Educational College in Amman, and later attended St. Edmund's School in Surrey, England. For his secondary education, he attended Eaglebrook School and Deerfield Academy in the United States of America.

He entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (U.K.) in 1980 and was commissioned as second Lieutenant in spring of 81. He then served as a Reconnaissance Troop Leader in the 13/18th Royal Hussars Regiment (British Army) in the U.K. (and West Germany).

From 1985 to 1993 he served mainly in the Armoured Corps (3rd Division) in all related command appointments at platoon, company and as battalion second in command positions, until finally commanding the Second Armoured Battalion, 40th Armoured Brigade with the rank of lieutenant Colonel from January 1992 to January 1993. During this period he attended several military courses in the U.S. and the U.K. including Staff College Camberley (U.K.) 1990-1991. He also has several attachments to the Special Forces and a year as a tactics instructor with Jordan Army's Anti-Tank, Cobra Helicopter Wing.

The beginning of 1993 saw him as Deputy Commander of Jordanian Special Forces till he took full command in November 1993. He commanded these forces till October 1996, when he was instructed to re-organize this and other elite units into the Special Operations Command (SOCCOM). In 1998, as SOCCOM Commander, he was promoted to the rank of Major General and continued this command until the passing away of His Majesty King Hussein in February 1999.

In addition to his career as an army officer, King Abdullah II served Jordan many times in the official capacity of Regent in the absence of the late King Hussein, and regularly traveled on official missions. He was proclaimed Crown Prince on the 24th of January 1999 by a Royal Decree. He had also assumed the position of Crown Prince at birth by a Royal Decree until April 1st, 1965.

Since his ascension to the throne, King Abdullah II has continued his late father's commitment to creating a strong and positive moderating role for Jordan within the Arab region and the world, and has worked towards the establishment of a just and lasting comprehensive solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict. King Abdullah II is committed to building on the late King's legacy to further institutionalize democratic and political pluralism in Jordan. He has exerted extensive effort to ensuring sustainable levels of economic growth and social development aimed at improving the standard of living of all Jordanians. He is also working towards modernizing Jordan's information technology and educational systems.

Under King Abdullah's reign, Jordan was admitted to the World Trade Organization, and ratified agreements for the establishment of a Free Trade Area with the United States of America, the European Union, the European Free Trade Association countries, and sixteen Arab countries. King Abdullah II has also been involved in the drive for national administrative reform, as well as governmental transparency and accountability. He has been working on the advancement of civil liberties making Jordan one of the most progressive countries in the Middle East. Also, he has been involved in enacting the necessary legislations that guarantee women a full role in the Kingdom's socio-economic and political life.

King Abdullah II married Queen Rania on June 10th, 1993. The Royal Couple have two sons, Prince Hussein, the Crown Prince, born on June 28th, 1994, and Prince Hashem, born on January 30th 2005, and two daughters, Princess Iman, born on September 27th, 1996, and Princess Salma, born on September 26th, 2000. The King has four brothers and six sisters.

King Abdullah II holds a number of decorations from various countries. He is a qualified frogman, pilot and a free-fall parachutist. His other interests include automobile racing, water sports, scuba diving and collecting ancient weapons and armaments.

 صاحب الجلالة الهاشمية الملك عبدالله الثاني ابن الحسين المعظم

ملك المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية

ينتمي صاحب الجلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني إلى الجيل الثالث والأربعين من أحفاد النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم. وقد تسلم جلالته سلطاته الدستورية ملكا للمملكة الأردنية الهاشمية في السابع من شهر شباط 1999م، يوم وفاة والده جلالة الملك الحسين بن طلال طيب الله ثراه.

ولد جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني في عمان في الثلاثين من كانون الثاني 1962م، وهو الابن الأكبر لجلالة الملك الحسين طيب الله ثراه وصاحبة السمو الملكي الأميرة منى الحسين. تلقى جلالته علومه الابتدائية في الكلية العلمية الإسلامية في عمان عام 1966م، بداية، لينتقل بعدها إلى مدرسة سانت إدموند في ساري بإنجلترا، ومن ثم بمدرسة إيجلبروك وأكاديمية ديرفيلد في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لإكمال دراسته الثانوية.

في إطار تدريبه كضابط في القوات المسلحة الأردنية التحق جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني بأكاديمية ساندهيرست العسكرية الملكية في المملكة المتحدة عام 1980م، وبعد إنهاء علومه العسكرية فيها قلّد رتبة ملازم ثان عام 1981م، وعيّن من بعد قائد سرية استطلاع في الكتيبة 13/18 في قوات الهوسار (الخيالة) الملكية البريطانية، وخدم مع هذه القوات في ألمانيا الغربية وإنجلترا، وفي عام 1982م، التحق جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني بجامعة أوكسفورد لمدة عام، حيث أنهى مساقا للدراسات الخاصة في شؤون الشرق الأوسط.

ولدى عودة جلالته إلى أرض الوطن، التحق بالقوات المسلحة الأردنية، برتبة ملازم أول، وخدم كقائد فصيل ومساعد قائد سرية في اللواء المدرّع الاربعين. وفي عام 1985م، التحق بدورة ضباط الدروع المتقدمة في فورت نوكس بولاية كنتاكي في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. وفي عام 1986م، كان قائدا لسرية دبابات في اللواء المدرع 91 في القوات المسلحة الأردنية برتبة نقيب. كما خدم في جناح الطائرات العمودية المضادة للدبابات في سلاح الجو الملكي الأردني، وقد تأهل جلالته قبل ذلك كمظلي، وفي القفز الحر، وكطيار مقاتل على طائرات الكوبرا العمودية.

وفي عام 1987م، التحق جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني بكلية الخدمة الخارجية في جامعة جورج تاون في واشنطن العاصمة، ضمن برنامج الزمالة للقياديين في منتصف مرحلة الحياة المهنية، وقد أنهى برنامج بحث ودراسة متقدمة في الشؤون الدولية، في إطار برنامج "الماجستير في شؤون الخدمة الخارجية".

واستأنف جلالته مسيرته العسكرية في وطنه الاردن بعد انهاء دراسته، حيث تدرج في الخدمة في القوات المسلحة، وشغل مناصب عديدة منها قائد القوات الخاصة الملكية الاردنية وقائد العمليات الخاصة. خدم جلالته كمساعد قائد سرية في كتيبة الدبابات الملكية/17 في الفترة من كانون الثاني 1989م وحتى تشرين الاول 1989م، وخدم كمساعد قائد كتيبة في نفس الكتيبة من تشرين الاول 1989م وحتى كانون الثاني 1991م، وبعدها تم ترفيع جلالته الى رتبة رائد. حضر جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني دورة الاركان عام 1990م، في كلية الاركان الملكية البريطانية في كمبربي في المملكة المتحدة. وفي الفترة من كانون الاول عام 1990م وحتى عام 1991م، خدم جلالته كممثل لسلاح الدروع في مكتب المفتش العام في القوات المسلحة الاردنية.

قاد جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني كتيبة المدرعات الملكية الثانية في عام 1992م، وفي عام 1993م اصبح برتبة عقيد في قيادة اللواء المدرع الاربعين، ومن ثم اصبح مساعداً لقائد القوات الخاصة الملكية الاردنية، ومن ثم قائداً لها عام 1994م برتبة عميد، وفي عام 1996م اعاد تنظيم القوات الخاصة لتتشكل من وحدات مختارة لتكون قيادة العمليات الخاصة. ورُقِّى جلالته الى رتبة لواء عام 1998م، وفي ذات العام خلال شهري حزيران وتموز حضر جلالته دورة ادارة المصادر الدفاعية في مدرسة مونتيري البحرية.

بالاضافة لخدمة جلالته العسكرية كضابط، فانه قد تولى مهام نائب الملك عدة مرات أثناء غياب جلالة الملك الحسين طيب الله ثراه عن البلاد. وقد صدرت الارادة الملكية السامية في 24 كانون الثاني 1999م، بتعيين جلالته ولياً للعهد، علما بأنه تولى ولاية العهد بموجب إرادة ملكية سامية صدرت وفقاً للمادة 28 من الدستور يوم ولادة جلالته في 30 كانون الثاني 1962م ولغاية الأول من نيسان 1965م.

ومنذ تولي جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني ابن الحسين العرش، وهو يسير ملتزما بنهج والده الملك الحسين طيب الله ثراه، في تعزيز دور الأردن الإيجابي والمعتدل في العالم العربي، ويعمل جاهدا لإيجاد الحل العادل والدائم والشامل للصراع العربي الإسرائيلي. ويسعى جلالته نحو مزيد من مأسسة الديمقراطية والتعددية السياسية التي أرساها جلالة الملك الحسين طيب الله ثراه، والتوجه نحو تحقيق الاستدامة في النمو الاقتصادي والتنمية الاجتماعية بهدف الوصول إلى نوعية حياة أفضل لجميع الأردنيين. وقد عمل جلالة الملك منذ توليه مقاليد الحكم على تعزيز علاقات الأردن الخارجية، وتقوية دور المملكة المحوري في العمل من أجل السلام والاستقرار الإقليمي. وقد انضم الأردن في عهد جلالته، إلى منظمة التجارة العالمية، وتم توقيع اتفاقيات تجارة حرة مع ست عشرة دولة عربية، وتوقيع اتفاقية التجارة الحرة مع الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، واتفاقية الشراكة بين الأردن والاتحاد الأوروبي، مما أرسى أساسا صلبا لإدماج الأردن في الاقتصاد العالمي.

وشارك جلالة الملك عبد الله الثاني بصورة شخصية ناشطة في إرساء قواعد الإصلاح الإداري الوطني، وترسيخ الشفافية والمساءلة في العمل العام. وقد عمل دون كلل على تقدم الحريات المدنية، جاعلاً الأردن واحدا من أكثر البلدان تقدمية في الشرق الأوسط. كما عمل باهتمام على سن التشريعات الضرورية التي تؤمن للمرأة دورا كاملا غير منقوص في الحياة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والسياسية في المملكة.

وقد اقترن جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني بجلالة الملكة رانيا في العاشر من حزيران 1993م، ورزق جلالتاهما بنجلين هما سمو الأمير حسين، ولي العهد، الذي ولد في 28 حزيران 1994م، وسمو الأمير هاشم الذي ولد في 30 كانون الثاني 2005م، وبابنتين هما سمو الأميرة إيمان التي ولدت في 27 أيلول 1996م، وسمو الأميرة سلمى التي ولدت في 26 أيلول 2000م. ولجلالته أربعة أخوة وست أخوات.

ويحمل جلالة الملك عبدالله الثاني العديد من الأوسمة من الدول العربية والأجنبية. وهو مؤهل كطيار، وكمظلي في مجال الهبوط الحر بالمظلة. ومن هواياته سباق السيارات (وقد فاز ببطولة سباق الرالي الوطني الأردني)، وممارسة الرياضات المائية والغطس خاصة أنه قد تدرب على أعمال الضفادع البشرية، ومن هواياته الأخرى اقتناء الأسلحة القديمة.

جلالة الملك عبدااله الثاني

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kuwaiti investment in Areva boosts our future prospects: Bertrand Barré

Tuesday,14 December 2010

By : Jameel W. Karaki

PARIS: In an exclusive statement to three journalists made by Bertrand Barré, scientific advisor at Areva , during a visit organized by Invest in France Agency Paris stated that the recent Kuwaiti investment in Areva which was announced recently about the manufacturing of nuclear reactors gave a great boost to the future of the company.

He added that the capital increase was long awaited with Kuwait, but was finally carried out and the capital increased to 900 million euros (19.1 billion US dollars). While the Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA), the Gulf state's sovereign fund, invested 600 million euros (226.5 million Kuwaiti dinars) in Areva, which is equivalent to a share of 4.8 percent in the context of a capital. The increase will also include France's contribution of 300 million euros (KD 113.257 million), this preceded negotiations facing various challenges due to political and financial issues. The financial needs for the investment group, equals to 12 billion euros (KD 4.53 billion).

It is expected that the implementation of the second phase of the capital increase will occur within three to six months, with the inclusion of Areva shares on the bourse. The French government owns more than 90 percent of the company being traded on the Paris Stock Exchange in the form of bonds 4.03 percent of the capital.

Speaking about this cooperation Barré said, "The cooperation with Kuwait gives us a great future prospect of where we can develop energy supply and the provision of services to Kuwait, reflecting this long-term investment benefit". Adding that this news is very delightful because it will enable us to implement our future projects because the world needs more than twice the energy it needed in the past."

He went on to say that Areva is ranked first in the global field of nuclear energy, noting that Areva has scientific and technological solutions that aid the production of uranium and recycling of nuclear waste, traffic through the manufacture of nuclear reactors. He also noted that, we also do not neglect the development of renewable energy yielded from solar, hydrogen, and biological power. When asked about any new contracts or agreements between the Kuwaiti government and Areva he said, "we have some discussions with Kuwait as well as oil producing countries, because most of oil producing countries are focusing to include nuclear energy in their mix including Kuwait and I don't have any news to tell you about it."

Barré pointed out that Areva can supply Kuwait with both power plans and the services of fuel recycling noting that Areva signed an agreement with India recently in which Areva will supply two plants and also 25 years for fuel supply for these plants. Our company is both able to build, design plants, mining, and enriching Uranium."

Noting that that company has competitors that are able to supply uranium or reactors but very few are able to offer a package including the security of fuel supply. When asked a question regarding the feasibility of nuclear energy, he replied it is expensive to build cheaply to operate what is considered a long term investment. The kilo-watt produced by nuclear plant costs 60 percent as capital expenses and 40 percent as operating and fuel. In the long run nuclear energy will be competitive everywhere.

Last March's a survey showed that nuclear that energy is a competitive source of energy. Commenting on the memorandum signed with the Japanese government he said that, "we have a long history of corporation with Japan as we have been supplying fuel services to a Japanese company for more than 25 years or more maybe 30 years. We have also transferred the technology for them to build a safer planet and help them in the recycling of fuel. It is a very long term partnership.

Asking if Areva is going to acquire the contract with the Kuwaiti government he stated that, "there is nothing for sure. Three years ago, we had a good chance in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), but in fact we lost the contract to South Korea. The only advantage we had is to offer an extensive package that would."

Commenting on a question about if there is a corporation with Iran, he clarified that the company had some cooperation before the Islamic revolution and now there is some suspicions about the Iranian nuclear program according to the international community so we have no current corporation. While for Israel he said, "the issue is different, Israel didn't sign on the treaty of limitation of spread of nuclear weapons, and its activity is concentrated on the production of bombs. Unlike Iran who signed the treaty and according to who is obliged not to produce nuclear energy for non peaceful purposes he concluded, "I am not saying it's peaceful or non-peaceful but throughout a18 year duration it was developed secretly."

About their future plans, he said that, "we are targeting United Kingdom (UK) as a next customer, because now it's a gas importer since the north gas storage was somehow depleted. As a result it is likely to have the UK as a big customer and expects to sell four or six nuclear plans to UK. The second country is the US, and we have an interest in Italy, as in1987 Italy stopped its nuclear program and started importing oil and gas. In addition we are competing for one reactor in the Czech Republic.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Iran is ready to support Kuwait in nuclear energy: Mehman

Monday,29 November 2010

By : Jameel Karki

KUWAIT: Deputy and Official Spokesman for Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ramin Mehman asserted, in an interview with Al Watan Daily, that Iran is willing to assist Kuwait and other Islamic countries in the field of nuclear energy. Speaking on relations with the US, he said they would improve when the US begins to acknowledge the rights of people to live freely, and stops attacking other countries, in addition to ending support of illegitimate countries, such as Israel.

The following is an excerpt from the interview:

How do you assess your visit to Kuwait?

Mehman: This visit has succeeded in bridging gaps in media relations between the two countries. I accompanied several media figures who signed agreements with some newspapers in Kuwait. The agreements between the reporters and the Kuwaiti and Iranian news agencies will enable the exchange of news and pictures, which will make news more accurate since information flow will be direct and documented.

Did you sign any agreements with Kuwaiti officials during this visit?

Mehman: We agreed on some points, but we did not sign any agreements. However, we visited several television and newspaper networks, whose representatives they said that they were willing to cooperate with Iranian authorities to exchange news. Those networks were invited to visit Iran, since there is a reception program for Kuwaiti media personnel. We hope to sign official bilateral cooperation agreements in the field of news and exchanging of pictures in the future, especially since the media plays a pivotal role in reinforcing relationships among people.

Are you willing to assist Kuwait in the field of nuclear energy if you were asked?

Mehman: We are willing to assist all independent and Islamic countries in the field of nuclear energy, including Kuwait, since Kuwait is a neighboring Islamic country.

In a statement made by the US Foreign Secretary Hillary Clinton, she mentioned that the problem is not the Iranian nuclear program, but in the fact that Iran refuses to reveal the location of its nuclear power stations.

Mehman: Well, this is Hillary Clinton's opinion, but we have a different one. We believe that the US and several other countries do not want the rest of the world to possess nuclear power for peaceful purposes. Those countries want to monopolize nuclear energy technology to sell to us for very high prices, to impose their guidelines, and to deprive us of our independence. Clinton knows that our nuclear activities are peaceful and that we were the ones who began the anti-nuclear weapons project.

What is required for relations with the US to improve?

Mehman: The US has to improve its dialogue with other nations and must stop being unjust by adopting discriminating policies. It should also acknowledge the rights of free people to live, and stop attacking other countries, in addition to stop supporting illegitimate countries, such as Israel. If this happens, we have no problem with the US.

Numerous reports have been published on the arrest of several Sunni scholars in Iran. What is your perspective?

Mehman: These are false rumors, since the Sunnis and Shiites live peacefully in Iran, in addition to Christians, Jews, and practitioners of other religions. Sunnis practice their religious rituals and have representatives in the Parliament, regardless of their numbers; but since we respect them, we allowed them to have a representative according to the Constitution. Such false claims regarding religious discord between Sunnis and Shiites are totally false and aim to cause sedition among the people of the Islamic nations. We believe that most of these claims emanate from the Zionist regime.

Until when will the controversy concerning the name of the Gulf exist? What is your comment regarding the suggestion made by a Saudi Arabian writer to call it the Islamic Gulf?

Mehman: There are two subjects that we must not amalgamate. Of course, the Islamic world must live in harmony and peace, since we are all Muslims and we all share the same cause and goals. However, the issue of naming the Gulf an international issue that involves laws, regulations, and historic documents that are approved by the United Nations. There are numerous historic documents that refer to the Gulf as the Persian Gulf. History cannot be manipulated, just like the names of countries; the name of the Gulf cannot be changed.

Has Iran established partnership banks to overcome economic sanctions?

Mehman: Iran has extensive economic programs and the US is committing a grave mistake by imposing illegal sanctions on Iran, since the Iranian people have not committed any crimes. All what we are after is our right of freedom and independence; we will not submit to the US which itself is a perpetrator of crimes. However, since we seek to boost our economic cooperation and develop our economy, we do have projects in collaboration with others in the banking field, in addition to joint investment funds, not to mention major projects in other countries.

Are you concerned about the American presence in the Middle East and Central Asia?

Mehman: We are not concerned about the presence of the American troops in the region. However, we believe that the region will be more stable without their presence. American troops are present in many countries across the world. The Americans, under the excuse of the 9/11 attacks, have invaded Pakistan and Afghanistan, and claimed that the have three goals in Afghanistan, which are to increase security and stability, eliminate terrorism, and eliminate narcotics. However, since the beginning of their military campaign, 110,000 people have been killed in Afghanistan, and security is far from being imposed; quite the contrary, tension has increased, the drug problem has multiplied by thirty, and unemployment rates are skyrocketing. There is no indicator of any security, political stability, or solutions for unemployment; thus we believe that the absence of American forces will lead to stability and security in the region. We also believe that the countries of the region should assist each other to achieve prosperity and security, in addition to beginning joint developmental economic projects.

What is your comment about the fact that some members of the Bin Laden family live in Iran?

Mehman: If you notice, every time the American troops face challenges and fail in accomplishing their goals in Iraq and Afghanistan, they start inventing such statements, especially before commencing negotiations on the Iranian nuclear power issue. The Americans support terrorists in south Iran in Sistan and Baluchistan that are led by a criminal called Abdul Malek Reegi, who formed a terrorist group and beheaded 400 innocent people, in addition to terrorizing many others. The Americans used to support that criminal, and after he was arrested and pictures and other documents emerged, we discovered that the terrorists were trained in American camps. The Americans and the Western countries are not sincere in their war against terrorism, which is evident by this terrorist group that is currently found in those countries' lands. The Americans also deleted the name of Mujahedi Khalk, which is a terrorist group that killed more than 11,000 Iranians before the Islamic Revolution. This group also killed American experts, in addition to plotting and executing terrorist attacks in Iraq. Such groups are welcomed in Europe and are not labeled as terrorists there; thus we should investigate who is the real supporter or the real combatant of terrorism.

Did you discuss with the Iraqi government the presence of Mujahedi Khalk militants in Diali Governorate?

Mehman: In the past, we discussed the matter, and now we waiting for the formation of the Iraqi government to reopen the issue again, because the presence of those militants in Iraq harms the Iranian and Iraqi people.

What about the opposition outside Iran?

Mehman: There are 5 million Iranians outside Iran; maybe thousands of them are part of the opposition, which is a small number when compared to the millions in and outside Iran who support the Iranian nation. The Iranian regime is successful and leads the republic to continuous prosperity, while some western countries support those opposing groups, despite their lack of popularity in Iran and overseas, and this is why their opposition never succeeded, since they always clash with each other.

How do you describe the relationship between Iran, and Saudi Arabia and Egypt?

Mehman: We believe that all Islamic countries must support each other, especially the leading Islamic countries that are influential in the international arena, such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt. We have reiterated several times that Iran should have strong relationships with those countries. There are significant initiatives and steps towards cementing bilateral relationships in Saudi Arabia; but in Egypt, we see that the local officials are not taking serious steps toward cementing the external relationship policies with Iran. However, the Iranian-Egyptian relationships are beneficial for the Islamic world, and the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated that Iran is ready to establish political relationships with Egypt whenever the Egyptian authorities are ready.

Some Lebanese groups have accused Iran of interfering in the Lebanese domestic affairs and of working to stop the Tribunal Court?

Mehman: We do not interfere in Lebanese domestic affairs, but we support the unity of the Lebanese lands and the Lebanese people. We also defend the resistance against Israel, and support Lebanese government and unity. We believe that the Lebanese people have become politically mature and can now form a new government to rule the country. The visit by the President is evidence that Iran has relationships with various political parties in Lebanon. This visit was a response to the invitation sent made by the Lebanese president Michel Suleiman. The visit was successful by all means, and led to the development of the Lebanese economy, in addition to signing 16 memorandums of cooperation in the fields of industry, technology, information, and power.

To what extent do the Iranians support the resistance in Palestine?

Mehman: We support the resistance against Israel, and we warn the Palestinians against dispersion, because their unity will help them in regaining their legitimate rights. The colonizers must be eliminated, since they have come from remote, dispersed lands, while the Palestinian refugees must go back to their homes. When this happens, then a solution can be reached to settle that issue, and a government can be formed, regardless of its religious beliefs, whether Muslims, Christian, or Jewish. The upper hand is for the majority of the Palestinians, and any other solution will be futile.

How do you see the future of the region?

Mehman: We believe that the countries of the region must live in harmony and prosperity by establishing a regional security organization. The western troops must leave the region, since the region has wealth, human resources and the manpower to build a bright future.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lebanon celebrates Independence Day in Kuwait

Wednesday,24 November 2010

By : Jameel W. Karaki Wafaa Qansour
KUWAIT: Minister of Oil & Information Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah praised the bilateral relationships between Kuwait and Lebanon, emphasizing the strengths built on that relationship especially in that it is known that many Kuwaitis travel to Lebanon, including himself, since he personally studied there. His statements were given to reporters during a celebration held at the Lebanese Embassy on Monday night to celebrate the 67th anniversary of Lebanon's independence.

The minister went on to say that he was honored to represent the Kuwaiti government for the second consecutive time in the Lebanese celebration.

Meanwhile, Arab World Department Manager at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Jassem Al-Mubarki announced that the Kuwaiti government vowed to build not more than 50 houses, hospitals, and schools for Iraqi farmers that currently live parallel to the Iraqi borders. This is in order to move them further into Iraq and leave at least 500 meters on both sides of the borders. He explained that the 500 meters distance on both sides of the borders would allow accurate monitoring of the borders, in addition to allocating an area for patrol cars for further control of this area.

It is worth noting that Kuwait had proposed to evacuate the area around the borders, but Iraq still has farmers living there, which prompted Kuwait to put forward the proposal, not to mention that the Iraqi houses block the international border signs. Al-Mubarki mentioned that that issue was raised in the past and will be discussed again in the future.

However, he stated that the most important issue now is the execution of this proposal especially as Iraqi political rivals have managed to agree on the formation of a government that will represent all Iraqi sects. He added that Kuwait looks forward to this government that should bring prosperity to its people and establish good relationships with all its neighbors, including Kuwait. He expressed hope that the coming government would work on solving pending issues, as they must be solved eventually, and revealed that Kuwait has fulfilled its commitment on border demarcation, which leaves Iraq to fulfill its commitment concerning that issue.

For his part, Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Kuwait Dr. Abdualaziz Al-Fayez stated that "the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques pays special attention to Lebanon, and seeks to overcome the difficulties facing Lebanon and achieve the ambitions of its people."

In his response to a question on complains issued by some Kuwaiti residents regarding preventing them from travelling to Saudi Arabia and the way they were treated after performing the Hajj he said, "Do you know why that happened? They obtained transit visa and stamped them, but they are not valid for the Hajj."

He added that a person who attempts to go on the Hajj without the appropriate Visa should not expect be treated like a regular pilgrim.

He further asserted that the Kingdom has a non-debatable right whether or not to allow anyone to enter its lands, noting that those who obtain a visa for any reason, should meet its conditions.

Al-Fayez also said "Such behavior causes problems for other pilgrims because the said person does have any accommodation, transportation or services, thus he become dependent on the organizers and supervisors that are responsible for the safety of the pilgrims."

He highlighted the fact that actions will be taken against these people, pointing out that they stayed in Saudi Arabia for a period of time longer than permitted.

Meanwhile, Ambassador of Lebanon to Kuwait Dr. Bassam Nomani thanked His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah for their unconditional support of Lebanon and for the care that the Lebanese community receives in Kuwait.

Monday, November 15, 2010

بوش «يسرق» في المذكرات

واشنطن - القبس

اتهمت صحيفة هافنغتون بوست - في تقرير لمراسلها في واشنطن رايان غريم نشرته أمس - الرئيس الأميركي السابق جورج بوش بنسخ مقتطفات من مذكرات منشورة من قبل لعدد من مرؤوسيه، في مذكراته التي نشرها اخيراً تحت عنوان «لحظات اتخاذ القرار».

وأشار الكاتب الى أن بوش قد اقتبس اجزاء من هذه المذكرات كلمة كلمة، زاعماً أنها من لدنه، حين لم يشر الى الكاتب الحقيقي لهذه الاقتباسات. كما اعطى لنفسه الحق في القيام بسرقات ادبية من كتب وصحف ومجلات ومقالات كُتبت حول رئاسته. وبدلاً من إلقاء هذه المقتطفات الضوء على كيفية تعاطي الرئيس مع اللحظات الحاسمة لاتخاذ القرارات المهمة، اتسمت بالسطحية وعدم الاتيان بجديد حول شخصية الرئيس. وقال غريم إن بوش «كسول لدرجة تمنعه من أن يكتب مذكراته بنفسه».

وفي حين يؤكد الرئيس السابق أنه كتب مذكراته بنفسه، هناك الكثير من النقاد الذين يقولون إنه لا يعرف كيف يقرأ، ناهيك عن كيف يكتب؟ ويمثل هذا التقرير ذخيرة اضافية لهم للتشكيك في مزاعم بوش. ويتندر البعض عليه بالقول «إنه تبين أن الرئيس ليس فقط لا يعرف كيف يقرأ فحسب، بل لا يعرف كيف يبحث عن الموضوعات في «غوغل» أيضاً! أو ربما يفعل أحد مساعديه ذلك نيابة عنه}.

فالرئيس بوش يتحدث عن لقاء مؤثر جمع الرئيس الافغاني وأحد أمراء الحرب الطاجيك يوم الاحتفال بتنصيب كرزاي، في الوقت الذي يعترف فيه في مكان آخر من مذكراته بأنه لم يحضر ذلك الحفل!

ويبدو أن الرئيس انتشل هذا المقطع من كتاب نشره الصحافي أحمد رشيد في كتاب له تحت عنوان «الفوضى في أفغانستان»، الذي أورد فيه حواراً على مدرج المطار بين كرزاي والزعيم الطاجيكي.

وأما الحادثة الثانية، فيكتب بوش عن تصريح لمنافسه جون ماكين حول شكوكه ازاء نجاح زيادة عدد القوات في تحقيق النجاح في العراق، فأوردها على شكل حوار دار بينهما، حيث ردّ عليه بوش بأنه يضمن الفشل اذا لم يتم تبني هذه الاستراتيجية الجديدة.

وتتكرر مثل هذه الحوادث كثيراً لدرجة جعلت كتاب بوش عبارة عن مجموعة من رؤى الآخرين للأحداث، وهذا عكس ما وعد به بوش القراء بأن يقدم لهم الحقائق، كما يراها هو وبمساعدة الباحثين والمصادر التي لا يزال بعضها سريًّا.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

التاسع من ذي الحجة إستشهاد سفير الأمام الحسين مسلم بن عقيل

في التاسع من شهر ذي الحجة من سنة 60 للهجرة استشهد العبد الصالح والمجاهد الثابت سفير الإمام الحسين (صلوات الله عليه) إلى اهل الكوفة مسلم بن عقيل عليه السلام.

حيث روى المؤرخون: انه لما اجتمعت كتب اهل الكوفة الكثيرة جداًً عند الإمام الحسين (صلوات الله عليه) تدعوه للتوجه إلى الكوفة وأنهم سيوف مشرعة لنصرته وو... رأى الإمام (عليه السلام) ان يرسل رجلاً من أهل بيته ليستخبر الحال ويطلع على صدق هذه النداءات. ولم يكن هذه الامر أمراً عادياً، فأن هذا الرجل الذي سيختاره الإمام له دخالة في صميم الثورة الحسينية وسيؤثر عليها سلباً وأيجاباً من خلال تصرفاته.. فلابد ان يكون هذا الرجل -عالماً، شجاعاً، مؤمناً بعدالة القضية، عارفاً بأبعادها... وكانت هذه المواصفات مجتمعة في مسلم بن عقيل. فأرسله الإمام (صلوات الله عليه) بهذه المهمة.

والملاحظ لسيرة الإمام الحسين (عليه السلام) يجد انه دائماً يضع الشخص المناسب في المكان المناسب. حرصا منه على جعل ثورته ثورة متكاملة.

فذهب مسلم إلى الكوفة وبايعه الناس فكتب إلى الإمام الحسين (صلوات الله عليه) يخبره بالحال ويستعجله القدوم. فتحرك الإمام (عليه السلام) على اساس كتاب مسلم متوجهاً نحو الكوفة.

الا ان الامور انقلبت من خلال التدابير الوحشية والاساليب الشيطانية التي تحصنت به الحكومة المركزية وذلك عن طريق ارسال الملعون عبيد الله بن زياد إلى الكوفة وتوجيه الأوامر اليه بقمع ثورة مسلم وقتله... وبعد جملة من الاحداث انتهى الامر بقتل مسلم بن عقيل ورمي جسده من أعلى قصر الامارة إلى الارض وسحبه في الاسواق معلنين بذلك عن خستهم ودنائتهم وبراءتهم من الإسلام.

فعلوا ذلك بعد ان نازلهم مسلم نزال الابطال وجالدهم مجالدة الفحل وبعد ان أعاد إلى الكوفة صولات عمّه أمير المؤمنين (عليه السلام) وما قدروا عليه الا من خلال الحيلة والغدر كما هو شأنهم.

وذكر الطبري ان مسلم بن عقيل (سلام الله عليه) عندما دخل على ابن زياد دار بينهما حوار طويل منه:

ان ابن زياد قال له ان نفسك تمنيك ما حال الله دونه ولم يرك اهله

فقال ابن عقيل: فمن اهله يا بن زياد

قال: امير المؤمنين يزيد،

فقال: الحمد لله على كل حال. رضينا بالله حكماً بيننا وبينكم

فقال ابن زياد: انك تظن ان لكم في الامر شيئاً.

فقال مسلم بن عقيل: ما هو الظن ولكنه باليقين.

قال عبيد الله بن زياد: قتلني الله ان لم اقتلك قتلة لم يقتلها احد في الاسلام.

فقال: اما انك احق من احدث في الاسلام ما لم يكن فيه، اما انك لا تدع سوء القتلة وقبح المثلة وخبث السيرة ولؤم الغلبه ولا احد من الناس احق بها منك.

فأقبل ابن زياد وهو يشتم حسيناً وعلياً وعقيلاً (عليهم السلام(

واخذ مسلم لا يكلمه وكان ابن عقيل قد عرى حقيقة ابن زياد

اذ قال له: ان اباك قتل خيار الناس وسفك دماءهم وعمل فيهم اعمال كسرى وقيصر ووصف عبيد الله وآباءه وبني امية بأنهم يليغون في دماء المسلمين ولغاً ويقتلون النفس التي حرم الله قتلها ويقتلون النفس بغير النفس ويسفكون الدم الحرام ويقتلون على الغضب والعداوة وسوء الظن وهم يلهون ويلعبون وكأن لم يصنعوا شيئاً.

بعدها امر ابن زياد بضرب عنق مسلم بن عقيل فوق سطح القصر فصعد به وهو يكبر ويستغفر ويصلي على ملائكة الله ورسله

وهو يقول: اللهم احكم بيننا وبين قوم غربونا وكذبونا وذلونا وقتلونا، ثم ضرب عنقه رضوان الله تعالى عليه.

فالسلام على اول شهيد يقدمه الحسين (صلوات الله عليه)، والسلام على المؤمن المواسي لأمامه بغربته وعطشه ورض صدره.

Monday, November 8, 2010

As G-20 summit nears, China is unlikely to budge on currency

By Robert J. Samuelson

Monday, November 8, 2010
The idea of "rebalancing" the world economy is simple. Before the financial crisis, some advanced countries (led by the United States) were overspending, and some poorer countries (led by China) were oversaving. The two offset each other. The big spenders ran large trade deficits, and the big savers ran large trade surpluses. Now, the financial crisis has dampened the overspending. If the big savers don't increase their spending, the world economy faces prolonged slow growth. Countries may battle each other for shares of that weak demand by managing exchange rates, subsidies or tariffs.

This is a formula for economic strife, whether called "currency wars," protectionism or economic nationalism. As wealthy countries wrestle with stubborn unemployment (9.6 percent in the United States, 10.1 percent in France, 20.5 percent in Spain), it will become harder to resist policies that favor local businesses and workers, especially if other countries are doing the same. Avoiding this future is the central issue facing leaders of the Group of 20 economies when they meet this week in Seoul.

In practice, it may boil down to this: Will China change?

The world's second-largest economy has run blatantly mercantilist (that is, discriminatory) economic policies for years. The resulting huge trade surpluses boosted job growth and, while much of the world boomed, they were tolerated. In 2007, China's current account surplus (mainly trade) reached 11 percent of its economy (gross domestic product). But as China has moved up the value chain - from toys to telecommunications equipment - and as the world economy weakened, its surpluses have become more threatening to more countries.

Like Japan before it, China embraced an investment-led and export-led economic model, explains economist Eswar Prasad of Cornell University. Manufacturers receive subsidized land and energy; the exchange rate of the renminbi is controlled and kept depressed, making Chinese exports more competitive on world markets and making imports into China more expensive. Bank lending rates, regulated by government, are also kept low so that companies can borrow cheaply.

The result has been rapid, though lopsided, industrialization. Economic growth has averaged about 10 percent annually for several decades. In modernizing, China shut down or streamlined many inefficient state-owned enterprises; the job loss was substantial, 43 million from 1997 to 2004, says the World Bank. One appeal of new export-oriented companies was to replace those jobs.

In many ways, China's sophisticated economic management is admirable. Periodic warnings that a popped real estate "bubble" would trigger a broad slump have (so far) proved hollow. When housing prices get too high, notes economist Nicholas Lardy of the Peterson Institute, the government raises interest rates, down payment requirements and taxes on speculators (buyers of second, third or more properties). "These let the air out of bubble," he says. Housing prices moderate or fall. Similarly, China alters its exchange rate to sustain rapid economic growth by regulating demand for its exports.

But now this model is encountering political and economic limits. It's not just Americans who resent the unfair export advantage of an undervalued currency; Europeans, Japanese, Mexicans and others are also unhappy. Although no one has imposed tough import restrictions, these are no longer unthinkable. Meanwhile, China's high savings rate frustrates domestic spending. In the United States, gross national saving is about 15 percent of GDP; in China, it's about 50 percent. Savings normally go toward new factories, machinery and offices. But China's domestic needs for these aren't large enough to absorb all that saving.

That's why it needs more consumer spending, lest it export more to compensate for lack of domestic demand. Economists Lardy and Prasad have long advocated measures to increase Chinese household income and spending: a more generous safety net to limit saving for health emergencies and old age; higher bank deposit interest rates so that consumers would earn more on their accounts; requirements for companies to pay dividends and not reinvest most retained profits.

The Chinese know this. They even embrace the goal of stimulating consumer spending and are trying to do so. But until they succeed, they won't relinquish the crutch of an undervalued exchange rate. "Do not work to pressurize us on the renminbi rate," Prime Minister Wen Jiabao recently warned. Exporters would close; workers would lose their jobs. "If China saw social and economic turbulence, then it would be a disaster for the world." Jobless workers elsewhere may find this argument unpersuasive.

If China resists global rebalancing, it won't happen regardless of what this week's communique from Seoul pledges. The omens seem unpromising. The United States has let the dollar depreciate to cut its trade deficit. Because the renminbi is pegged to the dollar, the depreciation actually improves China's export competitiveness against some countries. All this looks less like rebalancing than a dogfight - among China, the United States and others - for competitive advantage.

Zain board approves opening books to Etisalat

Zain board approves opening books to Etisalat

Monday,08 November 2010

Source : Agencies

KUWAIT: The board of Kuwaiti telecom Zain approved opening the company's books for due diligence by UAE's Etisalat which has offered to buy 46 percent of the firm, a source close to the deal told Reuters on Sunday.

Etisalat, the Gulf's second largest telecoms group, offered in September to buy a 46 percent stake in Zain for 1.7 Kuwaiti dinars (6.07 US dollars) a share, in a deal worth just under $12 billion. Etisalat said on Wednesday it was making any deal dependent on the sale of Zain's Saudi assets.

Earlier on Sunday, Zain said in a statement to the Kuwaiti bourse that its board would meet to discuss a request submitted by Kharafi Group's Al-Khair National to open Zain's books to Etisalat.

Zain, the Gulf Arab region's third-biggest telecoms firm, sold its African assets this year but still operates in high-growth Middle Eastern markets such as Iraq and Lebanon, among others.

Zain's shares closed 2.8 percent up on Sunday on the Kuwaiti bourse, while Etisalat's shares closed 0.5 percent higher on the Abu Dhabi bourse.

"They [board of directors] have approved the process of due diligence," a source close to the deal, who asked not to be named, told Zawya Dow Jones.

Etisalat said last week it would acquire 51 percent of the issued share capital of Zain, under an updated proposal, valued at about $11.7 billion.

Meanwhile, the Kuwaiti dinar was traded 0.280 against the US dollar on Sunday while its rate against the euro was at KD 0.392.

The Central Bank of Kuwait (CBK) said on its Web site that the rate of the national currency rose to KD 0.453 against the Sterling, KD 0.003 versus the Japanese yen, and was KD 0.291 vis-à-vis the Swiss franc.

Trading on the international financial market was largely stagnant in shadow of hike of the rate of the main currencies vis-à-vis the greenback, which dropped after issuance of statements by global influential economic quarters in the end of last week.

The US Federal Bank has declared a new plan to earmark $600 billion per month for stimulating economic growth, while the labor market showed positive signs.

Meanwhile, European and Asian markets issued statements on the interest rate, where Britain kept it at 0.5 percent, while the European Central Bank kept it at 1.0 percent.

In the Asian markets, India and Australia hiked the interest rate to, respectively, 6.25 percent and 4.75 percent, to keep inflation proportions within specific limits. Last week, the Bank of Japan declared keeping the interest rate at 0.1 percent - with the intention of stimulating lending in the local market.